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Author Archives: iasshole
Guest Post: Brandy, the World’s Dumbest Beagle
Note: This story is reproduced with permission from the author, who is one of my cool interwebs acquaintances. She posted this on a members-only forum, and I asked her if she had it on her blog for linking purposes. She does not, and I did not realize that she had locked a lot of her LJ at this point. She granted me permission to repost it here. I wanted to share this with you because I think people who like to read me will really enjoy this type of goofy childhood remembrance. She wanted me to tell readers that she doesn’t update her blog publicly too often, just as an FYI. Enjoy. I will leave comments open for this, and I hope they don’t crash on you. I am starting to think this blog is held together by scotch tape.
Now for the World’s Dumbest Dog story, which is much more pleasant, if long.
My childhood pet was a beagle, and I am starting to suspect that beagles tend to be functionally retarded at the best of times. Adorable, big brown eyes, eager to please, total doggie derps with not two brain cells to knock together inside their empty little heads, beagles may be the canine world’s Inbred Jeds. At least they are sweet-tempered beasts.
Charlie Brown’s dog, Snoopy, was a beagle. Snoopy is a damn lie. Snoopy is portrayed as being creative, smart and clever. I know Snoopy is imaginary because he is a comic strip character, but still, it is false advertising. I can count the number of beagles I have met on one hand (with fingers to spare) that showed any sign of intelligence.
Brandy, our family dog when I was small, was the least smart of them all. Now, Brandy was sweet, and loving, but her total lack of smarts used to drive us crazy. I actually saw her walk into a wall, look at it accusingly, as if to complain that it shouldn’t have jumped out in front of her like it just did, back up, and then promptly walk right back into it again. This is a dog with normal eyesight who wasn’t senile. She was just that mentally challenged.
Brandy was also fucking LOUD. Hounds have a special kind of bark-howl that non-hound-owners are unfamiliar with. Brandy would greet us enthusiastically with ear-piercing howls of joy whenever we came home. Alas, she was so incredibly dim that she interpreted someone leaving the room and coming right back as a signal to cue Joyous Homecoming Arias.
When the family moved into an apartment complex, we were so used to Brandy’s enthusiastic and high-decibel greeting style that we were shocked when neighbors started pounding on our door, trembling
with outrage, and threatening to tell the ASPCA that we were beating our dog. We’d have to spend an annoying length of time explaining that no, we did no such thing, we loved the fucking dog, though sometimes we wondered why, and if the neighbor seemed the least bit dubious, we’d only have to open the door and go back inside, neighbor by our sides, to cue Brandy’s bark-howls of ecstasy. We’d be twenty feet away and she’d still be howling like an air raid siren and about to wet herself
with delight. No one ever complained twice.
We tried for five years to train the dog. The only command she mastered semi-successfully was coming when called. She didn’t always put two and two together and realize we were actually talking to her, but if you made eye contact, she would lumber over most of the time for some petting and ear-rubbing. The dog was just retarded beyond belief. I have owned smarter gerbils, and a typical gerbil has a brain the size of a frozen
English pea.
Beagles, like most hounds, live to eat. In addition to being a typical beagle with an insatiable appetite, Brandy was incredibly lazy. You didn’t take Brandy for a walk, you took her for a slow drag, or an even slower inch by inch inspection of every blade of grass in the yard. My brother and I would try to think of things for the dog to do that might induce her to get some exercise. We’d walk her up and down staircases, up and down off curbs, and around and around the neighborhood, and she’d eat anything she could get into her mouth while trudging along half-heartedly behind us.
She was too stupid to play fetch. You’d throw a ball, and she’d decide that it ceased to exist once it flew over her head, and would just sit there, stupidly, wondering what we were going on about. We tried to get her to
fetch sticks. If she managed to clue in that we wanted her to go get the stick, she’d occasionally manage to find it by accident a half hour later, and settle in for a mid-day snack and eat it. Every scrap.
