“I can’t wait until Christmas Steve comes, Mom,” Franny said. “When does he come again?”

“Christmas Eve eve, remember? And only if you’ve been naughty enough.”

“Oh yeah,” she said.


“I hope I get road-marking tape again,” Franny said.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll get some crap that breaks in the first day, from whatever place Steve hits before he gets here. Maybe you will luck out and he will break into a construction site again,” I said.

“That wasn’t CRAP! And it didn’t break in the first day. Remember, mom, we made tapey lines all over the house.”

Uh-huh, I remember.

“So, Franny, what else did you get for Christmas last year? Like from me and Strudel’s dad?”



“I don’t know. I don’t remember,” she admitted.

“Strudel, what did you get for Christmas last year?”


23 thoughts on “OIC

  1. I am very tempted to invite Christmas Steve this year. My kid has always been bummed that we don’t do Santa, but I bet she’d like Steve. Just have to see if she has socks old enough that we could spare them.

    One thing: we only have girly alcohol, like hard cider and wine. Think Steve would go for either of those, plus the old olives from the fridge?

  2. Hollywood Steve is AWESOME, but that actor does not do justice to the lusciousness that is Darryl Hall.

  3. Hey, my husband is named Steve too! I always knew there was something special about him, or where did he go every Christmas eve?

    Hey, where’s my laundry scoop? Franny will be getting a feather duster!

  4. oh this is an awesome tradition!! LOL what made you start it?

    *I tried to go back to oldass, but it wasn’t thurr*

  5. “Hollywood Steve is AWESOME, but that actor does not do justice to the lusciousness that is Darryl Hall.”


  6. Happy Crimbo, SJ! Hollywood Steve’s tale pretty much sums up why I went punk in ’78.

    I have a roll of caution tape, too. Grandpa sent it as a present for the kid last year.

  7. Great freaking idea that I never remember.
    wish I had thought of that while cleaning out bloody head wound. Since we were left alone in the room, just THINK of the loot we could have taken! (gauze squares, stirrup warmers, sterile unidentified things, hazardous waste….)

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