Sexy Mama May #1: What Does It Mean to Be a Sex-Positive Mom?


As an aside: the best sex store that ever was, Babeland, has asked me along with a few other bloggers to write for their Sexy Mama May for Mother’s Day. They will have theme weeks this month about what it means to be a sex-pos mom, and I will write on their topics. I am also able to do a giveaway sometime this month of a cool swag pack, and I am trying to decide how to do it. Stay tuned!

Hooray, Mother’s Day is coming! That one token day where I get to sit around and pretend that my feral dwarf overlords appreciate me because they throw a couple of frozen waffles at me before going back to destroying the house.

Okay, I kid. I like Mother’s Day. And the house-destroyers are the reason I can celebrate it, right? For the past few years, Franny has been giving some thought to how she got here, starting with the appearance of her sister as a lump on my body. As I explained pregnancy and conception to her, with the aid of a great book called “What’s the Big Secret?” I could see her look of quiet horror as she put two and two together and realized that yes, I, her mother, had to have sex to conceive both her and her sister.

Things are getting easier with her now though. She asks questions about sex and love a little hesitantly, but frankly, about things she doesn’t understand. The other day she confessed that she dreamt she kissed a boy. It sounded very sweet and chaste, much like my first erotic dream about Michael J. Fox. It was fun for me to see her all thrilled and yet kind of freaked out about it all.

“Well, that’s totally normal,” I said. “Everyone has dreams like that.” I told her I dreamt about holding hands with Michael J. Fox, because we saw Back to the Future recently and she knows who he is.

“He was considered one of the cutest boys in America when I was your age,” I said, waving my cane of old cronedom around.

“No WAI,” was her stunned reply.


We are all going through a huge EW phase over here regarding kissing in pictures or TV. But then she backtracks and says it’s okay if some people kiss, like me and her sister’s dad. Well, I am pleased to have a special dispensation from my little Prude Pope.

She really had a lightbulb moment the other day, when she was watching over my shoulder as I was playing The Sims 2, infamous for its censor-blurred sex with little pixel people. I haven’t gamed in months because of life, flu, and auction, but I decided to pick it up as I am in extra-lazy mode now as I recover. I created a new little household of two roomies and they happened to hit it off and were smooching in their little pixel living room.

“Mom?” she said.


Stage whisper: “Do you think those Sims are going to HAVE SEX?”

“Oh, probably,” I replied.


“Sex isn’t gross,” I said.

“Hmm, okay. I guess it doesn’t have to be. I guess…I am here because of sex.”

DING DING DING! They’re so cute when they come out of denial. These are the moments that kind of help mitigate the three a.m. vomming and sister-smacking.


Last night I dreamed about sex, all night as far as I know. BAD sex.

The crowning moment was when I was holding a baby and walked into some private area to change it. My ex-husband, Seattle Federline, followed me in.

“So…we could meet up and have sex, you know,” he said, craftily.

“We could…but I find I enjoy having orgasms during sex.” BURN!

There was also something involving turtle hats made from live turtles. I was also having an affair with a married man, whose wife came back. We were sitting in the living room and I was drinking tea with the cup rattling, just like in Columbo or something. And then he blurted out, “I’ve been having sex with her,” pointing at me. I put down the tea cup. “Well, that’s that then,” I said, and walked out of the apartment. I was bummed because I was friends with her, and knew I wouldn’t be after that. Stupid!

I am enjoying the fact that for all of my nighttime sexual shenanigans, I still turned my ex down. If I ever acquiesce, I will have to lobotomize myself. Coming soon to Youtube!

In Which I, Asshole Learn the Importance of Having an Adult Drawer

I had this roommate, oh JESUS CHRISTO I had this roommate. Me being in the same room with her was a bad idea, but I didn’t realize that at the time. Firstwith, she was trying to steal my boyfriend at the time. That sounds very Betty and Veronica, doesn’t it? It was worse than that because I was clueless, so I couldn’t even have the cartoon wavy-bacon steam lines coming off my head. I should probably tell you that story some other time.

One story about my roommate.

