Dear MF Diary

Dear Stupid Internet Diary,

This weekend was both wet and eventful. It was not wet and eventful in a Dear Penthouse Fantasy Forum way, it was more like a sixty-five degrees and pouring and still doing stuff kind of way.

Now my coop has a sign, so lost chickens will not be confused.


“Which one’s this then, I thart the Donkey’s Head was round here?”

“Nar, nar, this be Chook’s Respite. Donkey’s Head is two blocks yonder.”

So now you can rest content knowing that chickens talk like bad English movie peasants.

I like the sign, but I think it needs Moar Glitter. I will work on this. In theory, it’s supposed to stop raining here in August. I’m sure my corpse will appreciate the beam of light shed on it as it swings from the rafters as I give up on July 29th. Hey, that’s not funny. Suicide, serious business. I have to get out of here before I get MS or something.

I went to the Fremont Sunday Market and I met this nice woman who makes really badass jewelry, sometimes out of exploded vintage pieces. This is nice, because some old stuff can be too much as one piece, but if you take part of a piece and add it in with something pretty, like new beads, it gets way cool. I am going to pick up a piece next Sunday.

Then when I came home, a spider nest had exploded by my front door.


They were huddling in a ball, because it is too cold to live.

I leave you with this nice song about cheese

Interview with Strudelpire.

AHA! I forgot one more. I took the little chicks out on Sunday too, but it was so chilly they just crouched next to me, so I had to carry them back in. You could say it was not their bag. Ho ho.


10 thoughts on “Dear MF Diary

  1. Hey, my favorite part of any weekend is also going out to lunch with you! Strudel and I are on the same page.

  2. Strudel is adorable. After having seen her throw temper tantrums and run around exuberantly in your other videos, it’s funny to see her so quiet.

  3. omg strudel that rocked.

    omg sj i am so freaksing glad to hear a three yr old understandin it all! and making herself well…jusbstkindbaundberstood.

  4. 65 degrees is a VAST overstatement and by the way, we will see no sun. Strudel is cute but the cold part is what sticks. in my craw and ass… I’m with the chicks and spiders- huddled in a ball waiting to warm

  5. 65 sounds like a godsend. Its 95 here and humid and HOT. Nor have we had rain in a couple months, but that doesnt matter. Walk outside for 10 minutes then use the sweat to the lawn.
    Also, you’re daughter is absolutely adorible.

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