Poop Diamond and a Tiny Open P.S.

An old friend of mine said something to me a few months ago that really resonated with me. Hard. She’s good about that sort of thing. She can see truths right through to their heart. I don’t think she would be friends with me if I was constantly delusional about everything, but once in a while she can give me a really good, loving shove that I need.

Sometimes I feel sorry for my friend (in a weird way), because I think 99% of the time she sees the truth of her own life so fricking clearly. Harsh-light-of-day clearly. I’ve never seen her let a bad relationship go on, or carry on lying to herself. She is her own Cassandra. Ok, maybe that’s a bad analogy, because she listens to herself. It’s better to have self-insight, I know, than the alternative.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting to tell you what she said, but I had to shove that piece of coal up my ass for a while and see what came out. I was telling her about an unpleasant run-in I’d had with someone I used to know (I didn’t write about it–too much going on really). I was lamenting that I had let myself get into relationships in my twenties with a lot of people who were not so good for me, which, if I am being honest with myself, was a nice way of saying, “Were huge assholes who didn’t really respect or understand me.” I knew this was a pattern, and I’d had a nagging feeling there was a code I was not quite cracking there.

Some of the people I was attracted to were just not nice–one-sided relationships all the way. They would make me happy for a while. “Wow,” I’d tell myself. “They certainly have an interesting take on the world. Maybe I can learn how to be more assertive (or decisive, or less worried about what other people thought about me, or whatever) from them.” Oh, Narcissus, I could watch you watch yourself for hours! You really are the grooviest. I’d take in what they’d say and feel the little pings of red flags pop up. Then things would not go so well. That strong trait or traits they exhibited that I thought I could learn from would be turned on me once. Ouch. And then several more times. Well, we’re going to have to call it a day, then.

It made me nervous because I had seen my mother run through people like mad over the years–husbands, fiances, friends. Umm…her children. I thought maybe I didn’t really know how to be friends with people. Something was certainly wrong with me. Hadn’t I been told that over and over again growing up? And then again for years by my husband? I was “not funny.” I was “weird.” When I got up the courage to actually show my ex my writing it “did not make sense.” (Okay, that is certainly true sometimes.) Lucky for me I made some friends with people who were nice and not broken. These were also people I decided to pattern my grown-up self on as I moved through my twenties and beyond. And wow, I am still friends with most of them, in a pretty normal, mutually-accepting way.

So to get back to my friend and what she said–I was kind of lamenting the fact that this creep ex-friend had made a little pecking intrusion back into my life via an email, and why was I always so bad at relationships (present company I was moaning to excepted). Then she said it. “You know, SJ, I don’t want to pathologize you, but you really didn’t have the best examples for normal relationships growing up.”

Saying that this was a light bulb moment would be greatly oversimplifying things, but it rung, like a clear little bell, and then kept ringing and resonating. I’ve heard similar from other people, and I’ve told myself that, but that sentence was exactly what I needed to hear from that friend on that day. I kept getting into relationships with people who were like my mother: self-involved, mean, unaccepting. I tried to pull away from her multiple times in my teens and twenties only to have my ex really disapprove of that choice, because he was a mirror of her.

Reader, I married my mother.

For a long time I thought my ex was a sociopath, because of the lack of empathy and some of his interesting life and moral choices, but lately, after following one disjointed thought and coincidence and conversation scrap after another–you know that feeling where you are kind of chaining along to some kind of conclusion? Just me? I hope not. Anyway, I’ve been reading about narcissists and I think I may have a bingo there. Or the closest I’l get to a bingo, anyway. I could tell you dozens of anecdotes and how they relate to each symptom, and at some point I might, for my own entertainment.

Anyway, I tell you this because I like to say when I have realized things, even if I think I might reevaluate things later. But these feels pretty right; it feels like some information I was missing, or at least a label on things. The good news is that on my own over the years I’ve developed coping techniques that are pretty similar to what’s recommended for dealing with a narcissist. Keeping things very brief, like our last exchange before school let out, when he had to scold me one more time and I basically gave him no reaction.

His wife is now opening calling him a lazy asshole in front of the children. Girl, I am breaking the fourth wall, okay? If you can read this a) you are driving too close and b) you should probably read this. All of it. Good fuck’n luck comrade.