I. I was having a really bad, bad miserable time in my hometown. I was smoking a lot of cigars and dating this guy who worshipped the Beastie Boys and had a fresh-ass afro and a motorcycle. Unfortch, I was also living with my boyfriend. That puts such a pall on your dating life. So my BF was all, “Girl, I am tired of your cigars and you coming home randomly handcuffed,” which happened after my friends dropped me off from the Verve Pipe/Majesty Crush show (I don’t remember anything about the Verve Pipe, but Majesty Crush totally saved my life and I will give you seven dubloons if you have one of their records).

So I called my friend and told her my boyfriend wanted me out, and she said she was looking for a roommate. This sounded good to me. I was working as a landscaper/apartment building maintenance person, and as an evictress on the side, and the crew I worked with decided it was only right and proper to give me a going-away party. We went to the bowling alley and had some pitchers, and when I came home my date dropped me off and I got off the wrong side of his motorcycle, which resulted in me burning my calf. I still have a plum-sized white scar to pay for my folly, which made me limp so bad during my first week in Seattle I had to cancel on a PJ Harvey concert. I will show it to you sometime.

Later my date and I did something (with our pants on, even) that made him write me letters for months after, which I unfeelingly ignored.

Anyway, I moved out with my roommate, who I am too lazy to assign a pseudonym to, and we hunkered down in her little studio together. Of course, this was during the reign of Mr. Buzzy(s), and I was careless enough to leave it under my pillow, tucked inside the case. What did I care? I was seventeen, in the big city, and unemployed at the beginning of my run there. Let us say I had loads of spare time.

I also had Taibas Jones, who was shipped out as part of my swag, which included four boxes (mostly records) and a cat. I tell you, this cat learned how to climb the rungs of my roommate’s bunkbed. Judged to be more nimble and fifty pounds lighter, I was stationed on the top. There Nietzsche would go, hooking her paws around the rungs and climbing to get me. She had a game where she’d actually scootch up the ladder and come after me, when she was in her kittenhood.

WELL, one day Nietzsche was up and down the ladder, freakishly, fucking with me and having a fabulous time. I kept jumping back and my roommate was ensconced in her bed and mockingly cursing me for making so much noise and fucking around. It was kind of like a slumber party gone wrong.

Then, for the last time, I leaned back into my pillow as the cat attacked and BZZZZZZZZ! I leaned right into my vibrator under my pillow, somehow twisting the dial and turning it on. Fucking fantastic. It took me a minute to realize what I had even done before I could (subtly) scramble to turn it off again.

My roommate was in hysterics. She knew what I had done and what had happened, and she was literally rolling around on her bed below. I, for my part, lay very still and wished I could disappear. I laid there until my roommate was able to stop laughing, and then got up and went on with my day.

Part of me was totally embarrassed, and part of me didn’t care. I was three years younger than her, and she sort of treated me like goony entertainment anyway, so I knew it wouldn’t matter. A month later we moved to a bigger place that had separate bedrooms. Weird stuff goes down when you’re in close quarters, doesn’t it?

In Other News

Guess the fuck WHAT? I got a job offer today. So it’s really loose at this point, but sincere, and it looks like I’ll be working this fall. And it’s all kid-friendly and flexible and crap. I win! Just like the terrorists.

AAAND Strudel is giving up naps. Rather than sleeping, she chose to strip her bed and herself. WOW! Does anyone know how to tie a hangman’s noose?


Seriously, I feel like crying, but I’m TOO TIRED. HAA HAA HAA HAA! (Prays for drugs.)

This morning I put her barrette back in her hair eleventhy times before eight o’clock. So guess what? SNIP, BITCHES! And LO, there was bangeths.


Also, I think you should know that I dropped so much ice cream into my keyboard last night that it is hard to depress the question key. Poor Tyrone!

Oh My Good Christ

Holy Weirdness!

I have been linked by a sex site! Whoop! I was googling around, looking for something related to a wayback entry of mine, when I found this: The Erosblog.

