I Think This Person Really Thinks I’m a Post-Op Podiatrist Or Something

You guys! Look at the hilarious comment on this post! It’s the reaaaally long one riddled with misspellings, with the author’s name listed as “Veritas.” Hee.

Awesome. No matter what you are doing on the intarwebs, someone will come and tell you that you should not be doing it. It’s a good thing that total strangers who breeze by off a Google search and read one entry can tell me how to live my life. And here I was in a web of confusion before Veritas came along.

It’s tempting to give them my usual deluxe troll treatment, in which the comment is modified to include their predilection for molesting puppies. But no, Veritas gets a prize: Ye Olde Golden Shit Stirrer.


14 thoughts on “I Think This Person Really Thinks I’m a Post-Op Podiatrist Or Something

  1. My goal for the day is to fit “high-filutant” into a sentence, ideally without anybody noticing.

  2. Long time lurker here chiming in with agreement to the above comments and to propose the following sentence:

    The “high-filutant” asshats who scorn I, Asshole and then sign off by saying “Late” deserve the deluxe troll treatment, in addition to ye olde golden shit stirrer.

  3. There’s something oddly Southern, y’all, about his syntax. WTF? It’s tough to take someone seriously when they get on their high-filutant hoss like that.

  4. I was going to post something clever, and then I thought to myself, “When I’m lying on my deathbed, will I look back on my life and regret all the time I spent wasting my cleverness on people I haven’t met f2f?”

    Nah. Probably not.

  5. Oh, I know, for reals. I have been thinking a lot about people who are like “you internets people are depraved and wasting your lives!”

    What about published authors? Their books fly out into the world and they probably only meet a fraction of their readers. Has Calvin Trillin wasted his life? Did Erma Bombeck waste hers? I guess you could argue that they both did/are, but I’m glad I read their work and laughed.

    Oh, Carny, you’ve got being all sincere now. DAMMIT.

  6. I know that this topic has been discussed already, but I am from the Chicago-area too. I’m not sure why I am so excited that you also hail from there, but I think it has something to do with being high-filutant and all that.

  7. Wow. I don’t know about you, but I went to High School with a lot of people like *that*. Guess why I didn’t go to my reunion! (11th? that is so pathetic!)
    BTW, could you have a look at my bunions?
    High-filutantly yours…

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