Still Life With Babydaddy


“Ah, I wish I didn’t have to go to work.”

“I know. Let’s think about what it would be like if we weren’t too tired to have sex.”



Figure 1: Nut Tort by Companion.


“I can’t stop looking at that dolphin on your hip.”


“It’s hypnotizing me!”


“You are dolphin-safe. That means I can eat your tuna without worry.”

Figure 2: Dolphins should probably still fear me.

“HEY! Why are you kicking me, woman?”

“Unless you’re making some kind of reference to me being a manufacturing plant, I don’t think you should talk about eating my tuna,” I said.

“Oh. Whoops.”

Figure 3: My new toddler smuggling operation is unstoppable.


“Oh noes!”

“What?” he said.

Figure 4: Hella limoncello.

“I forgot to get some nipple stickers to smother the pepperoni!”

“Well…you could always use the labels you used for the limoncello.”

“That would be friendly.”

Figure 5: He’s a geenyus, I tells ya.

Webcomics I am enjoying today:

Reading Inverloch to Franny.
What’s This? …probably only of interest if you have played The Sims 2. I mean, if you’ve played, even the title brings lulz. The writer, I think, will only get better.

It reminds me of Ye Olde Playing with Dolls, when that was updated, which is funny even if you’ve never played.

Figure 6: Peach pie with label. (Companion again.)

Figure 7: The Tortilla Vampire strikes in the late afternoon.

Figure 8: Cobb salad for jerks. I like it without eggs.

Figure 9: Whippy whippy boom boom.

13 thoughts on “Still Life With Babydaddy

  1. I have found that if I brutally murder the first nanny I order, the next nanny will not be a total waste of pixels, and will do stuff other than pee on the floor and cook endless baked alaskas while ignoring the wailing, starving, green-fume-emitting infants. Fear is a powerful weapon.

  2. Dang! That Limoncello looks good. Love the label. Also loving the sweet treats your Companion is plying you with. Double dang! You are one lucky girl.

  3. Nanny murderage only really achieves illusory improvement, sad to say.

    I love What’s This, and not just because I am a featured player.

    Very impressed by the limoncello outcome. I was going to make some myself, but was hampered by the long trip to Australia.

  4. WL, it’s not too late! You could have some in 5 weeks!

    Krumpy…I wish I could send you some. Alas, it is illegals.

  5. Dang. Now I have to access archives and get the whole process so i can do it. Have you tried it? Is it yummy?

  6. Thank you for gifting me a bottle. I am looking forward to sampling it after work tonight. Hopefully I can wait until it is properly chilled…

  7. I can has limoncello?

    Don’t tell me you’re now tanning with cute little decals! You get classier and classier the longer I’m away. I miss you!

  8. Hey I invented a cocktail. It’s limoncello, Pims, club soda and sugar. Mmmmm. I don’t know what to call it.

    I guess it isn’t that impressive since anything with sugar and limoncello is probably good but I was proud of myself since it was basically all we had in the cupboard.

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