It’s funny. I wrote this, posted it, and it’s all TRUE! TRUE! TRUE! but for some reason I blushed when I saw it up somewhere else. Someone else is interested in the foul things I am always crapping on about, and I just see this place as a giant filthy brain dump. I feel like someone’s been going through my dirty clothes hamper. Hee hee.

I’m just glad it’s such a quality site. You know it’s good when “weird” is mispelled. Yup. Qwality.

Maybe I Should Just Have My Goodies Scooped Out

It’s one of those days. One of the days when I am afraid to leave the house. I shagged every person I have ever met or thought about in my dreams last night, and that includes vicars and immobile persons with head injuries.

It is possible I would attack a UPS man or woman if they were foolish enough to come to the door. I may begin feeling up total strangers at the grocery store. Perhaps I would give a lamp post a hickey. I require sedation to be kept in captivity today.

Damn you hormones! They rule our lives in so many ways. Half of the month is spent ferreting chocolate for emergencies, and the other half is spent giving innocent people puncture wounds with my teeth. I should channel all this energy into some spanky crackerjack writing, but I fear the result would be stump porn set in a whorehouse during Vulcan mating season.

I just looked at that last sentence and I’m not sure what it means. I believe I am ovulating.

Love, Doggy Style

I am a magnet for doggy love. I do not own a dog myself, and I have nothing against them in general, but man do they love me. Specifically, golden retrievers love me, and (since we’re talking frankly here) even more specifically, uncut male golden retrievers.

There’s a lot of gosh darn nice dogs on the face of this planet (hi Harry!) but if there’s one thing I cannot stand, besides camel toe and mullethawks, it’s golden retrievers.

I first realized I was going to be a ‘special lady’ for retrievers everywhere when I was about eight. One of the neighbor kid’s parents had just gotten a golden retriever since their house had been knocked over about six times in the past three years.

I was an average-sized kid when I was about eight, so I was a pretty small, skinny little bug. Well, I met this dog and it was love at first sight on his part. He saw me and came running- wham! Knocked me down on the ground and began going at it right there. I screeched and swatted him as his mistress attempted to pull him off me, but nothing short of a well-aimed bullet can stop a good-sized dog once he really decides to go to town. Plus, if there’s one thing I’ve noticed over the years, it’s that golden retrievers tend to like it rough anyway.

“No, no!” she yelled, totally ineffectually. “Bad dog! Bad Sparky!”

Finally, I think I gave up resisting until two more people came to pull Sparky away. I remember watching him heaving and straining at his leash, standing on two legs and clawing at the air in an attempt to get back over to where I was laying on the ground, defeated and slightly sticky.

There were various run-ins with other dogs for a few years after that, but none so dramatic as the first one. Until I started babysitting for some people down the street, that is.

I babysat a lot when I was fifteen and sixteen; it was a good way to keep my gas tank full and to keep me in cigarettes. I liked most of the kids I watched, and was good with them for the four hours or so their parents would go out for. I even did dishes; I was really in demand for a while.

Parents talk about this stuff- word-of-mouth was how I got most of my new jobs. One weekend a new family called me to come over; as I was walking in their house I saw a sign I had come to dread- a chew toy. A BIG chewtoy. One of those comically large bones that you see in the store, and you say to yourself, “why would anyone want a dog that big or that chewy?”

After shaking hands with the parents and sitting down to meet the kiddies, I looked up on the wall. A deer head hung between two racks of antlers. Shit. A sportsman with a big dog. I heard a booming “WOOF” and looked up to see a golden retriever gallooping into the living room to greet me. As he spun around in circles of ecstasy at being let into the house I could see his boy dog parts flopping around all over in their uncut hunting dog glory. Ugggh, this was going to be a long night.

You may think I am being melodramtic, but those of you who have never been sexually assaulted by a dog need to understand that when dogs set their puny little pieces of dried-up cotton candy that passes for a brain to it, 1.) they will go after you until they die of dehydration, and 2.) all of this persuit really makes a mess. Pardon my graphicness here, but I wish they had one big…er…eruption like human men do, so you’d have a chance of not getting hit, but your typical dog is just going to leak on you slowly until your pant legs are evenly soaked and you wish you were never born, whichever comes first.

