How Will I Go On Without My Gaius?

“Adulthood is loneliness, emptiness, and panic. Surprise! Welcome to the party. Make yourself a drink. Sit anywhere.”

–Christopher Frizelle

I have exhausted all of my episodes of Battlestar Agalag. What am I going to do with the rest of my life now? I guess I have to go outside or something now. BOOO!

I am turning thirty this month, did I tell you? I was feeling all excited about that, pretty much since last year’s birthday. Now I kind of wish I could put it off for another month, since I have so much anxiety right now. I sort of feel like I am overreacting to things. Like I just got sucked back into a few years ago when things were much worse. It’s funny how triggers can set you off. What do you do about that? I think the difference between then and now was that I thought things were going to get better, and I could move away from the bullshit for once and all. But of course it resurfaces. I know that now. How did I get this old without knowing that?

So right now I am feeling like a barely-competent friend, fake wife, and person. I think the momming may still be hanging in there. I have only thrown Strudel in the locks three times this week, which is about average.

I got my first paycheck for writing the other day. I was talking to a friend about that and how I thought I would have sold a pile of work by now. But I am happy to have made a start.

Things I am obsessing over lately:

Candy Mountain
Elf Only Inn

13 thoughts on “How Will I Go On Without My Gaius?

  1. I thinks you should put on some Of Montreal and dance around in your socks. That will make you feel better. At least, it makes me feel better :)

  2. I remember being about twelve and babysitting for all of these affluent families on Capitol Hill. I would look at them and think that they knew what they were doing; like they had it all figured out. Now I am around how old they must have been and…no. oh hell no.

  3. No more BSG until Jan., sorry. You might want to check out Bionic Woman. It features many BSG players, specifically Starbuck.

    I also recommend Orchestra Baobab, for the tunes. Although I wasn’t really recommending Bionic Woman. Not yet.

    I worry when you self-deprecate but don’t turn it into a joke.

  4. Oh, honey, it’ll keep on resurfacing until you work it through, but each time will be a little bit easier, until finally it’s just a blip on the radar and not much more.

  5. Charlie was buggered sore like a hobo’s whore in his big rock candy mountain. Kind of.

  6. Charlie’s alright…I’d rather go to Kenya.

    Also, I can throw in some ‘Emergency Scotch’ from my personal arsenal for the washing back of the Ativan and the Effexor.

  7. No links allowed in comments? Or maybe I just took my stooooopid pillz today.

    Kenya =

    There was a live-action one out in the world a few years back or so…go! librarians! seek and find!

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