By the time the dog was a year old, it was obvious that she wasn’t plump from puppy fat, she was just fat. By the time she was two, she looked like two beagles glued together. By the time she was five, she was a
barrel supported by four tiny furry toothpicks. We were baffled. The dog was on diet dog food, exercised, and she still ballooned in size. The Goodyear Mutt. Meanwhile, the cat didn’t seem to ever gain much weight. Clever detective work revealed that the dog was just bright enough to wait until there were no human witnesses before eating the cat’s food and then her own.
We started to feed the cat on top of the clothes dryer in the utility room. The dog started to eat the plastic dishes her food and water were served in. We switched to ceramic, and she managed to break and eat chunks of those, too. We finally moved on to thick metal bowls, and she was thwarted, but only
for a while. She found other things to eat.
I could write a book about the bizarre things the dog managed to consume. We always considered it a miracle that she didn’t ever eat our cat. Socks was a lot smarter than Brandy, however, and that may have been what saved her.
(On an ironic note, I was in first grade when we got the animals, and, being an advanced reader, I’d already read a lot of Beverly Cleary books. Socks was named after the book (what else) Socks. Brandy was originally going to be called “Ribsy”, after a dog in another Cleary book, but my mother loudly vetoed that idea and named her (I suspect) after a particularly wet top-40 song she had once liked about a fine girl who would be a good wife, if only her cheatin’ tramp of a sailor boyfriend could stop dicking around and leave the Navy (or whatever) once and for all and settle down.
Calling this dog “Ribsy” would be the equivalent of calling a really big, tall, fat guy “Tiny,” or
referring to George W. Bush as “Einstein.”)
First of all, Brandy was a coprophage. Many dogs are. She was a dedicated coprophage, though, and would harass the cat while she was in mid-poop, just to get those delicious cat brownies in the cat box. On the plus side, we didn’t have to change the cat box very often. Brandy would not only eat the poop, she’d eat most of the pee-soaked litter. During shedding season, we never had a problem with fur getting on anything, because the dog licked all the shedding fur off of herself and the cat.
One fine day the dog found a box of crayons, one of those enormous 128-color boxes, the largest size Crayola made. It had been left unattended for ten minutes while the child coloring with the crayons went to the bathroom. When the budding artist (me) returned, the crayons were gone. Accusations of sibling theft flew back and forth, a brawl broke out, every corner of the house was ransacked, parents were prevailed upon to restore order (and the crayons), all to no avail. This huge box of crayons was just gone.
The next day, and for the next several days, the dog’s crap came out in a rainbow of colors. Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue, she could shit a rainbow, shit a rainbow, shit a rainbow, too. On day five, the crayon sharpener that had been built into the box emerged, jauntily perched atop a perfect sky-blue-pink turd swirl. The mystery of the missing crayons had been solved.
The dog discovered that my mother used old-fashioned Kotex pads, and wrapped them in toilet paper and put them into a straw wastebasket. Used Kotex pads were apparently a delicacy, because the dog ate them, ate the other things in the wastebasket, and half of the wastebasket itself. More than once.
The dog ate a dead lightbulb.
The dog ate the air fern my mom had been fussing over that sat in a prominent place in the living room that you would never believe a fat dog could reach.
The dog ate entire rolls of toilet paper plus the toilet tube and the toilet roll spindle.
The dog ate bottles of lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste.
The dog ate several fuzzy bathmats.
The dog ate stinky “OdorEaters” insoles and orthopedic arch-supporting cookies our of shoes, if for some odd reason she chose not to just go ahead and devour the entire shoe.
The dog pried up chunks out of the wooden parquet floor and ate them.
The dog ate two rubber doormats made out of recycled tires.
The dog ate toilet cakes and the little plastic baskets they dangled down from.
The dog once ate a metal Hot Wheels firetruck. It was never seen again.
The dog ate several hundred pot pie tin pans that we used to feed the cat, as occasionally one would get nudged to the edge of the clothes dryer.
The dog ate toothbrushes, hair brushes, and entire tubes of lipstick (which emerged whole, cap still on, days later).
