Oh Saint Dymphna Pray For Jerks; Plus-Two Stench Damage

You know what’s good for a case of the “mlehs?” Finishing some shit you’ve been putting off. I saw a recipe for making a vintage medicine cabinet into a jewelry cabinet with velvet lining and painted whichever way you want, which is fine, but everyone knows the best color to paint something is gold, like chicken planters, my bed, and my old living room with the red walls and gold trim.

I put it aside at the end of the summer because I borked some of the lining process and got all grumpity. But my friend was here yesterday with her knitting, and it inspired me to get it out. After hours of searching, my tired unorganized ass found my glue gun, and I fixed the lining and glued some Catholic religious medals that I scored at the Fremont Market to the front, around the mirror. Today we went down to Pike Place and I got about 50 milagros, and I glued those in the places where the religious medals weren’t. It is viva la Mexico ftw.

I even got a boobies milagro. I have never seen one of those.

“They are for warding off breast cancer, or for breast health,” the woman at the store said.

“Or maybe for fighting gravity,” I said.

I took pictures of the cabinet in progress all summer, and they are scattered through my photo folders. I want to take a picture of my finished cabinet, and make a gallery out of it. BUT, I have somehow lost my battery charger, so I am saving my last bit of juice for like when the aliens come. I will pick up a new charger soon.

You know what’s even better than hot glue gun burns? Do you? Freaking out and waving your hand around and having the glue dry on your burn. Now I have a blister under a glue glob. It’s like Science under Glass. Is my finger going to fall off? I hope not. It’s my special finger I reserve for choad poking.

My big kid called me last night after Strudel went to bed. In her voice was the sound of missing me.

“Read to me, Mom, read me Ereth’s Birthday,” she said.

“Okay,” I said.

She asked what we had been up to and was crushed to hear that while I had been home crafting and eating, Companion had been out picking chanterelles. Looking at these old pictures and seeing that I was nursing then makes me realize that I had what Franny calls “Fat Boobs.” And I have to tell you I just went bra shopping and Ye Olde Size didn’t fit. I had to buy a c-cup. A C-CUP, PEOPLE. I have not been a c-cup since I was sixteen. Parasitic boobnibblers high kick! My shirts fit better now. I am more comfortable sleeping on my face now.

ANYWAY, he came home with a metric butt ton, too, which I was suspicious of because I had not actually picked them myself. Is that weird? I didn’t know I was like this.

“Are you sure this one’s okay?” I said.

“SIGH,” Companion said, who was tired and cold and came home to ingratitude.

Franny told me about what she had been up to as well.

“My dad kept me home on Thursday, isn’t that weird?”

“What do you mean?” I said.

“He took me to the island to clear brush all day instead of school.”

“Were you sick?” I said.

“No. Isn’t that WEIRD?” she said again.

“Yeah,” I said. “That’s weird.” He’s quit his job already. I thought he’d at least make it to the move.

Otherwise she seems well and is looking forward to her birthday party. It was a good weekend, though nothing has been cleaned for two weeks and the dustbunnies are starting to drag race in the corners. I blame: ennui, business, gonorrheas, termites, our new babysitter who is so totally kickass so who wants to stay home and clean, and spending time with friends. YOW!

14 thoughts on “Oh Saint Dymphna Pray For Jerks; Plus-Two Stench Damage

  1. The fewer fingerprints, the better. Now you can consider that secondary career as “cat burglar” (which is not as much fun to say as “turd burglar”..)

    Turd burglar!

    (Sometimes I think I visit your comment section just to get things out of my system so I don’t say this sort of thing to the cashier at the grocery store. Your blog is like my brain’s safe house.)

  2. I called someone at work a choad the other day. Actually, I called someone’s ex-boyfriend, who kept her from seeing Shakira live in concert even though they already had tickets, a choad.

    Nobody knew what a choad was.

    So then I said “You know, it’s a taint.”

    And the one dude in the room busted out laughing, but the other people didn’t know what a taint was. GRANTED, two of them hadn’t spent their adolescence in the USA, but still. How do you not know that?

    Soooo… I made them look it up. They turned to Wikipedia. It was pretty awesome.

    I feel like I’ve, you know, like I’ve done some good. Spread some knowledge. Educated people. Made a difference.

  3. I’m in the midwest, though. Which is part of why it’s puzzling. I asked a friend of mine, who grew up on the East Coast, if she knew what it meant and she said yeah. KONFUZION.

  4. Gold. Right on. Go for the glamor, baby.

    You know, George Bush really enjoys clearing brush. Maybe it’s a special leadership skill.

  5. Can I have Franny? Seening as the dad is unfit and making her do slave labor and all…and is without job. And she is so sad and you are sad and it makes me sad. And SHIT no one should be sad reading I ASSHOLE. We should be laughing until we pee. (Or at least learing new ways to destroy our fingerprints, or make tasty dishes to devouer.) I hope she races home to you soon….if not I have a “unit” of army night crawler ready to swoop in and get her out on your command. (Although we all wear high heels and drive giant SUV’s)

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