I’ll Treat You Good Girl Like You’re Famous

Today is like this. SeaFed sent Franny back on the ferry by herself without any consultation from me, which is unsurprising, but she handled it CON BRIO and I am very impressed.

STRIPES. Not Bill Murray kind. Though we are watching Scrooged tonight.

Xmas eve dinner was influenced by New Orleans Top Chef, I tackily confess.

Crab cakes, peel n eat shrimp, oysters, and slaw. Every Xmas eve my mother would serve seafood because A. it was her Southern heritage and B. my stepfather, who was allergic to fish, was out getting slizzered and wouldn’t come home to go into anaphylactic shock or whatevs. We would also have a lot of seafood when she would be naughty and run away.

I am TAKING BACK SEAFOOD etc. We’re cool. Fist bump.

I got a mini-case of pineapple sparkling from Maui a couple of years ago and this is the last bottle.


J/K, it’s a dinghy.