Our dryer never had a chance to eat our socks, the dog would eat them first. Brandy was also fond of underwear, pants, shorts, t-shirts, and anything else that she could scavenge out of the laundry hamper.
The dog ate most of the Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs, plastic toy vehicles, stuffed animals, Barbies and books she could find.
The dog pretty much ate everything that wasn’t nailed down, and then started in on the nailed-down stuff, too.
It was after it was estimated that the dog had eaten approximately $5,000 worth of household goods, clothing and toys that my parents decided to confine the dog in the kitchen at night. The dog ate two square feet of linoleum, chewed up and ate several baby gates, ate the legs of the kitchen table, ate several legs of the kitchen chairs, dragged the new wall-to-wall carpet under the babygate and ate a hole three feet wide
and two feet long out of the carpet and underliner, and ate knobs off the cabinets.
Again, the vets could not find any physical ailment to explain the voraciousness, and just said that “all hounds do that.” I don’t know…I’ve known a lot of hounds, and they do eat whatever they can, but they tend to prefer actual food items.
Please note that I’m only giving you the highlights, here. The dog ate things that no one would ever believe could be eaten, and she did it on a nearly daily basis. We weren’t untidy people, and some of the things
this four-legged furry Jell-o mold managed to find, acquire, and then eat had to have involved doggie teleportation or telekinesis.
The most infamous episode of inappropriate eating occurred during a posh cocktail party my parents were throwing. My mom slaved for hours making a huge sherry-infused cheeseball, rolling it in sliced nuts, and baking it in the oven so it was approximately 500 degrees Fahrenheit right before the guests arrived. She popped a maraschino cherry on top, stuck it on a cutting board with crackers and toast points, and as she set it onto the coffee table, the doorbell rang.
As my mother let the first guests in, everyone heard agonized yelps coming from the den. Everyone ran to see what the horrible noises were, and there was the dog, eating six pounds of piping hot molten cheese, and crying out in pain because it was burning her mouth, throat and stomach, and the dog was too stupid to figure out that perhaps eating a boiling hot cheeseball was a bad idea and to STOP.
Her craps that week became an epic event for all the neighborhood kids to point at and marvel over, so prodigious was their size and length. She was pooping dachshund-sized landmines everywhere for days. I don’t mean poops equivalent to poops a dachshund might poop, I mean poops that just needed legs, a collar and a tail to be mistaken for actual dachshunds. How her butthole didn’t go on strike, I don’t know. It is a mystery. It was a hot topic of discussion even at the neighborhood bus top–“those kids’ beagle made the biggests poos in the world, it might be a Guinness Book World Record-sized poo, the poos were almost as big as the dog, but that dog might well win a record for being the fattest dog ever to roll into a backyard to drop a load”…you get the idea.
How the dog managed to fit six pounds of cheese into her belly was a mystery to me, as she also ate four pairs of pants (crotches, mostly), one sock, a left shoe (all but the heel), six pairs of underwear (including elastic), and the covers and most of the chapters from two textbooks (which had foolishly been left on top of my bed) the same night.
It was at this point that I threw my hands up and disowned the dog.
Just to prove that ignorance is bliss and only the good die young, this dog lived a looooooong, loooooong time, eating new and bizarre inedible things of greater size and strangeness, and finally ended up dying
peacefully of old age. Not once did her crazy eating habits cause her any gastrointestinal dismay.
I may sound like a bitch, but even though I loved the dog, I don’t miss her one bit. I no longer worry
that when I come home, something expensive will have vanished into Brandy’s voracious and indestructible maw.
What People Need to Understand: Your MOM’S an Internal Server Error 500
I am taking comments away for the time being so you can just think I’m a self-absorbed dick who’s dooin it rong rather than a non-technosavvy dick who cannot be bothered with MT. I would rather sew up my own cervix then look under the hood of yon gentle Movable Type.
