Speaking of Motherfuckers

Franny took physic all weekend (yes, I am still on my Pepys jag, thanks for asking) and was feeling very happy this morning. So happy, in fact, she was in the mood to tell stories. Sometimes when Strudel is super tired she wakes up and puts on a second pair of underwear over the pair from the day before, so she will be undressing at night and will be rocking the modern petticoats or whatever. We discovered this had been the case this morning as I was chucking her into the shower, and I reminded her to take OFF one pair before putting a new one on.

“That reminds me,” Franny said. “One day my dad was home with me and my other sister, and he let her get dressed and she put on her pants and THEN her underwear, so it was on the outside!”

“WHAT?” P. said from downstairs, incredulous. Franny repeated it. “Nooo,” P. said. “For how long?”

“He didn’t notice until the middle of the afternoon!” Franny said. “I decided I was going to let him notice himself.”

I was laughing so hard at this point and P. still looked skeptical.

“He still has kitties running around in his head, Mom.”

“Ohh,” I said, “that is TOTALLY a SeaFed story. I believe it,” I said.

Later I was still kind of giggling about it and Franny walked by and said “LOOOOL underpants story. I’m going to tell that again in like two months.”

In Related News

Franny’s stepmom is pregnant again! I was subjected to the subsequent mental images brought about by the phrase “We have been TRYING for a long time” AUGGH but I held it together and congratulated. I am very excited. That is all.