As soon as the parents pulled out of the driveway, “Thor” immediately made it known that he was interested in me. The house had a fenced in backyard and sliding glass doors; I took him by the collar (which I am convinced only made him friskier) and chucked him outdoors.

This worked for me most of the time- I was completely immune to the sad looks Thor cast towards me everytime I walked by him indoors. The two older kids tacitly understood that me and the dag weren’t mixing well, and left him to whine. The only hitch in the plan was the youngest boy, who I believe was about three. He took great delight in letting the dog in everytime I wasn’t around to stop him.

This nonsense went on everytime I came over for about a month or so, until one night when the parents were out late playing bridge with some people in the next neighborhood. I was stuck in the house with the dog because it was late and he would bark and whine if I put him out. I had the kids in bed for about an hour and was curled up in an armchair trying to read a magazine while Thor tried to get at me from all sides. At one point he got so desperate he begain humping the side of the chair. I kept swatting at him with a rolled up Ladies’ Home Journal that I found on the sidetable, and after a while he began nipping at me.

Finally, I gave up trying to read and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. Thor followed me all the way, with his nose up my ass, quivering with desperation. I was fed up! I put him outside and went to the sink.

Well, I must not have latched the door all of the way, because a few minutes later Thor pawed the sliding door and came barrelling back into the house. He was making a beeline for me and I flattened myself against the counter as he approached. I heard him emitting a weird low growl; I imagined it was the sound doggy lovers make when they have been spurned one time too many. I remember briefly wondering if there was a crisis hotline for doggy sexual assault when he leapt into the air full-force as if to knock me down. Instinctually, I raised my fist to protect myself… and he slammed straight into it. Thor gave a sharp little yelp and fell onto the ground at my feet; he was motionless.

After I recovered a little bit I gave him a joggle with my foot. He was still breathing, fortunately- he was just out cold.

Then a new thought occurred to me- what if the parents come home and saw their precious pet on the floor in a heap??? I could kiss my career in this neighborhood goodbye. Just then, the phone rang. It was the kids’ mummy.

“Ooooh, helloooo.” She was a little tipsy. “Is everything alright there?”

“Uh…ha ha, yes, everything’s fine. The kids are alseep.” I eyed Thor carefully and watched his sides go up and down, slowly and peacefully. It was the first time he’d relaxed all night.

“Ooookay, well we are just having sooo much fun here, we’ll probably be a bit later than twelve.”

“Oh, no hurry. Stay out as long as you want. I don’t have school tomorrow.”

“Great, see you around twoish, Bye-bye.”

I poked Thor with a yardstick I found on the kitchen counter. I poured water on his head as I had seen in so many bad movies. After a while, I gave up and let him sleep it off.

About a half hour later, I heard dog nails scrabbling on the kitchen tile and his collar jingling as he shook his head. He walked slowly into the living room and saw me curled up in a chair which made him start a little. He gave me a hard, sad look and huddled in the corner for the rest of the night. I guess I was “the one who got away.”

After that, Thor kept his distance, and almost seemed to treat me with a level of respect that is pretty rare in big, dumb, horny dogs.


Once, I had a friend named Chuck. I met him in my psych class because he immediately began talking to me, the very first day.

He decided inside of ten minutes that we should start dating; after twenty he knew that we were meant to be together forever.

Despite this, Chuck’s intensity was one of the things I appreciated about him.

A few weeks after I met him (and a week before the Homecoming dance), my boyfriend uncerimoniously dumped me. I was now fair game, right? Chuck asked me to the dance and I accepted, and even went out and bought a new dress for the occasion. Conveniently, my best friend was asked along by Chuck’s friend, so I had someone with me that I knew. The group we were going with were pretty cool kids in a marginal way- we were all flamboyant weirdoes but everyone knew us, so we were all a good fit.

The new dress was a mistake; we never even made it to the dance.

After a nice (to the boys’ credit) Italian dinner we were taken to Chuck’s, where a house devoid of parental authority awaited us.