What People Need to Understand (that sounds like a great lead-in to the craziest part of the manifesto, doesn’t it?) is that oh god oh god I so need a box to write into and a button to push at the end. I thought about chucking it and going to paper journals (WHAT is that cheering sound?) but I cannot write faster than I type. I also think I’m addicted to hyperlinking now. Sometimes I am writing my shopping list and I am like Jesus God we’re out of artichokes and then I think HA HA that reminds me of that picture of the guy with the artichoke crammed into his…and then I look up and realize that I don’t have twenty-eight tabs open in front of me, I have only the kitchen table with granola crusted on it even though Hey I Just Washed This.
Anyway, on the fence about the new neighbors here. I think about my neighbors a fair amount, because when you live in a duplex, you share a wall with just one set of people, whom you see coming and going and such, unlike in an apartment, where you may be totally surrounded and don’t want to see or think about any of them. This is just a little theory I’m working on.
So, points against, they are kind of dingbats. On first meeting them, it was revealed during the discovery process that they had designs on our green tomatoes, which did not, as it happens, just fall out of the fucking sky or magically sprout out of the ground. In fact, we haven’t eaten any of our tomatoes yet. I like to share as much as anyone, but don’t be a tomato plotter if you haven’t earned it. There is other social retardation as well, in the form of the inability to introduce oneself before launching into a tirade about something or other that was the verbal equivalent of tl;dr.
Pro: At work all day. Woo!
In the four days that the unit was empty, I took a break from shooshing the girls for yelling or elephanting up and down the stairs or bashing their heads into the shared wall. They went completely feral in that time, and forgot that we live in a shared building. It’s been a challenge getting them to simmer down again, but it’s going okay.
Today I am waiting for a call for the job I interviewed for the other day. I am feeling like it’s a bad sign that it’s 2 p.m. and I haven’t heard anything, but I am also generally pessimistic right now, so who knows. If they do make an offer, I am thinking about what to negotiate for, since the job description is totally different than the actual job. Like on salary.corm, the listed job and the job as described are two different categories all together, but supposedly you segue into the real job description after three months or so. What do you do in a case like this? I guess I will ask for the flensing salary and see if they can throw in a knife so I don’t have to bring my own every day.
Further, I have been up since 3:30 since the cat decided that was the time to learn a new percussion instrument (door banged against wall) and I could not get back to sleep. I sure I will sleep soundly tonight with a stomach full of pot pie. (Flavor: cat.)
I also managed to find a new doctor for my girls. Their family doctor of seven years UP AND FLED like a bandit in the night. I called the clinic to make an appointment and they said no dice. Where did she go? We don’t have that information. ORLY.
I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I was when I googled her ass and there she was in California. I really, really wanted the sordid backstory: fraudulent credentials, a jewel fencing operation, SOMETHING. But no. Just rudeness. Send a letter or a postcard, FFS, people. Seven years.
Speaking of FFS, I am beginning to recieve harassing phone calls for my ex-husband on my cellular telephone. Awesome. I love a harassment break in the middle of the day, don’t you? The downside of still being connected to him enough that they call me is mitigated by the fact that I get to say, Oh, so sorry, we are not married anymore. I could be harassed all day. I love it. This explains how I thrive as a mother, I reckon.
First Day of School, WOO
Thank god. This summer almost killed me. I now have a third-grader (WTF times infinity) and a little jerk in her second year of the weeuns program. The big one made me get out of bed and dye her hair. Ugh, me and my promises and with the screwing over of my future self. The little one stuck her face in a oriental lily yesterday and got covered in staining pollen. Goo team Insatiable Curiosity!
Bulletin From Your Vagina-American
WOW I’m a fricking genius. Longtime readers may know that I have special issues with the wetting myself (once, I swear) and being able to pee in public at all. Well, friends, today I had an interview for a job I would enjoy having, I think. I put on my foncy lady clothings and took the metal shit out of my face and tied my hair back into a bun so awesome that undead Melvil Dewey would have immediately taken me as his unholy bride right on the spot.
Look at this, disclosure within disclosure! I have also discovered the wondrous world of Spanx in the past six months. Let me say, you cannot hide what is there. It will not go away. Where will it go, into some kind of weird vacuum hammerspace (“Yeaaaah, I’m only a tubbo on the weekends, thanks.”)? But it will make things smoother. Ensmoothen, if you will, and I know you will. So you can look nicer in your foncy lady pants.
