Regular rides free; mustache rides five dollars

Today I bought a 1981 El Camino Super Sport. It is in wonderful, amazing, marvelous shape and I feel so lucky. For the price I paid, I thought I would get a fixer and spend three-plus years ordering parts and coaxing it along. I would have preferred something drivable, so I feel like I struck gold.

I’ve been wanting an El Camino since before I had Franny. I spent a lot of time watching the internet for deals, and getting a grip on reasonable prices, and seeing what was out there during my long two years in court. I told myself once it was settled, I would look in earnest. I happened to take a break on Friday and peeped the ads and there it was.

My gut said “yes, I think so” when I saw the ad, and then seeing the fat files documenting all the replaced parts and work records (one for the body and interior and one for the engine), I said OH HELL YES. It’s drag race ready and it really jumps. I love it SO MUCH. Welcome to the pregame show for my midlife crisis.