So we could be alone for a few minutes, Chuck took me out to pick up a couple of cases of beer. He was sincere in his romantic intentions; we had a nice moment listening to ” Nightswimming”, after which he tried to kiss me. I ducked him since I was still smarting over recently being dumped by my ex.

As soon as we arrived, Chuck and his friends went into a sudden death drinking match. To make up for his recently damaged ego, Chuck rapid-fire drank six beers, and promptly vomited into his kitchen trashcan. Sexy! He was instantly drunk, despite his system’s rejection of most of the beer. My friend and I sat on the couch, watching, while we timidly sipped our single beers. A few minutes later my friend left to go make-out with her date, so I was left alone with Chuck. We went into his room.

There wasn’t much to it; just a bed without a frame and some scattered belongings. What I noticed right away, however, was his nunchuku.

“Wow! Where did you get these?”

“My Dad got them for me in Chicago. Watch this.” Chuck proceeded to give me a display with his nunchuku that I had previously only seen in bad Kung-Fu movies on late-night cable.

“Gosh, you’re good at that.”

“Yep. Thanks.” Chuck thought for a moment. “You know, everytime I look at these things it makes me think of something.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that?”

Chuck did not ever mince words.

“Well, I’ve always wanted to see one end of these inside a girl’s vagina.”

Oh dear.

“And I’ve got twenty bucks that says you won’t do it.”

“Make it forty, motherfucker, and I’ll swing em around.”


I didn’t see Chuck much after that. I hooked up with another guy who didn’t have an orifice fetish. But I still heard about the many fantastic doings of Chuck.

For instance, my best friend had a science class with him; the teacher asked if anyone would be willing to volunteer various secretions (such as saliva) for viewing under the microscope. According to my friend, the next day Chuck brought in a sample of semen in an ” I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” tub.

“It was really crazy! He put it on the slide, and they were so fresh they were still wiggling around. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

For a moment I felt a pang that I hadn’t assented to becoming the girlfriend of the gutsiest person I knew.

We went out as friends a few times after that. He told me about his life. He told me that he really regretted his relationship with his last girlfriend because he had always faked orgasms with her. I found this revelation perplexing; Chuck was an admitted chronic masterbator and had even brought some of his spoils into school. Until this point, I hadn’t realized that men could fake orgasms.

Once when we went out he showed me his penis, which surprisingly I hadn’t seen up to that point. Chuck was having an insecure moment while we were talking in his car. Suddenly, he whipped it out. Chuck had the weirdest penis I had ever seen; he made it get hard and it was only about a couple inches long, and looked like it was about three inches wide- the closest I can come to describing it is to say it looked like a potato.

“What do you think? Is it too small?”

“No,” I lied. “It looks fine to me.”

About a month later, Chuck disappeared.

We knew he dropped out. Some people heard he had moved to France; others heard he was in Alaska.

I didn’t think about him much after that, until I had a party at my house. The parents were in Las Vegas, and I had a mellow soiree with about 12 people including my current boyfriend.

After several bong hits, and around about 11:30, the doorbell rang. It was Chuck.

“Hey- how ya been?”

He had lost about 100 pounds and looked like he had gained about five years.

“Come in! Where have you been?”

“Well, I became a Zen monk in New Orleans. Now I’m back.”

“Great. I’m having a party. Do you want a beer?”

Chuck informed me that he was going by the kinder, gentler moniker ‘Charlie’ now. He was after a friend of mine all evening and ended up with her in the ‘rents Jacuzzi.

Good old Chuck.

A Better Buzz Than Coffee

Speaking of vibrators, a very small consequence of the WTC mess is that I think I’m going to leave “Mr. Buzzy” home now when I travel, since they are probably going to have bomb-sniffing dogs crawling around inside our intestines before we board. And if I can’t bring my vibrator, why should I even leave home? So much for three weeks in Europe… Sigh. Wait- maybe they have rental vibrators there, like they have all of those rental Vespas.

