I’m going to San Diego

Hello! I know it’s in my sidebar and all, but I know some people RSS and some people tune sidebars out all together, assuming they’re ads. I just wanted to say I’m going to Blogher this year and I’m doing the Friday-Saturday thing.

If you are going, and you feel like meeting me, come up and say hello. I’m not going to pretend like “OH I AM BUT A SHY GEEK WHO FALLS DOWN ALL THE TIME LIKE BELLA SWAN AND SPILLS FAYGO DOWN HER FRONTISPIECE.” I don’t. I glow slightly. I’m hella outrageously cool, and so smooth you will not even notice my looking down your shirt, unless I want you to notice me noticing. It’s INSANE, the size of my taint. I got the job offer I wanted today, and even the interviewer said I had a SICK interview hustle. I could have taken a nap during that interview, I was so calm.

Seriously, though, I am a psycho extrovert and I love talking to people, and if I want to talk to you I will approach you as well. Except NOT YOU, histrionic mommyblogger who literally cold-shouldered me when I came up to say hello last time I was there. You can get bent. Everyone else is cool.

And for those who could not give three shits rolled in glitter about any of this, I will be writing my part four of SeaFed/Shark Week tomorrow, which will be our first date. UGH, where the magic started. Then I will write about other first dates.

Monkey chow out!