
Important: I am looking for coffee work or some other part time works, since my retail hours have been cut to almost nil (it is not a hint–no one has hours). If you know of anything, email me sj at this domain, especially if you can nepotize me in somewhere. I would not look off professional work, either, but I have to be honest. Headhunters are not even calling me anymore, and everyone and your mom has a hiring freeze on. Trying to avoid sucking dick for drug money, but all else is fair game.

I am kind of at peace now, because after talking to some nerds, doing various works, etc, I have discovered that Hester Prynne is dead. Like, dead as snap crotch bodysuits (you heard me). You may recall that recently I replaced the hard drive. Apparently that caused the motherboard to get all shitty with me and fry.

I have to tell you honestly that I have this little feeling of panic along with the peace, because I have always played games. Always. I started with Atari in…I dunno…’83? My stepfather had a coin op business and for a while we had an arcade-sized Centipede down in our rumpus room. To this day, I still occasionally have dreams in Centipede colors (green and purple FTW). We moved on to Commodores and Segas. After that I had PCs or my own, or lived with boys with consoles. Now I have nothing. I know this is absolutely nothing in the face of any kind of real crisis, like a splinter or being out of mustard, but it makes me sad that I have come to have a hobby that is expensive up front. I was also hoping to start reviewing games more, as I did recently with World of Goo. Who wants to read a review of Minesweeper?

I also almost complete destroyed my AbacusTop with Trojans. I blame 2 a.m. porn. SO RONERY! But now all is well. If this keeps up, I may have to start playing Nationstates 2 or something. Into browser-based purgatory I go.

Hey! Who wants to cook up another generation of speshul snoflakes? What’s that? People with kids my age? Looks like.

A few folks have written to ask about gifts, and here’s what we’ve decided to do: we’re having a book exchange. The idea here is that each child arrives with a (wrapped) book, and each child gets to go home with a different (wrapped) book. This way everyone has a surprise and, with any luck, a book they don’t already own! Most of the party time will be spent jumping around in the gym, then at the end we’ll have a treat and exchange gifts. The “let’s-minimize-conflict” model has the presents remain wrapped during the party.

I was thinking about skipping prezzies at Strudel’s upcoming quatroceanara, because I don’t know half the kids or the parents who will be dropping said kids off, but Ruby snapped me out of it. “Kids need to watch someone else have the limelight,” she said. Then I got the above email and tabled it after putting a few more dents in my desk with my head. Now children’s parties have models. I guess I am a little burned out lately, because every single party we get invited to is at a large corporate partyspace. I know, I know, it’s winter. Still.

Rather than actually concluding this post, I will just catch you up pictorially. Recently Strudel’s dad invited me to his holiday party, which happens in late January. It was at the Museum of Flight. We were the only ones who danced practically, which made him a pariah at work, and this is among people who could not even be arsed to show up! BOOOO! You cannot play JT and expect me to hold still, ffs.


Here I am in my robe of getting readyness. I am trying to make increasingly larger victory rolls. They went great with my ’50s style dress and digital watch.

WOW it’s Carl Sagan’s sweater. It had billyuns and billyuns of moth holes.

There goes my buttercuppy. Well, both of them. Bye jerks! Die jerks!

I will miss the eggs. We’ll always have omNOMNOMomlettes.

My grammar is atrosh today. Monkeychow OUT.

12 thoughts on “D.O.A.

  1. How much do I love that you and Strudel’s Dad can still have fun together? Victory rolls FTW infinity

  2. Aw man, sucks about the chickies.

    You could prolly still play old text games on AbacusTop, if you’re into that sort of thing (it’s what I grew up on — when graphics came to the PC gaming world, I was extremely confused, and also displeased, because I am extremely resistant to change). You can get all the Infocom games on a disc for almost no monies, or download some of them for free legally, and I’m guessing the rest of them for free illegally. For example:

  3. Well, I did have some fun times with Zork and Pirate’s Adventure and Hitchhiker’s. Thanks. I will save my dollars and I can get a computer that’s marginally better than the one that just died for a fraction of the original cost.

  4. My brother has this little cube with a joystick on top that plugs into the teevee and allows him to play 3 or 4 ye olde arcade games. I think he said it cost like 20 bone at Walgreen’s.

    I hope this terrible economic crapheap we’re in spurs the helicopters to scale back the damn kiddie parties. Whatever happened to cupcakes and running around somebody’s living room while screaming? Why does every birthday have to be a destination wedding?

  5. Centipede! Did I tell you about the time I had the gas at the dentist, and I played centipede on the ceiling while they pulled my tooth? Fun times!

    I know I am dense, but wTf happened w/ the buttercups?

    Want my key while I am away this weekend? You can play Wii or watch Season 4 of BSG.

  6. I hope you find some supplemental work soon… This economy can kiss my cellu=lovely ass.

    You look purty with your victory rolls!

  7. So I was born on my parents’ wedding anniversary, and they split up in `79, so every birthday following that, not only did I not have a party, my mom liked to get drunk and cry. So as far as I’m concerned, any birthday where people aren’t getting drunk and weeping is A-OK FUN TIMEZ according to me.

    Also, I found a chet-roi (vietnamese for “dead and gone”) Pearl Leghorn in my (sober and relatively cheerful for now) mother’s coop this morning. Pearl had a sad little burial in a paper sack in the garbage bin. Peace out old hen, your eggs were deliciousness, thank you for your service.

    Finally, yr hair is real nice, you are a foxxy broad.

  8. I want to cry right now. IN my love, meh t-shirt from the shirt woot.

    Starts a fund raiser so I can builds the ass a new computer. I only spent like 6fitty on the computer I built for friends and it is a quad core… Still. six fitty is a lot if you ain’t got buck twenty five.

  9. Try Irwin’s at 40th and Bagley (coffeshop). They were just training someone today who looked very young and confused, so they may still be looking!

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