I’ve had many vibrators throughout the years and they have served me well. The town that I grew up in wasn’t enlightened enough to have non-scary female friendly sex shops, so when I was 16 I took the plunge into a skeevy lingerie shop where women would “model lingerie” in the back room for the right price. Well, I have to admit it sounded tempting, but I had come in there for a reason: to buy my first vibrator! (*snifff* I am such a nostalgia hound, how can you stand it?)

I brought a non-flinchy friend with me for moral support, who was great that night but ended up blabbing what I did. It didn’t bother me though, because by the end of high school there were so many rumors about me that people stopped believing them, especially the true ones because they were always better and more fantastic than what my enemies could make up. But I digress!

So I picked out a basic one with entertaining attachments, trying hard not to stare at the “realistic” veiny two-footers (now in Caucasian and Black) and the crotchless panties. A “model” rang me up and I was one my way.

A few weeks later I was at a pretty wild party that my work supervisor was throwing. After milling around a while and drinking and smoking whatever I could scavenge, I bumped into the “model” from the sex shop. Over the course of the night I gleaned that no one knew who she was, just that she was my boss’s friend’s date. At the end of the evening we came face-to-face; she recognized me (I think I was the only person in that town with a septum ring) and I certainly remembered her.

“Hi,” she said and smirked at me.

“Hey.” I think I gave her a little wink.

For once, two people came together and were not assholes; neither one of us blew the other’s cover.

After I graduated and blew town, my faithful vibrator came with me. I was sharing a studio with my roommate while we waited for her lease to expire so we could get a bigger place. My vibrator slept under my pillow, until one day when I was playing with my cat I sat on my pillow and immediately heard an angry buzzing sound. My roommate, who was sitting on her bed reading, was extremely startled, to say the least. And I, instead of being cool about it, gave myself away by lunging to shut it off and by turning hot crimson red. She started laughing, and I decided I would laugh along so I wasn’t just being laughed AT. We had a good, solid laugh together on our respective beds, and to her credit she never mentioned it again.

That is probably worse than having a bunch of airport security guards holding your best friend by the cord and going, “Whut the.. is this wun o-them new sonic toothbrushes?”

Post Script: “Mr. Buzzy I” died the way most of my vibrators have. I was on the brink of a orgasm when the batteries died- it feels so personal and like God hates you when that happens, doesn’t it? Well, BAM! Mr. Buzzy died a glorious death after sailing through the air and breaking his back on the wall opposite my bed.

It’s What You Do With It

I have to add one more thing about my old roommate, Dave, who I mentioned the other day. I would have written this with the other entry but I was too schnockered to remember the most important part.

Dave was quite the stud. Everywhere he went, girls looked at him longingly and looked at me menacingly, though I tried to give off the “hey, I’m just a friend” vibe when ever those girls shot eye daggers at me.

He was very tall, and had the requisite post-grunge 1995-era goatee/leather jacket thing working mightily. Despite all of this, he was not my type because typically blondes are invisible to me. Plus, our third roommate was his best friend AND my boyfriend, but that’s another story in itself.

Sometimes Dave would take a break in his busy schedule of rock show-going, drinking, and crotch-rocket riding to seek out some female companionship.

He would bring home the newest fling, and they and my boyfriend and I would proceed to get frighteningly drunk, since we were all very newly free of parental tyranny. My boyfriend and I would go to bed and about an hour later I would get up to go pee. Oftentimes there would be a low hum or buzz coming from behind Dave’s closed bedroom door.

“Oh, that’s nice,” I would think to myself, having been a longtime vibrator fan. I thought, “Well, everyone’s happy in there. I’ll bet she’ll be back again.” But these girls always ended up being one-night stands.

One night after my bathroom break I mentioned to my boyfriend what I had just heard from Dave’s room. He laughed and told me, “Oh, yes. Dave’s a big fan of things that vibrate.”

My curiosity was piqued; I asked him if he knew what kind of set up Dave had going in there.

“Yeah, he told me once one night when we were really drunk. What you’re hearing is a carrot mounted on a Craftsman cordless screwdriver.”