Of course I had purchased the one that was best for wearing under thin summer dresses, and as such provides a fair amount of coverage. So much coverage that you don’t even have to pull them down while you’re out and about. They have this weird gussety thing, and you just kind of…pee out of that. I know, I know. Doing it the first time scared the pickles out of me, because it just sort of feels like you’re wetting your pants or something, but it worked, and all the other times after that, EXCEPT TODAY.
Did I mention I had an interview today? Yeaaah.
I took a loooooong drive to get there, nom nom nomed the coffee all the way there, stuck in traffic, etc etc and slammed a big glass of water before climbing into the car. I was doing the carseat peepee dance by the time I got to within a block of the interview site. LO! There was a giant department store just calling my name.
I wanted to pee and pick up a magazine (No, Jessica Simpson, I don’t want to hear about how you Found Love Again, please choke on your hair extensions) to kill some time, since I am appropriately afraid of the commuting situation in this town and left very early.
I went into the bathroom and got ready to do my thing, positioning myself over the toilet in a way that seemed like optimal deployment. Some ladies, I know, can fire it off with no mistakes or trouble, and can even go standing up, but I am one of those who can get all cockeyed and pee on my leg and stuff. No homo. I was just having that thought, “Gee, this would be terrible timing for me to OH GOD OH GOD what is that FEELING NONONONO!”
There I blew. The pee went all cattywampus and ended up soaking into the edge of the gusset. No NO NOOOOO! I couldn’t stop, though, I had been holding it too long. The problem soon spread about a bit, as it all wicked around. I hopped around in the stall desperately, trying to contain the wetness with wadded toilet paper and prayer. Blot, blot, blot, Jesus God, I am going to be that person at the interview, Spanky McWettibutt. This is my Fergie Ferg moment. It was middle school all over again: EVERYONE WILL SEE AND EVERYONE WILL KNOW. I will be that weirdo who leaves the wet spot on the seat. I can’t untuck my shirt. Should I take it off? Then I will have nothing. I can’t go commando to this important interview.
I imagined myself cramming the moist Spanx into my purse and then them somehow jumping out at the interview (like I wouldn’t just leave them in the car) like a snake in a can of trick peanuts. Nice to meet you, BOINGWETSPANX.
I blotted. I flushed. I tucked and emerged, remembering that no matter what I do, I will do it clunkily and with as little grace as humanly possible. I looked at my butt. I looked at my front. Butt. Front. Butt. Front. BUTT. FRONT. Rhythm! I started to dance. “WHAT IS LOVE? Baby don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me, no more.” I remembered that it was 9:15 in the morning and snapped out of it, making a hasty exit from the large department store bathroom.
I sat down in the car with my legs open a little bit like I had seen dudes do, as if I had nuts to mash or something. I waited til it was almost the appointed time. I peeked into my crotch a little, like it was the aforementioned snake in the can. I could see my pants looked a little darker. Oh dear. It would be hidden by standing and sitting, I reasoned.
I walked into the interview. I smiled. I sold myself like crazy. How was your day?
If you are having no luck with comments, I always like to get an email. (sj at this site.) But not you, Nebulon. No one likes your style.
At The Library
I left Franny and Strudel alone in the children’s section, reading happily, and walked a few feet over to the CD rack to see if I could find some reasonably non-offensive CDs to be played at bedtime again and AGAIN until they are spun into silvery dust.
There were two little girls sitting at the tables directly adjacent to the children’s CD racks. They were engaged in that eight-year-old girl psychological warfare that adults either miss, or choose not to notice.
“Your teeth are so YELLOW,” one girl hissed to her companion. “You should really brush them more often.”
“I DO brush them,” her friend retorted, in hushed tones.
“I mean, I have never seen such yellow, dirty-looking teeth as yours. Ugh.”
“They ARE NOT!”
This exchange went on for a few minutes until the girl with the teeth lost it and socked her little frenemy.
