The State of the Union is on Fire

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Today I am hitting the packing pretty hard. That is, when I’m not goofing around making movies and writing on the internets. I have about three more days of packing and everything should be done–I think there’s enough time for all this. I won’t be posting this weekend because they will be shutting off the internet on Friday sometime. I sincerely hope that one of my friends (hint hint) will call me on Saturday and catch me up on the doings and whereabouts of Kevin Federline and give me the update on Katie Holmes’s clambaby.

Off to have 4,000 Diet Cokes with Lime and packity packity pack! I will be just like that girl in the hilarious old meth ads. “I don’t sleep and I don’t eat! I’ve got the cleanest house on the street!” Except, you know, with a Diet Coke. So I will only be up until 11, instead of until, like Tuesday.

Does anyone remember that ad? I found someone discussing it, but not a link. I was in college and working at the time, and was really crunched. It made me think, man, I’ve gotta get my hands on some meth. Hee.

Update! 7:49 PM: Joshua Norton, Protector of Wales, found the meth commercial. It’s just as sweet as I remembered! Thanks, Joshua! You librarian-pnwed me like a little bitch!

In other news, my baby is better all the time, so I am enjoying her careening around the moving boxes. They’re a little dark (so is this apartment today) but they support my thesis, which is: babies are nuts.

Drunken Monkey Attack

Strudel Eats It

14 thoughts on “The State of the Union is on Fire

  1. My brother was part of the ONDCP staff that came up with those ads…So, proud, I am.

  2. You have the sweetest mom voice, SJ. And the most hardcore baby I’ve ever seen. Before the video I wondered what you did all day–now I see how much joy and adorableness there is. You’re an awesome mom, to an awesome baby.

  3. Don’t listen to them. You’re a terrible mom and your baby’s funny looking.

    (This sounded pretty damn funny in my head. Actual mileage may be less funny or– and here’s an unsettling thought –unforgivably rude. But real artists take risks. Then qualify them with parenthetical commentary.)

  4. Ha ha! People arguing in my comments. Just like ye olde days of 2004. Snif.

    Squid, I’m glad you came back! I wondered who that was!

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