Well, the girls didn’t usually come back twice, but I was even more in awe of Dave after that.


Okay, back on the big ol weblog pony. I’ve been thwarted not only by the disaster last week, but also because I’ve been studying non-stop for the GRE. What? You don’t know what the GRE is? Well bless you, and I hope you never find out. But, just in case you’re curious…

The GRE (Graduate Record Exam) is the test one must do well on if you’re enough of an idiot to apply to graduate school which evidently I am. The only problem with it, besides the fact that I’m math-disabled and it has an algebra/geometry section on it, is that it’s all computerized. This means that when you get a question right, it spits out a harder one for you to tackle next. It gets easier if you start fucking up. So if I start to get 2+2=? on the math part, I’ll just excuse myself and slit my wrists in the ladies’ room. Hee hee hee. I’m taking it on the 28th, which sounded really far away when I signed up for it at the beginning of this month. Seriously, why do human beings put themselves under so much stress?

Confession: My worst, anal-rententive Martha Stewart nightmare came true this morning. The real estate agent who sold us the house we live in just “dropped by to see how things were going!” Well, I’ll tell you how they were going. Usually my house is pretty tidy, and I know it’s uncool and unpopular for “independent Grrls” of my generation to even give a rats’ ass about being HOUSEPROUD, but I admit it, I am houseproud. This woman popped in and got a big ol eyeful this morning: two bras slung over the bedpost of a really violently unmade bed (it’s in the living room because our house is so teeny) dishes up to the ceiling, debris all over the living room. Plus I was still in my pajamas and I had to throw on a sweatshirt because I am LAZY and was not wearing a bra, so my out of control boobies were trying to get away as usual. I was also totally convinced that the upper half of my face was beet red because when the real estate agent pulled up I was plucking the hell out of my eyebrows, which had gotten totally out of control in the past month or so. The only thing that wasn’t out for her perusal was some, er, equipment that my paramour and I had been, um, operating late last night. (I mean of course, our floor waxer. I can just hear my Mom, “Is that what you kids are calling it these days?” Haw haw!)

Anyway, she came, she saw, and she left. And now she has some fantastic gossip, because she is a distant friend of the family. Sigh.

I called my Mom and whined about it, and she said, “Well, she has a cel phone, and it is rude not to call before dropping by.” Yay Mom! On the positive side, my eyebrows now look fan-fucking-tastic!

A half hour later, I was still not dressed when the mail carrier came to the door, looking official and busy like they always do when they have a package for you. I hid in the bathroom- I just couldn’t face anyone else.

But putting things into perspective, more embarrassing things have happened to me in recent memory. When I was a newlywed, my brand new husband and I used to play all sorts of little fun games together. One night we were laying in bed starkers and reading books, and I was also eating a box of jawbreakers. For his amusement (I always get into the most trouble when I do things for other people’s amusement), I started putting the jawbreakers one by one into my vagina. He laughed a little bit to humor me, and by the time I got up to about 18 or so he started ignoring me and went back to his book. Eventually, I fell asleep and he turned out the light. Suddenly, at about 2 am I woke up. I was uncovered and chilly; a moment later I realized I was also laying in a big wet puddle that seemed to have an epicenter under my ass.

“Oh God, I wet the bed.”

I considered my options- I could get a towel and cover it up; I could wake him up and inform him that his new wife of 4 months was a bedwetter; or I could smother him with a pillow so that no one would ever find out what happened. Being young and idealistic, I woke him and told him the truth, crying, and I have to say he took it very well. I couldn’t believe it was true- I’d NEVER been a bedwetter, and we hadn’t even been drinking or anything. Just before I ripped off the sheets, I caught a whiff of something… sweet. I bent down to smell the huge went spot and it smelled faintly sugary. Then I remembered the jawbreakers. I did a quick check to see if they were still when I deposited them before bed, and sure enough, they had completely dissolved.

The whole thing gave me a new appreciation for my vagina. If it could melt that much candy in four hours, what else could it do? Corrode steel? Turn lead into gold?

GENERALLY speaking, I only put things in it that belong there today.