Dossier: Jones, Taibas

My companion’s brother came to visit, and I am hella ti-zired, as they say in Snooptown. So I am taking a bite off the hilarious Matthew Baldwin of local Defective Yeti fame. May his meme from December 2nd bring you peace, joy, and kumquats.


Name and Age:
Nietzsche, 10

Secret Actual Name:
Taibas Jones, named after the fearsome Taibas fighting style.

Name According To Strudel:
None. Strudel just stares at Nietzsche and plots. Frannie used to call her Tee-tee.

Prior Name:
My roommate at the time voted for “Lumpy” and /or “Hellrider.”

Generic Nickname:
The Devil

Nickname When Bad:
Stanky Malone

Nickname When Playing With Cat Toy:
Lady Zooms-a-Lot

Nickname When Sitting:

Nickname When Agitated:

Senorita Flickybutt

Nickname when walking on us as we lay in bed at 4:00 AM:

Nickname Reflecting How Cat Came To Be In Our Possession:
The smallest, saddest one in the box, who came with a free can of cat food.

3 thoughts on “Dossier: Jones, Taibas

  1. My friend Jon who is– unsurprisingly –from Ballard named his cat Buns. He wanted to name it Ass, but his mom wouldn’t let him so Buns was the compromise. I knew Jon for 23 years and Buns survivied for easily 16 of those. When Jon was older he gave Buns to his mom. I used to go over there to help her move furniture and stuff and it was always weird to hear her calling the cat by its name.

    And the cat? Meaner than a fat kid on a rice cake diet. I always figured he was pissed about the name.

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