Oh My Good Christ

Holy Weirdness!

I have been linked by a sex site! Whoop! I was googling around, looking for something related to a wayback entry of mine, when I found this: The Erosblog.

It’s funny. I wrote this, posted it, and it’s all TRUE! TRUE! TRUE! but for some reason I blushed when I saw it up somewhere else. Someone else is interested in the foul things I am always crapping on about, and I just see this place as a giant filthy brain dump. I feel like someone’s been going through my dirty clothes hamper. Hee hee.

I’m just glad it’s such a quality site. You know it’s good when “weird” is mispelled. Yup. Qwality.

6 thoughts on “Oh My Good Christ

  1. How DARE they judge your Mr. Husband because he would rather read than eat jawbreakers out of your, as Bacchus delicately phrased it, whatsis!

    Oh Lord, a cunning linguists joke. I think I may have found my newest gag-worthy website.

    Where are these people hiding? And why are they all on the internet?

  2. ‘Vaginabreakers’ is a classic. Girl, that one alone will make you a STAR…

    Really–god I love that story. This is really true: I heard about blogs, thought it was a cool idea, read some of them (about a year ago or so), thought they were boring, discovered ‘Vaginabreakers’ in early October and started to blog.

  3. Aw, thanks Miel. My ambition is to change people’s lives through stories about my vagina. Thank you.

  4. Hmm, sorry about the laundry hamper business, never imagined a blogger would see things that way.

    And thanks for the spelling tip — that’s enough to make *me* blush.

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