The Wee Raptors Notice Something Is Amiss

Your chicken digest (they’re almost a week old). Wings and tail feathers are coming in. I thought I had an Ancona (black and white) and a black Jersey giant, but it looks like both of my remaining black chicks are getting black and white wings. Curiouser and curiouser.

I have named all the roosters, which I suspect are Rhode Island Reds, “Todd.” DOWN IN FRONT, TODDS.

I was discussing “males included for warmth” with my friend earlier, and he said he would have titled this post with that phrase.

6 thoughts on “The Wee Raptors Notice Something Is Amiss

  1. Thank you for posting the vid of the wee raptors. It made me feel a little spring in my heart. NYC suddenly dropped 20 degrees in temperature last night. FUCK THAT IN THE EAR. I’m done with winter. Ovah. So these little chicks perked me right up!

  2. sorry to be laughing over your rooster misfortunes, but our household had a really good snort/chuckle over this one. i asked my dude if he wanted any roosters, and he said “only in stew,” to which i replied: “actually i’m pretty sure that’s what she’s planning.”

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