They Say It’s Better The Second Time/They Say You Get to Do the Weird Stuff

Woo! Today I spent a jolly morning at the DMV. My picture makes me look like my head was farmed in one of those melon containers that makes melons grow all square. FFS, people. At least it’s not stroke victim. It’s more perturbed blockhead.

Artist’s Representation of New Driver’s License Photo.

Then, as a reward for finishing that hein (tm Maisnon) task, I went to the costume store to get missing bits for the girls’ Halloween costumes. Strudel is going as Bad Horse, so I have to make her ears and a tail, and she has a set of brown clothes. I was going to make her a horse head, but her little body is so wee I thought she would do better with face paint. I got myself some bad ass gloves for my Captain Hammer costume. I wouldn’t have fussed with it at all, but on Saturday I am going on a fun run with a cross-dressing superhero theme. I have been wearing the shirt all summer.

Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em.

Yeaaah. I have no explanation for my behavior.

Quickly changing the subject, Calliope the Easter Egger laid her first egg. Alas, it was on the glass fake eggs in the broody box, so it incurred a dent. I think it will be okay til tomorrow in the fridge, since it looks like the membrane is intact. Eyuck, these early eggs are so bloody on the inside. But if I was laying eggs for the first time, I imagine I would bleed some too.

My complaint is not about the bloody eggs or even the hole, but the COLOR. Calliope! You are laying grey eggs! BOORING! REFUND! What a rip.

I am going to start slow-cookin’ stew made out of some animals and stuff I found (freegan, lol A) and go for a little run. If you see some crazy lady running around on Saturday running and shouting “The Hammer is my PENIS,” then please move to one side and do not obstruct the flow of impending justice.

“I’ve Been Studying–It’s Fascinating–Molars, Bicuspids, and Incisors.”

Today I picked the girls up early because Franny had to go to the dentist. A mom in the entryway pounced on me instantly once she figured out I was Franny’s mom.

“Oooh, this is the famous Franny! Madison loooooves Franny!” New kids always loooove Franny because she’s all nice and welcoming and diplomatic and crap. SIGH. Where did I go wrong?

Madison’s mother immediately tried to set up a playdate. Franny had told me a couple of weeks ago that Madison was “kind of weird” so I wasn’t ready to immediately commit her to an afternoon of hell. I had a feeling like an invisible hand was creeping up and gaining a tight grip around my throat. This year I try to avoid other parents whom I am not already friends with at all costs.

“ALSO,” the mother went on, loudly, as the other afternoon kids attempted to nap nearby, “I work up north, and I am trying to find someone to take my kids if there’s some kind of an emergency. What if there’s an earthquake or something? I don’t even know what the school would do.”

This was all starting to sound like a personal problem, and I tried to back away. Strudel was moving so slowly that I was sure that small lizards in equatorial regions were losing vestigial toes in the time it was taking her to get her backpack and shoes.

“STRUDEL!” I stage whispered. “Focus, child.” She smiled at my eye daggers.

I assured Madison’s mom that I was desperately looking for nine-to-five work at the moment and could be employed at ANY MINUTE, and that we would consider a weekend playdate on the odd weekend that Franny wasn’t with her grandparents or her father, and we didn’t have anything important to do like shampoo our wombat.

“Ohhh, that’s too bad,” she said. “We like to have playdates after school.”

This is it. I have hit the wall. I never want to hear the word “playdate” ever again. I want my children to play, but if one more stranger comes up to me wishing to engage in negotiations about my child’s busy and important social life, I am going to start flinging my own poo. I can’t take it any more.

A friend of mine who has been trapped in this school longer than me absolutely assured me that this change would come over me, as it has come over the older parents. I see the new parents, excited and enthusiastic, thinking that the school will be part of their social circle. I see the old parents, tired, grumpy, and burned out. Not speaking to each other. The word “playdate” is never uttered.

I have become the Wisteria Lane outcast here, which I’m okay with. I don’t see anyone and they don’t see me. I drop off and pick up my children at odd times. I put on my headphones after drop off and literally run away from the school. There’s no standing around chit-chatting with the working parents; they have someplace to be, and things to do.

