Asshole in the City

So I just signed a contract for my first regular, paid freelance writing job. I am living the dream, here, people. Now I need about twenty more of these so I can pay the rent. Ho ho ho. I promise I’ll link it when it’s up, which should be next Friday.

I told my duplex neighbor, who I ran into at the park. She is moving back to Korea at the end of the month, which is giving me a bad case of the Mondays.

“It’s a regular column?” she asked.


“You’ll be just like Carrie on Sex in the City!”

And I had to ask myself, is that what women like me want? Do they want to have columns like Carrie on Sex in the City? I have to find out.

11 thoughts on “Asshole in the City

  1. Many happy returns, SJ! And I don’t know if I’m a woman like you or not, but I for one DO NOT WANTZ 2z b Candis Bushnell. I like my gag reflex where it is, kthx.

  2. I’ve seen enough Sex and the City to know that you are far better than that. Congrats, SJ!

  3. HAPPY DAYS!!!! Rock on, SJ.

    If your column starts with the words “Did you ever notice” or “And then I got to thinking…” I will have to come over and kick you :)

  4. I’m just glad you got it. :D That’s what I was trying to remember! That phrase “and then I got to thinking.” It’s been yonks since I’ve seen it.

  5. congrats. i’d rather have my left foot chopped off at the ankle with a rusty saw than have my hypothetical column resemble Carrie Bradshaw’s. “At that point, I began to wonder…IS THIS what it’s all about? blah blah blah…*insert more things about men* blah blah blah…”

  6. Well as much as I loved Sex In The City, I think we just need a Super Jive column to teach us how to properly die our hair and what not to do with jaw breakers. (I loved that one!) Kudos to you!

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