Readers Advisory, PLZ

Hello, I am crapping out on this one, and I know I have some lurking librarians here, so….Help me Obi-Bun!

Sweet, I got to use that terrible joke twice in one week.

Anyway, I am looking for pregnancy books written in Japanese that are available online or here in the U.S. They would be for a native speaker. I’m looking for anything good, and translations of popular English books are fine. Anything except What to Expect When You’re Expecting, aka “The Evil Book of Fears.” I have crapped out at SPL, Amazon, and Powell’s.

Hospital-focused birth is fine. The recipient is not a spawn-while-you’re-scrambling-eggs type like me.

Thanks, if anyone’s got anything. Email’s whatever at this domain if you don’t want to comment.

15 thoughts on “Readers Advisory, PLZ

  1. Interesting question. I should be doing other things, but I took a quick poke around. If I were looking for that for myself, I’d probably buy it from and try my best to translate every little word into English that I could. They do have a “search in English” feature…

  2. It does look right. I will have to ask some people about that link. I found that website but didn’t go much deeper. What’s hard to find is a page in English that says “here’s Japanese books on the subject.”


  3. Thanks Glover–I see my spam filter caught you up but I have the URL you provided on the back end.

  4. G. Lover’s onto something good. I found one record in the SPL catalog in Japanese with both Pregnancy and Childbirth as LCSH. Its ISBN is 4828862005, in case you want to easily look it up. King County PL seems to have two; try ISBN 4072148997 for one. The other’s from 1984. Good luck!

  5. The first book is a mother/baby Pilates book. The 5th book (pink cover) and the 10th book on the list (green cover) both seem to be straightforward first pregnancy and childbirth guides. The one called “Hot Mama: I am an expectant (or nursing) mother. Some hot information of a cool mother” might be like “The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy” by Vicki Iovine, or not.

  6. I was also going to suggest, but when I did a quick search there, most of the books were actually in English. I checked all my regular sources (Powell’s, ABE, Alibris, Addall), and they all came up with nothing. Sad.

    There’s a little book shop in Ballard called Epilogue Books; they might be able to help. I stop in there whenever I’m visiting Seattle for work because they have a lot of really strange stuff, and the owner is sometimes able to track down books to meet odd requests.

  7. Thanks everyone, if you don’t see your comment right away, it’s because the URL is putting it in the “holding pen” for approval.

    Cinzi, that sounds really cool.

  8. Can’t help you find any, but I used to own some – my cousin’s ma is an OB nurse in Japan.
    I loved them, really unexpected illustrations and advice. e.g. it is traditionally thought to be unsafe to bathe for a couple WEEKS after birth. So the nurses sneak the new moms into the shower after visiting hours! Nobody needs to be that funky!

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