Unhappy Zombie Jesus Day

I told the girls I would not be extorted for Easter baskets any longer, and offered to make a cake. I didn’t get suckered into providing Easter baskets until Franny’s dad started doing it over at his house, having been freed from my Satanic Communist regime of not feeding the girls waxy crap candy in the morning, relating to a holiday we don’t even believe in anyway.

Whew. I really need to look into periods, since I seem to be using up all the commas.

ANYWAY, I haven’t made a Grand Canyon cake in a while, which I thought would be fun.

You make different colored layers.

Then you stack them all up.

Then you split the cake gently. BEHOLD A CANYON. EDUCATIONAL!

Also you pour in the whiskey sauce and let the canyon sop it all up. Don’t forget to have a short snort of Jack before going out to plant herbs and alyssum.

“Happy Zombie Jesus Day”

Then Chewy comes along and knocks it onto the floor.


We are having Thai sticky rice for dessert.