I do wonder how Franny’s doing over there for her month! P. sent her a care package and I’ve texted but it is silent. I’m hoping she’s tired and happy.

In Other News

“If you come in to this room without knocking I will make meatballs out of you.”

13 thoughts on “Poop Diamond and a Tiny Open P.S.

  1. Gurrrrrrrl your ex and my ex are psychic twins, and narcissists will fuck your mind sans-lube if you let ’em. Coincidentally my mother was one, too. TWINSIES! I have found that the key to protecting my own mental health is to insist on written communication. Because that is a) on record and b) delayed, so he can’t spin a bunch of off-the-cuff bullshit that messes with my head. The running joke is that his answer should we end up before a judge for any of a number of ridiculous things he has done as a “co-parent” will be “but your honor, I’m MEEEEEE!” *sigh*

  2. Our joke around here is “But I don’t have any munny!!” :p Twinsies indeed.

  3. Ma’am, I’ve been reading you for about 10 years — since I was 16 or 17. It’s always been because you’re voice is so strong and you are very funny even in the face of Bullshit. I’ve been silent ‘cos I’m an introvert weirdo, but I just wanted you to know that you’re so fucking cool. And thoughtful. And inspiring. Is this weird? It might be weird. This post in particular resonated with me enough to want to pipe up. Thank you for being you. :)

  4. I married my mother the first time, too. It’s like our hindbrains are all “But if I can make THIS ONE work, that means I’m WOOOOORTHY!” Craziness.

  5. I’m about to get all ‘read this’ on your ass, so apologies in advance and feel free to tell me to fuck off.

    Books you should read:
    “Trapped in the Mirror: Adult Children of Narcissists in their Struggle for Self” by Elan Golumb

    “Help! I’m In Love With a Narcissist” by Steven Carter and Julia Sokol (terrible title, well-researched book)

    “Why is It Always About You?” by Sandy Hotchkiss

    There are some other books that are more academic/technical/therapist-oriented, but these are good places to start.

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder is actually part of the constellation of behaviors that make up sociopathy/psychopathy, so you still might be right about that part.

    And yes, narcissistics will mindfuck you until you scream and then tell you that you asked for it. It’s a bitch and a half to see them for what they are.

  6. Hi J-Mo! Welcome from way back.

    Allison: Thanks. I have read the Hotchkiss and now I have homework. I will look into the others!

    Mir: Oh no. The funny thing is that I was working so hard not to marry my (step)father I missed the rake in the face. :)

  7. Yeah, weh weh. Actually, what it is is, you are a fucking shit-ass friend. Haven’t read the blog in what, 9 months, and here you are blaming other people YET AGAIN for the fact that you torch every fucking friendship you ever had. Yeppers, that’s my fault for being “too needy” or whatever the fuck. Point the finger at other people for being narcissistic, and there’s four fingers pointing back at you.

    If you EVER do ANYTHING for another person without calculating what might be the possible benefit for you before you do it, I will die of shock. I include your kids.

    Enjoy deleting my comment, but maybe it will give you a 30-second twinge.

  8. This comment was accidentally posted in the previous one, with my dog running around like a little git. This is the person I used to do that disaster of a podcast with. I thought it was too perfect not to reproduce in the correct spot. I am happy because it makes me realize how far I’ve come. Thanks for the reminder, Robyn!

  9. This book: http://www.amazon.com/Women-Who-Love-Too-Much/dp/1416550216/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372608730&sr=8-1&keywords=women+who+love+too+much

    is a life saver. We have patterns in our life and we we recognize the “dance” our subconscious will tell us that is “love” even though it is just our fucked up childhood rearing its ugly head. You can replace men with mother in the book. It helps you recognize and change those patterns.

    It is a great book. I get them every time I see them at the thrift store and give them out like candy. Everyone has loved it. I even bought 10 new when they were on sale once and ran out faster than I thought I would.

  10. Honestly, I’m so grateful we’ve been friends for more than ten years now. One of the things I admire most about you is your honesty and another is your ability to transcend all sorts of bullshit that has happend to become a really wonderful person and great mom.

  11. Sometimes we have to leave people behind that are not good for us, even if we’re good for them. Good for you.

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