Matt, Matt, You’re Glib

McSweeneys has declared me “too glib.” Best rejection notice ever. Also, I replied, sincerely thanking them for the criticism and accidentally called the person by a diminutive of their name, which probably looks very glib. I am not going to write back explaining this.

I am going to ban myself from doing anything for the rest of this week, because I suspect I am made of fail.

18 thoughts on “Matt, Matt, You’re Glib

  1. you can’t spell bling without glib. and an N. I mean, they’re not the same word or anything. I’m not saying that. That would be crazy.

    I aspire to glibdom. I’m still stuck in quirky.

  2. At least you got a fast rejection! That’s something to be grateful for… I always reply to editors with thanks for feedback — it’s so useful, in a way that friends’ or fellow writers’ comments aren’t always. Chin up, SJ, you write really well and are not made of fail in the slightest. “Too glib” is pretty cheeky of fricking McSweeney’s to say anyway.

  3. I’m a bit suprised that glib was a problem for McSweeney’s. For a funny, fluffy piece , isn’t glibness a desirable trait? I can see if you wrote an op-ed piece on the latest transit ballot measure, but why wouldn’t you want a piece of funny fiction to read like cotton candy?

  4. “Too glib’ is pretty cheeky of fricking McSweeney’s to say anyway.”

    HUR! I KNOW, RITE? I confess I laughed.

  5. You should be proud of the fact that you submitted your work to them. Takes “bawls” as you say. So, was that the furry article? Or is that yet to come in Blogher? I kind of expect that article to be glib and look forward to its glibness.

    Glib. What a funny word. If you say it enough it makes you sound like the Schmoo. Also, for some reason it makes me think of Rich at FourFour:

    Wholihay! Wholihay! Wholihay! (Now that’s glib.)

  6. BAH! that sucks!!!! i’m sorry :[

    i’d be inclined to agree with WhatLadder.

    (Dr G is sitting here almost snorting orange juice oot his nose laughing at your NaChoPoMo thingy. YOU ARE GENIUS!!!!)

  7. “Too glib’ is pretty cheeky of fricking McSweeney’s to say anyway.”

    SO AGREED. OMFG, the nerve! McSweeney’s is so fucking insufferably glib that they make almost anything else, including “Highlights for Children” and “Reader’s Digest,” look like sincere and heartfelt serious literature. And I say this as someone who actually *likes* Dave Eggers and all his crazy projects.

    I am rolling my eyes behind my hipster librarian glasses.

  8. I suspect your glib story really just wasn’t smug enough for McSweeney’s. And it was too funny. Their stuff is almost funny but not quite, and the fact that they all seem so self-satisfied makes it less so. But of course I’m supposed to pretend I totally get it to prove I’m an ironic hipster or some such.

  9. May I point out that I never, ever read McSweeney’s and yet I read your work frequently? I think that says it all.

    (And once I was rejected – from “Jane” magazine!!! – with a note saying that my story would be better if it ended with me becoming a nun.)

  10. HAHAHA. McSweeney’s has a motherfucking PIRATE store. They are queens of inside-joke-glibness. I think Eggers is just PWNed by your PNWness.

  11. McSweeney’s is so utterly over-the-top hipster twee that a rejection from them is a fucking compliment. They suck dog balls.

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