It’s All Therapy Over Turntable Riffs

Sorry, taking the seat of the potty, the part that’s just a hole, placing it on the ground, and peeing through the potty seat onto the carpet does not actually count. EPIC FAIL.

Although, there were no negative consequences to this for her. I was the one who had to clean up the puddle.

By that logic I think I’m going to cut out a picture of a pina colada from a magazine and lick it until it becomes real. Perhaps someone else will clean up the mess when I go batshit crazy from ink poisoning. And then I will take a piece of chalk and draw a door and write “anywheres” on it.

A couple of nights ago I dreamt I cleaned up a puddle of urine, and then I turned around and there was another, and I couldn’t get her on the potty because I was afraid she would slip in her pee. The puddles were endless.

I am going to go put on my Friday underpants and cry softly.

7 thoughts on “It’s All Therapy Over Turntable Riffs

  1. Oh poodle!

    Last night I dreamed I was on a trip and I didn’t have any Q-Tips. this was a major problem. God, even my DREAMS suck this week. Whatev.

  2. I don’t know, it’s maybe beginning to sound like a fight not worth … fighting. Sorry, hangover.

    If it were me I’d put the diapers back on and shrug. Then tell her there are things you just can’t do if you’re still in diapers, and make something up.

  3. i just like it that you have fun stuff to read daily. be happy your child actually GOES. mine wouldn’t let go, drove me crazy. decided he would do IT at 4. and did. control freak. still is…

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