In Which We Encounter: Poor Jane, Minky’s Progress, and Imelda. Call Me Princess.

Joe has ambitions. He wants to go to college and do things. He’s getting out of this small town, which is too close-minded to contain him. MAN. But Jane. Jane now, Jane baby, she’s his thing. It’s cool. She’s less of a girlfriend, maybe, and more of a receptacle. Joe talks, and Jane listens. She’s really great. Jane nods at all the right parts. Jane doesn’t want anything for herself, because she’s as dumb as a fucking post.


Thanks a lot, ninety-nine cent coloring book. Have we learned nothing from the diaper stalker? Women can be astronauts ALSO. Jesus, I am taking this crayon with me everywhere from now on.

In Other News

I think I mentioned I brought home a clippy mink from San Francisco.

“Wow, what a surprise, another dead animal,” remarked Companion, when Minky emerged from my suitcase. His days are filled with adventure, if by adventure you mean dead things, hot dog octopuses, and histrionics. He’s got it pretty good, if you ask me. But you shouldn’t, because I am GLIB, Matt.

Poor Minky the Death Mink came to me sans one eye.


“Sorry, Mario, the eye is in another castle.”

Well, rather than go through several levels, tubes, Sex Bob-Ombs, warps, etc, I have decided to build a new one. So last weekend I learned to solder.


As it turns out, things like microtoggles and battery packs do not come with instructions. Not even flailing IKEA doods. Who knew? I tried a couple of different ways, and then made a circuit between the battery pack, microtoggle, and LED light. Just typing that gave me a boner. I am going to put LED lights all over the house.


Also, Rancho Asshole’s embargo on new velvetry was temporarily lifted last night to allow the immigration of Imelda. The exception was granted on the grounds that I have not yet acquired a boobie girl. I told a friend yesterday that I was going to hang a curtain in front of Imelda for special viewings, just like in a letch mansion or something.

She has the same signature as my Pony Duo, which was kind of thrilling. One man? Workshop? I must know MOAR.


It was a close call. I almost named her “Mariah.” She looks a bit like a young Mimi, yes?

Finally, we ended up at Twice Sold Tales where I found a MINT copy of Vanna White’s autobiography, signed in purple marker to some character named “Princess.” Of course it was Princess. It would be kind of cool if it was to “Herbert,” though. I am also going to use the purple crayon to sign all copies of Vanna White’s autobiography “With Much Love to Herbert.” The end!

10 thoughts on “In Which We Encounter: Poor Jane, Minky’s Progress, and Imelda. Call Me Princess.

  1. I really like Imelda but for the fact that her nipples stare obdurately forward.

    Guess Arturo didn’t realize that real titties’ nips kinda loll off to the side? Eh?

  2. Love the fact that at Rancho Asshole immigrants (velvet paintings and dead animals) are wanted, desired, lovingly treasured! At my house there are live immigrants (mice) and inanimate immigrants. In the non-living category are: sizable collection of phone cords, ethernet cords, twisty ties, hotel sized shampoos and conditioners, ballpoint pens with no ink, mouse traps that don’t work, and all the boxes from every small appliance we’ve ever purchased. Sentient beings or not, Krumpy DOES NOT WANT. Like they say at last call, “you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.”

  3. I found your blog while surfing for an image of Jesus with a dog. I wasn’t sure if I wanted like the normal Willie Nelson looking Jesus with a Border Collie or perhaps a more sinister looking Hispanic Jesus with a PitBull, but I was just sort of looking to see what was out there and I came across your blog. You seemed pretty groovy so I thought I better leave you some good feedback.


  4. I just had a dream in which you said you wanted nothing more for your children than that they become circus performers.

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