I think about Strudel’s old class, with the three-hour day, and about how the mommies in that class would hiss that Strudel’s new class, for working parents, was glorified day care. Day care or not, it’s saner, rather than some kind of toxic bog. I wanted to cry last year when I was in the office working on the auction and Strudel’s teacher heaved a devistating sigh before returning to Strudel’s class with the words “Well, back to the pit.” I see Strudel’s new, young teachers enthusiastically greet her every morning and say how nice it is to see her smiling face and I feel better. Sometimes cutting yourself off from that mess is just the thing.

First Day of School, WOO

Thank god. This summer almost killed me. I now have a third-grader (WTF times infinity) and a little jerk in her second year of the weeuns program. The big one made me get out of bed and dye her hair. Ugh, me and my promises and with the screwing over of my future self. The little one stuck her face in a oriental lily yesterday and got covered in staining pollen. Goo team Insatiable Curiosity!



Two NOM NOM NOM Granola


I have nothing of any substance to say this morning except this has been one of the LONGEST summers of my life, and not in a good way. I’m FREEEE

O Lazarus

Patty LIVES. I had to concoct this backstory about how we made Patty sleep during the operation so she wouldn’t feel any pain. Franny likes things like that. Strudel was her usual helpful self: “What if Patty DOESN’T wake up? What if you DON’T fix Patty?” To these questions I always want to reply, “What if I take you outside and dip your head in a bucket of pudding, EH?” I never thought I would be one of those idiots, but I can say without a doubt, that yes, Strudel was given to me to test me. I may yet fail. But this one is just happy to have her Patty back:

olazarus.jpgWhile she is at camp today, I am going to permanently sew Patty’s neck bow in place, like she was before. We didn’t have time last night.

I had a job interview yesterday. I feel like it went really well on my end, and I hope they agree. Even if I don’t get this job, I am really excited that the Band-Aid is ripped off, and now I am prepped to be fired out of the interview cannon repeatedly until I score a job, or until internal bleeding sets in.

Chookieland, Opening June 2008

Today we went to the plant sale that the Seattle Tilth puts on every year. Perps were all cloche this, cloche that, and I’m all F that N, frankly, because do you want wussy tomatoes? We saw a bunch of people we knew and I only got called an asshole once, which is pretty remarkable considering the way I was cutting in line.

The wee pullets have embiggened, so they have gotten sprung out of their ten-gallon aquarium into a wardrobe box. It’s funny what you can raise chooks it. Yesterday I noticed they were panting under their heat lamp and couldn’t really get away, so they needed more room. It’s nice that they get hardier every day and don’t start shivering if you have them out for five minutes.

Here is Veronica Peep, Private Investigator. Yes, I named her after Veronica Mars because she is blonde and scrappy. No, I cannot believe I admitted that either.

If you put the chickens on any surface, they will immediately start pecking up all the errant crumbs, which is nice because my house is usually fairly crumby. However, they may drop a bomb at any moment, so it’s kind of a zero sum game. I forgot how well they can see little things. The other night I had one on my hand and she deliberately pecked at all my tiny little hand freckles. This is the life of an omnivore.

Looks like Veronica has gotten bigger in a week’s time. Here she is wee-er:


Speaking of babydaddy here, I have to do something I really hesitate to do, because it’s so rude and unnecessary, but I am going for gold. Companion is SO INTERESTED in my chickens. When I had chickens before I was married to some guy and he did not give a rip about me and my hobbies. I built the coop from scratch, of my own design, and I completely cared for the chickens by myself. This was pretty typical of most of my endeavors. The only one we ever really shared was Franny, and that was more of a tag-team effort at best.

HOWEVER, I know this is all apples to mothballs, but Companion actually picks the chickens up and talks to them. We sat down and designed the coop together and he insisted on naming one (Myrtle), since we are caring for them together. Even after our four years together, I am still amazed at his willingness to be a part of my life. You know, it’s like I was single for years and years, through marriage and having a kid, and now I actually have a partner. It’s funny how you can with someone and think you shouldn’t be lonely, because you aren’t alone.

Another reason I thought Companion might be chicken-blase is because he farmed and saw them as a teeming mass of rude livestock. Plus, they were Barred Rocks, which are basically dicks. But these are sweet little peepers and you can see that they have different personalities and ways of singing. I forgot that chicks will sing like songbirds when they are getting their feathers. It’s nice in the kitchen and I will miss them when I have to boot them out.

In Strudel News

Three is more fun than two, except not at all.

She upended the chair she runs by, threw the mitten baskets and ran off to the back room. This is right after school. Poor Franny was ill that day and got so upset she cried a little.

