22-Jan Dream

Dreamt I was at a food court that was having some kind of cultural show, like a South Seas expo and food festival. Someone stole my stupid dumbphone with the leopard bling blang cover. It was my fault, it was in my hoodie pocket.

“Sebastian Bach!” I said to Sebastian Bach, who had come there with me (just as friends ok) to sample the cuisine. “Someone has stolen my dumbphone!”

“Here, use mine to change your passwords,” he said, handling me his phone, which was exactly the same as mine, but without the cover. Wow! I saw his email but I tried not to read anything.

I was tapping away at it when he brought me some Indonesian (?) glop in a styrofoam box. YUM! I love that guy.

4 thoughts on “22-Jan Dream

  1. so this has nothing to do with this post, but i thought it may delight you. the filters that my company puts on my work computers labels your little blog as porn.


  2. I’m very impressed that you get to hang out in the food court with JS Bach. I always have to make do with Percy Bloody Grainger. I’m lucky if he even keeps his clothes on.

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