In Which The Night Manager Thinks I Was Serious About That Skinner Box Thing

Today we were at the grocery store picking up some stuff for dinner when Franny found her favorite night manager, who has been her friend for almost three years now. I eavesdropped.

“How’s your summer going?” the night manager asked.

“Okaaay,” Franny said.

“What have you been doing?” she asked.

“Nothing,” Franny replied. Oh, that’s right. We haven’t been going to the Zoo, working on reading, or doing drama camp. And we certainly haven’t been going on vacation or anything.

“Nothing?” the manager pressed. “Nothing at all?”

“Well,” Franny conceded, “I have been sitting in a cardboard box, staring at the wall.”

I popped around the corner.

“LIES!” I shouted, pointing at Franny. Strudel murmured, abandoned in her strolly by the case of salsa and tortillas. “You’ve been reading. You’ve been doing a lot of stuff,” I accused.

Franny shrugged and glanced at the night manager as if to say, “I don’t know this crazy woman either. What’s with people, anyway?”

I’ll remember this the next time you need shots, Franny. I may just let you go rabid.

One thought on “In Which The Night Manager Thinks I Was Serious About That Skinner Box Thing

  1. Hey – This is completely unrelated, but here it is.

    In the past you’ve mentioned how hard it is to find work. I get this RSS feed for law librarians sent to me daily. Here is their blurb on librarians looking for a job. Hope it’s helpful.

    “Librarians: Looking for a Job?

    (1 Aug) American Libraries Association announced the launch of JobLIST,
    a Web site that incorporates listings from job sites maintained by
    American Libraries, the Association of College and Research Libraries’
    (ACRL) C&RL News, and ALA’s Office for Human Resource Development and

    SEE: JobLIST

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