
All I care about is chicken feet right now. I feel some BAD ART coming on me…the topic will be sin…

I can at least fashion a nice hat.

I have nothing to say except gravy made with all the extraneous parts of the chicken tastes very delicious and is quicker than gravy made with my five-hour stock. Also, looks like Squidward and I are going to launch a Tumblr next week and we will be taking submissions from the public, woo! Something else for you to bookmark and forget about, because, OMFGJMJ information overload, AMIRITE? Before you ask, no, it will not be porn, bucking the trend of 98% of all Tumblrs.

9 thoughts on “A.D.I.D.A.C.F.

  1. No, sorry! It will be silly, though. And you are invited if you decide it’s your cuppa. More deets coming.

  2. Hi Lauren! Thanks! I got a metric butt ton of feet from the Asian market the other day, for like two dollar. Now I just have to decide what to do with them.

  3. This post made me laugh. My mom lives in Liberia and when she first got there, she told the people she’d be working/living with that she was a vegetarian. Well, at the first dinner she attended, a pot was placed in front of her and when it was opened there was two chicken feet sticking out of the top. Vegetarian includes chicken feet right? HAHA! She thought it was funny- and apparently, the chicken feet are given to the guest of honor in Liberia, so it was a nice gesture, even if not quite “vegetarian”.

    I thought it was a great story, and your post reminded me of it. Cause chicken feet just look funny. BOCK!

  4. I’m noticing that chicken feet look oddly ‘hand-like’ from underneath…weird. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the bottom of a chicken foot. I can check that one off my bucket list- so thanks! :)

  5. They do look like hands. Chicken feet I usually see are rapidly moving, or making a fist to get away from my rude invasive hands. I like it when they’re wee and they clutch onto my finger like little birds. So, I am thinking about what to do. This part of the world seems to have a surfeit of chicken feet.

  6. I am thinking about sculptures. Makes me wish I had a camera that wasn’t totally workday, but I wouldn’t know how to use it anyway. :p

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