Naked Librarians Wed; NO Film at 11

So we got married.

We started big. We booked the Library Bistro downtown a year ago, all fancy and ooh-la. We were going to do it all cocktail/drinks/tinkly piano-stylee. But then the event planner changed. And then in was a month before the wedding and we still hadn’t heard from the new one, so we cancelled. Do not try to plan a wedding at the Library Bistro. There’s more to this story, but I’ll leave you with that.

And then we thought we’ll do it at home! We’ll do it small! But that sort of fell apart, too. It ended up being just us; even the children were gone or sleeping. I didn’t want to bust out my wedding dress for that, because we had punted on picking up Companion’s tuxedo, so I opted for being starkers. It worked out well. I let Companion examine my teeth as well, so he could be sure of what he was getting. Later we put clothes back on and took some of our family out to Moroccan.

For you, I leave out the crying parts and the stress parts and the parts where we spend a bunch of money on things that don’t work out! The cake was DEELICIOUS.

I feel like the whole part of our struggle with the wedding planning and our friends and family was summed up in one sentence by Companion’s brother: “You have dead people on your cake. THAT’S WEIRD.”


Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. MMM.

And so, we were pleased that we did it by ourselves and that we went through with it at all. Franny says she’s glad we’re married, though she’s dismayed that she couldn’t be a flowergirl, and Strudel says the same thing she always says nowadays: “NO WAI.”

“Want some toast?”


“Want a kiss?”


“Put down the knife, please.”

“NO. WAI.”

“Yes pees,” is the answer you get if you offer strawberry kefir or soy mocha foam.

In Other News: SJ vs. Franny Party: FIGHT!

1. Franny Friendlets

As I mentioned, Franny’s friendlet party was last Saturday, which was the same day as my actual birthday. Franny’s party went well. Franny and I were very inspired by the candy creatures in MSL, so we set out to make our own. I knew we were making a homemade wedding cake in a week’s time, so we decided to grab cupcakes from good old Cupcake Royale. We asked that they refrain from using sprinkles or decorations for the top, so we could add our own. I like doing this kind of stuff with her. She still remembers her unicorn cake from last year that Companion made. Franny says our creature-making was her favorite part.






Supa’s girls brought Franny a Giant-Ass Unicorn, which Franny named Douglas. I love her and her little loca cabeza.

2. Segue to Potpieport

After the friendlets went home with their little painted pumpkins in tow, we absconded to Pies and Pints, where Daniel joined our soiree. It was fun, but Strudel hadn’t napped, so she spent forty-five minutes on the sidewalk screaming! We had to take turns with her, and when my dinner finally came, I got to enjoy it out there. Hooray for toddlers.

3. Bad Ideas Ensue


We piled into the car and headed to Wallingford. Companion dropped Daniel and I off and we spent a little time at Smash Wine Bar. It featured good service that the bar, and atrocious service at a table. Then we hopped down to the Sunset Bowl. I didn’t know my evening was going to end at a bowling alley, but things get unpredictable when Daniel gets in the mix.


Figure 7: Not the Champagne of Beers. Because there is no champagne-beer equivalent.

Daniel wiped the floor with me on my most favorite thing EVAH: Dance Dance Revolution. We kept it on easy the whole time, and the kids who were down there DDR-ing their little underaged hearts out came over to espy us. Within ten seconds they got bored of us because our feet were not mere blurs and wandered off. Being taken out like that was a splendid present from Daniel.


Figure 8: Cockhole FOR THE WIN!!!!


Figure 9: The sad thing is that my skirt had pockets and this was my first instinct! Call me Flo.

Then it was time for bowling. And then bed. I forgot about the last thing I did before I got home, though. The next morning Franny reminded me of it: “Mama, why is there a flamingo in the fridge?” But don’t worry, citizens. We had to drop Daniel off very early and the flamingo was promptly returned to its rightful place. Sorry, neighbors. No hard feelings, I hope.


In Some More Other News: Franny Sun, Strudel Small Planet

46 thoughts on “Naked Librarians Wed; NO Film at 11

  1. holy wow, CONGRATULATIONS! That’s what I love about weddings, they can be tailored for each couple no matter what. Shame about the Library Bistro (rude!).

    Happy Late Birthday. We have a PS2 here with a DDR pad. You can dance on Beginner and Light to your hearts content w/o the snotty teens and preteens mocking. In fact, we did that last night.

  2. Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise. I am totally down with the red velvet, that cake is the awexxxome.

  3. Congratulations!!! I’m glad that you guys did it you’re way! Maybe you should have done it at Burger King?! “You’re way, right away!” Cute cupcakes, I should do that with my kidletts sometime. Mmmmmm frosting….

  4. Congrats and all that, but I totally expect to see that video on YouTube as “Franny and Strudel vs. DJ Assault”!

  5. You sound like my kinda peoples… Allow me to say both “Congratulations!” and “You have dead people on your cake. THAT’S SOME KIND OF FUCKING AWESOME!”

  6. WTF. I got this weird rush of cognitive dissonance while reading your post, because I just got married, and there were dead people on our cake, and I cast my vote for red-velvet with cream cheese icing, but my husband decided that was taking irony too far so we got a tres leches cake instead. I am now curious if you wore a red dress, because if so, my head will fall off from the power of coincidence.

    And oh yeah, congratulations!


    Well done, mes petites!! Congratulations on all the milestones and on all the various cakes!

  8. Sweet! Us too!
    *married high-five*
    Except I did wear a red dress, and we had dinosaurs on the cupcakes instead of dead people.

  9. I love when bloggers do this: Update regularly and then, WITH NO FORESHADOWING, hit us with a bomb like, “So we got married.” Which I can TOTALLY hear you saying in an audioblog post.


  10. congratulations! necked weddings rule! especially with day of the dead cakes. well done on letting him inspect your teeth first; you wouldn’t want him to have any horrible surprises.

  11. Wow, nekkid wedding, Red Velvet Cake, bowling, flamingo in your fridge, and cash in your underbums.. sounds like you had a full weekend.

    Congratulations on the nuptuals.. may this one be as good as the last one was bad.

  12. Congratulations! And wasn’t it the Betans who traditionally get married nude? (Ducking thrown popcorn and plastic phasers)

    You’ve been through this once before, so all I’ll say is “second time’s a charm.”

  13. Congratulations many times over. I’d get married for that cake.

    Love the video of Franny and Strudel playing together. Must show that to Iz next time she complains about her siblings being no good to play with.

  14. Okay, so the naked thing was spur-of-the-moment. And the exercising is about looking good IRL as well as in wedding land.

    Thanks everyone for the nice words!

  15. Day-um! Close to the vest ain’t kidding. Congratulations, SJ! You and Companion are swell folks, and I’m so happy for the both of you.

  16. Yey for married and red velvet cakes! And just tonight I gave double candy to a little girl who showed up in a wedding dress. Scariest costume I’ve ever seen. She even had a fake diamond ring. I told her if she came back next year in the same dress with a pillow for pregnant, I’d give her triple candy! Looking back, the waxing should have tipped us off. All the best to you and the clonemaker. :)

  17. congratulations beautiful!

    love the freaky dead people cake…

    much happiness to both of youse, er all four of you.

  18. Congrats, i just did the same.

    and Douglas? that girl cracks me up. my sister just told me that my mom found an old poem of mine that says my fears are, “punk boys on skateboards, drugs, and bullies.”

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