“OW,” the taunter said, at full volume. “You shouldn’t hit people.”
They remained unsupervised and I paused in my browsing, looking up at the sound of the taunter’s louder voice. She looked up at me, now visible, and the girl with the teeth slowly looked over her shoulder. They both waited to see what this adult would do. I looked at the girl with the teeth.
“I would have hit her, too,” I said, and went back to browsing.
Yey Seattle Is Still Stupid
Car free days. That’s right, take your car off the streets. This street, that was built for cars? You can’t drive on it. Just for lulz. In an effort to be environmentalistic, let us all get into our cars and drive around some of the busiest neighborhoods in Seattle, looking for parking elsewhere. And if you live on that street, too fucking bad, we gonna tow your ass. Granted, the city’s footing the bill for the towing and ticketing, but note that they use the phrase “reimburse.” No doubt you have to lose hours of your life dealing with the bureaucracy of paying your ticket or getting your car out of hock, and then get your reimbursement as long as you have all the proper paperwork and shit. But I could be wrong. Mayor Nipples, you are an IDIOT.
In other news, I painted my office.
So yeaah, it’s cream and blue now. Kind of a Moroccan blue or some shit. This house gets better all the time, I tells ya.
WordPress Is Coming, I am Soooo Excited (w/comments I Bet)
In the meanwhiles, Bug Collection.
Randomata, and Fake Jorbs
Someone in my neighborhood likes Morrissey as much as I do. I can heaaar yoooo. Would it be wrong to knock on every door asking to borrow a cup of angst and pompousness until I found the right house? Probably.
I did not get the job I was gunning for, or any job yet. Dang internal hires. I suppose that was my chance to knock their socks off and pwn the internals, or I can look at it as practice, or I can look at it as I was the token outside interview. Perhaps I will look at it as a ham and brie on a baguette.
Franny’s grandpa called me a couple of days ago. He calls me or I call him maybe a couple of times a year. Earlier he asked if he could send Franny to camp this summer (YES PLZ) and the other day he asked if he could scoop her up and do a Friday night sleep over. He mentioned they hadn’t been seeing her much, now that Franny’s dad moved to an island.
So, YES, that’s news, I am realizing as I’m typing this. After all the back and forth and mediation and moneys last fall, SeaFed just abruptly plopped her on me for most of the time and is taking every other weekend for now til he moves back. Here’s hoping that island life suits him well.
PS, when I started this blog two days before the National Bummer I was very deliberate in my choice of name. I saw a couple of bloggers hitting that earlier fame jackpot, and I thought, hmm, what if I blow up (ha ha ha)? Which in those days, of course, meant that a lot of people had “hand-coded you into their sidebars” because you were funny, embarrassed/ing, or had staged your own death. This is less snappy than getting “Dugg,” no?
Anyway, I thought I would never run in a publication or that no one would ever take a quote from I, Asshole for newspapers or magazines, but then I was mentioned in Esquire like hump hump no bigs for the July issue, and now my url is in the Houston Chronic thanks to Jenny. Lo and LOL, the geek shall inherit the Earth (and I shall copyeditzor their documents).
O Lazarus
Patty LIVES. I had to concoct this backstory about how we made Patty sleep during the operation so she wouldn’t feel any pain. Franny likes things like that. Strudel was her usual helpful self: “What if Patty DOESN’T wake up? What if you DON’T fix Patty?” To these questions I always want to reply, “What if I take you outside and dip your head in a bucket of pudding, EH?” I never thought I would be one of those idiots, but I can say without a doubt, that yes, Strudel was given to me to test me. I may yet fail. But this one is just happy to have her Patty back:
While she is at camp today, I am going to permanently sew Patty’s neck bow in place, like she was before. We didn’t have time last night.
I had a job interview yesterday. I feel like it went really well on my end, and I hope they agree. Even if I don’t get this job, I am really excited that the Band-Aid is ripped off, and now I am prepped to be fired out of the interview cannon repeatedly until I score a job, or until internal bleeding sets in.