And then she can be a lot of fun, like with our babysitter.


But later she threw down. Ah, well.

So now we have six tomato plants, lemon cucumbers, and too much dill. I will keep you posted on the challenges of keeping chickens out of the tomatoes.

Now Fifteen Percent Less Bitter, I Tells You

Strudel and Mali boogie down to duck town. I say I am doing things like readings to “get myself out there” but it is actually to hang out with the cool people.

I probably embarrassed the hell out of Squid because I told her that my visit there in January was really helpful. I saw a loving, kind family in action, which was exactly what I needed right then after a rough fall and wrestling with the flu earlier that month. I came home and felt calmer and less yelly and better about my monkeys in general.

I haven’t told you the BIG news because I have been processing things all slowly as usual. It’s like you can see the hourglass over my head. Anyway, QUELLE SURPRISE, Seattle Federline is not moving away, so he gets to remain Seattle Federline. YAYS! My kid came home and told me, and then started crying. I am guessing she has no concept how pissed she is at him.

I am too, really, though I feel that impotent, kind of apathetic rage like you do for things in the universe that are totally out of your control. At least after six-plus months of threatening to move, he had the presence of mind to tell her he was staying for her. She was bummed, though, because she wanted to spend more time over here.

I have my suspicions, though, as I always do. I am hearing rumors now of him working at home and being given a company car. No one would give his useless job-hopping ass a company car…except his father. I think there’s been monetary intervention, again, because a few months ago he had to move because they couldn’t buy a house in Seattle, and now that is exactly what they are doing, buying a house here. And I KNOW what state his credit’s in.

Oh, you should have seen the look on his face when we were in mediation and he was realizing that there was no way we could be fifty-fifty and then I said the words “child support.” OHHH that was almost worth the $600. I sat down and though about it today, and his “almost move” cost us about $1000. I have learned. Next time something like this comes up, I am not budging. He can deal with it all.

Easter Strudels

Easter and Strudel’s birthday were jammed into one weekend of Easter-Strudelness, which was fine, really. Nice friends brought presents, after being asked not to bring presents. It wasn’t supposed to be a proper party, just an excuse to have some cake and say, “Hey, we acknowledge that you are three now, good job,” but they are very nice presents and she had a good time opening them. Maybe next year I will invite other children. I dunno.

I also made caponata (secret ingredient: mafioso).



Then we dyed eggs yesterday. I did a couple of duck eggs, because they are just lying around now.


Everything turned out pretty well. Franny chose a couple of eggs and repeatedly stuck them in every color. Which did not turn out to look like dookie as one might expect. More a weird puce color. The big orange one is a duck egg. Yesterday WL and I were talking about how purple eggs don’t turn out quite right, and wondering, why is that? They end up kind of streaky.

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Do you remember the time we were going to get your teeth fixed and we spent all of the money on Francis’s toupee?


I was going to do something all amazing and squeeze little frosting clovers, but I said FUCK IT. We’re dealing with a group whose average age is four. Please dispense sugar delivery system NAO kthxbye. You may not be able to tell, but these are wee cupcakes, so they are not full-strength. This is how you keep the teachers sweet. Also they are carrot cake. NOM.

For Strudel’s third birthday, the British Fairy came. Coool.

“What would you like for your special birthday breakfast?” I said.

“I would acksherly like yogurt quite a lot,” she said.


“Jolly good, Mother.”

Okay, she didn’t say the last part. She’s a funny one. Franny was all “F this N, dog,” and would get as close as she could to a word. “I wear my fweater while I’m on the fwing.” This one pronounces every letter, but does not yet create a smooth blend. So we’re at the table and we get,
“I need a sss pppooo nuh.” This is yelled, of course. It’s sort of like eating with with Sloth, except less shouting for Baby Ruths, and we’ve gone to a quieter chain system.


Anyway, I had a lulzy moment yesterday. I got the bill for my IUD. It was $69. BOW CHICKA BOW BOW, IUD pimp. Now I am bleeding, and I had to jam my menstrual cup there with the IUD. Will they be friends? How many things can I fit in there? Next month, turtle and flipflop, too. Seriously, I have a fair amount of anxiety about this. There IS a string hanging out…what if they fight? What if IUD loses? I had a dream I was fishing through my purse for my keys and I came up with it. I thought I was just going to forget about it. I guess that’s for the non-spastic.

And this…is probably all I should say about that. Have a good day.