How Do You Say “I am hella banging your sister” In Spanish?

I walked about five miles this morning and now I am totally out of it. Woo! There was a street fair in Wallingford full of hippie swag and sad fail ponies going in a circle. They had the crazy pony with the blinders and shit, and sure enough, the tiniest kid was on it. That sounds like a plan, doesn’t it? There was five old mellow ponies and one shithouse blindersed one. I am going to put my baby on the shithouse one.

I got cardstock for my business cards today, and now I can design them. Here is last year’s:

card.jpg Cooler heads prevailed and talked me out of going with a goatse theme for this year. I will keep it PG-13 and save goatse for ROFLcon, if I ever make it there. So I am going to print them off and sneak into Office Max and cut them up, Ghetto Ninja! I will come up with something “cool” though.

As far as some housekeeping stuffs, I got a comment that you have to sign in to leave a comment, which blows, because we should all have the right to flame at will so I can laugh at you. My friend made a really apt comment the other day about the fact that all these new social networking mediums like Twitter and Plurk actually win because they give people more chances to shoot themselves in the foot, creating trainwrecky lulz for all. Anyway, I think right now my comments should give you a choice to sign in or be anon. If you have preferences, will you tell me or email me? I am going to get a lot of this ugly fail shit moved off and try to get a banner up before I go out of town.

Also, I am trying to get my blogher badge back up. Yesterday I wrote about how some choads are asking ladybloggers to get their kits off. We appreciate you so much we want to see your gibgobs: I Love Your Blog. Now Take Off Your Clothes.

Also, I found out via Squiddy that Frida is at SFMOMA. I am so there on Thursday. I will be the one having an ARTGASM.


Thanks for the postcard, Squid!

PS, lulz! Scoboobles! Don’t worry about the words, it’s just some fappery. Wait, what am I saying? I love digital fappery.

8 thoughts on “How Do You Say “I am hella banging your sister” In Spanish?

  1. Do you want the exact translation? Or just that general idea?
    Concha tu Hermana = fuck your sister, but lacks a personal pronoun..
    I would assume Concho tu hermana would be I fuck your sister, or you could say:
    voy a tener sexo con tu hermana
    Estoy teniendo sexo con tu hermana
    Tengo sexo con tu hermana sobre una base regular
    Which means:
    Im going to have sex with your sister
    Im having sex with your sister
    I have sex with your sister on a regular basis,
    Enjoy, and make good use of them:P

  2. Estoy cochando su hermana.
    Una cochada bien buena….

    and i’m tooooo pooor to go to Blogher, i know i should e you about this but i’m too sad.
    too negative in the bankative…fuckaroooney!

    i’ll be in SF on the fourth of August helping G. move….i’m renting a van, you’re welcome to come and help.

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