I woke up this morning and remembered it was summer! How did it take me this long? I went to the farmer’s market and did chickeny and yard stuffs. I AM AWAKE!


I got my grocery delivery this morning and decided to throw on one of the CSA fruit packages they offer. It came with some blackberries that were rather crushed and some blueberries that were very nice.


I made about a half cup of simple syrup in a small saucepan, put in a handful of blueberries and boiled them until they popped, and then put in about half the blackberries and crushed them as well. At the end I put the other half in and sort of gently poked them so they were only half-mushed. To finish I added about a half teaspoon of orange flower water. I am having this on vanilla ice cream later. SO GOOD.


I also remembered how much I like Nouvelle Vague.