Friday Bloop

Today on Blogher: Britney: Unfitney? Or Misunderstoodney?

OH YES I DID just do that to the English language. I am shameless.

Tonight we are nicking off for drinks with fun people, and then finally out to dinner at this Spanish restaurant I have been wanting to peep forever. Maybe…if I can get reservations.

Companion is 1) re-upped, finally, and 2) he is going for some mushroom pickery this weekend. I predict chanterelle risotto in my future. Also, I am taking a mushroom pickery class in a couple of weeks called Mushroom 101: How Not to Poison everyone You’ve Ever Loved. Can’t wait!

Well, someone’s happy it’s Friday.

“Wot’s Friday?” she says.

30 thoughts on “Friday Bloop

  1. This is a little late, but if you are talking about “Fandango” – the mojitos are to die for…

  2. Where does one take a class in “mushroom pickery without wiping your DNA from the face of the planet?” inquiring minds want to know.

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