Dear Companion and Father of My Child

As you know, you just dropped me off at the airport. And I’m sorry, but I need to tell you something, and I know you will check my blog because you know I go on sneaky bloggy autopilot sometimes when I go out of town. I’m sorry I copped out on this. I suspect I was hemming and hawing as I got out of the car, too chickenshit to say anything.

Listen, I love you. I think you’re hot. Hottt, even. You’re the tits, Baby. You’re the Hottt Tits, so don’t forget that. You my babydaddy. But you have to understand that I am going to California this weekend, which contains the highest concentration of sexy people on the face of this planet, with the exception of Brazil. (Aside to the bosses of Blogher: next year, we meet in Brazil.)

People I Will Sex Up If I Run Into Them When I Am in California, You Have Been Warned, and Don’t Worry, Because I Will Post Pictures.

(In no particular order, really.)

Alan Rickman, circa “Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves”
Figure Mrrow: Could that scenery BE more delicious? No, it could not.
Steve Almond
Chet Baker, pre-Italian mafia-teeth-knockout
Angelina Jolie, lactating or not
The Duff Sister Who Looks Less Like a Horse
The Duff Sister Who Looks More Like a Horse

Britney Spears’s Manny
Gyllenhaal Sandwich (again, lactating or not)
Hott Blogging Librarian Ski Team
(I think maybe I just dreamed about this? I can’t google it up.)
Tim Robbins
Tom Robbins
Anthony Robbins

BUT NOT Robin Williams. Rest assured.

See you Monday, Sweetie! I’ll bring you back an STD a hat with a lobster sewn onto it.

9 thoughts on “Dear Companion and Father of My Child

  1. Any chance you’re swinging through San Francisco? Let me know. Would be delighted to meet up. And I am a committed monogamous man in a relationship. So no need for your main man to worry. :)

  2. Yeah, I’ll take a Gyllenhaal Sandwich. Well, on second thought, as Brokeback Nasty as that could really be, I’ve long been dreaming of my tender moments with Just Maggie. Since PRE Secretary, thank you very much. I wanted to spank her way back in the Donnie Darko Days.

    As for Tom Robbins…he’s a Washington State resident, so you’re likelier to sex him up around here. He lives in LaConner and I’m sure his house is not that hard to find. Or evidently he still kicks it at the Blue Moon from time to time.

  3. Alan Rickman: Good choice.

    But Chet Baker: dead. Not so good choice. Go for Josh Hartnett instead. He’s going to play Baker in “The Prince of Cool” next year, so he’ll probably let you call him Chet as part of that whole Method-actor thing.

  4. Steve Almond, as in the Writer Steve Almond?

    I bought one of his books recently. The book is pretty good, but after looking at his picture on the jacket I think I need to have him come over and read it to me in person so I can get the full effect, know what I mean?

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