14 thoughts on “Technical Difficulties

  1. Haha, nice one Supa! That sounds so…umm kinky! I keep checking in hoping that she’s posted, but I’ll be patient! For now. We’ll see how long I wait without protesting!

  2. well isn’t that enough to make you want to cry? No promises that I won’t be compulsively refreshing to see if you have updated anyway. That’s just the way I roll.

    ps yum on Kahlua + eggnog! Thanks for the tipsy tip

  3. Dearest SJ, I send this, a propos of absolutely nothing; I just came across it and thought it was your kind of thing. Cheers, -C.

  4. I think we shall call Daniel Boss Hog. lol I’m just kidding Boss…I mean Daniel. There must be a magnetic force dragging me to the site, cuz I STILL check it everyday regardless!

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