The Current Wait for a Child Support Hearing is ONE YEAR.

“So don’t expect money anytime soon,” said the nice lady with a pink fuzzy sweater vest that was both awkwardly too loose and too tight behind the counter at DCS.

“Uhh, I expect money never, but I thank you in advance for trying,” I said.

I did not shame myself by throwing up in a government building or buy a pack of cigarettes, but I confess I did smoke one later. Okay, two.

Also, I learned something NEAT today. My mother has left me $100 in her will. MONEY MAN! What can you do?


My kid is making yummy-smelling enchiladas but I suspect they will not be ready in time for me, as I am off to a one-off comix class for funsies.

3 thoughts on “The Current Wait for a Child Support Hearing is ONE YEAR.

  1. This is why I give MRAs the side-eye when they talk about how THE WIMMINS rule the world and EVERYONE sides with THOSE EVIL WIMMINS and THE WIMMINS trick them –TRICK THEM– into having sex JUST to conceive children so the men are forced– FORCED!!!!– to pay child support. FORCED AND TRICKED.

    And… yeah. Welcome to the real world.

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