The Bad Neighbor

I’ve moved five times in the past ten years, as I could afford something better, as we were outgrowing places, and so forth. Pretty standard for renters with young kids, I’d imagine.

As a result, I’ve had a lot of neighbors. Some places I didn’t know them at all, and some I knew all of them. I had a neighbor throw a two-day party under my bedroom window in the summer who later threatened to kill my indoors-only cat for pooping in his bushes (it was just Nietzsche, you see, who could go incorporeal at will, and not all the other outdoor cats in the neighborhood). This was probably the worst one. I had a sweet old Swedish grandma type. I had a Moonpants. I’ve tried to be a good neighbor when I could, and most people have done the same.

However, I am now, decidedly, The Bad Neighbor.

This is funny to me, because we moved to a neighborhood where you barely see your neighbors. This, no doubt, lent a hand in our immediate robbery after moving in. To this day I cannot get the neighbor across the street to even acknowledge my existence as his neighbor, in spite of directly greeting him multiple times and very obviously coming in and out of my fence. He does talk to P. so I suppose that’s something. Point being, it’s just not a very social street.

It took eight months, but I finally made contact recently with the lady next door. It turns out she’s the one who left an anonymous cake on our porch right before Christmas. I thought about going door-to-door and asking who was nice enough to leave us a “welcome cake” as the unsigned note said, but then it was Christmas and I didn’t want to bother anyone. I was weeding the front bed when she walked up.

“Hi, I’m the one who left you the cake on your porch for Christmas,” she said first thing.

“Oh, that was you. I wondered. Thanks!”

“Well, there was a note.”

“I’m sorry, it was unsigned. I wasn’t sure,” I said.


Strike one: I was an Anonacake Ingrate.

She went on to ask about my cats and told me they were pooping in her flowerbeds.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “I can give you some tips…” She interrupted me then and took her leave shortly thereafter, but not before she took in the giant gold vampire head on my porch and my children and me and my flaming red door. I got the picture we were not her first choice for neighbors.

On the border of our mildly conflicted nations there is a laurel hedge. P. has been working to cut it back over time since it was about eight feet wider than it needed to be to still provide a privacy hedge. I wasn’t thrilled with how it looked at first, especially as I saw holes appearing, but it has filled in quickly as they usually do. Then he moved on to another shrub and proudly showed me the bonafide face-height hole which exposed one of her windows. When we moved in you could not even see her house. I panicked.

“We have to go to the hardware store NOW!” I said.

“Wha? Why?” he asked.


As it turns out, there was time to explain, since the hardware store is five minutes away.

“We need a bamboo screen thingie or something,” I said.

“Okay, why?”

“Well, we’re looking at ten years here, probably. She’s not that old. She’s already mad about the anonacake and our cats. I think we should plug that hole.”

He got it and we did.

Then there is the matter of my address. I filled out the little form to change my address before moving, as you do. I filled out P’s at the same time, since address changes were on my to-do list for moving. I double checked the address before dropping them in the mail. They were both the same, and correct, and as neatly printed as my deformed-from-years-of-typing hand could make them. P. started getting mail, and I started getting *some* mail. At first I didn’t think I was missing anything, since I got the deluge of catalogs you get when your mortgage broker and real estate agency sells you out.

Within a couple of weeks, our letter carrier figured it out–all my mail was going a couple of blocks up the street. One number had been entered incorrectly at the post office. Of course the letter carrier told me I filled out the form wrong, to which I said nothing, because it doesn’t matter. She put in for a change and all my first class mail started being forwarded correctly. The poor neighbor whose house my mail was going to had dutifully bundled some of my mail and had passed it along to the letter carrier, along with an angry note scrawled in pencil, “Figure out your mail forwarding! I’m going to start sending this back!!” Actually I’d prefer that to the note and the puddle my mail had been dropped into. Then the sender would know the mail was going to the wrong place.

Because of this early mistake, apparently this neighbor is now doomed to get my junk mail for all time. I still get junk mail forwarded with angry pencil scrawl, which I recycle. I know my neighbor isn’t walking it up the street, because I have a locked mailbox. The letter carrier is “forwarding” these pieces up the street. I thought about dropping them a note letting the neighbor know what the situation is, but I am not sure I want someone who is this angry to know where I live. So I will keep recycling the junk.

This weekend I am going to finish up an application for a writing fellowship that’s due Monday. It’s drafted, I just need to make sure it’s perfect. And then I will enjoy this lovely rainy weather. Happy summer. :(

“What’s the significance? I DON’T KNOW.”

So. Small claims court. We meet for the first time. I have before me, I kid you not, almost twenty pieces of evidence. Emails, invoices, signed court orders, bank statements. And they all have Post-Its with labels and numbers that correspond to a handy timeline that dates back to 2011. I’m leaving my crazy eyes at home, but I have put my angry eyes in my butthatch.

Here is my prediction: the GAL will skate in, make a sad lament about how she’s claimed bankruptcy so my lettuces are long gone, and heavens to Bukowski should she be responsible for any of my legal fees?

I am supposed to be writing right now and for the next twenty minutes but I am a weeny bit distracted. I only got through about 400 words before my brain started scrabbling at me. I’ve been averaging about 2k words a day lately, now that this thing’s picked up steam. I’m writing on my lunch hour, the entire thing, and from 5 a.m. to 6:30. And usually while my kid’s at her therapist. I feel I’m somewhat hopeless as an editor, so I’m trying to write tight now. I’ve created a pretty detailed outline of the whole thing.

I should back up a little. Last month I started another story that’s in the same universe of the story I wrote in March and April. I thought it would be shorter, and comedic. And then in the first part of it I killed someone off and had the main character discover it, at which point it revealed itself as a murder mystery and I realized I had enough plot for a book. I am hovering around 40k words and am working on chapter 9, which is really exciting, because in the last three chapters they are going to figure out who dun it and catch the fucker. I feel like I need to pants for about 10k words, at which point characters and plot points will reveal themselves like out of some spirit animal voodoo haze, after which I need to start plotting if I’m going to actually finish.

This is going to sound bonkers, but I will tell you I am trying to have a healthy relationship with writing right now, because now that I’ve killed the fear I felt for so many years it is absolutely consuming me. I lay in bed and think about writing. I think about it in the shower, on my commute, etc. This story I’m writing right now came to me as I was half awake and I actually stood upright and sleepwalked to my dining room and wrote the synopsis. I know I can get single minded about things but so far I don’t see a down side to this one, really. It’s getting me into bed at a reasonable hour and I feel more creative and articulate during the day, and like when I’m at work working I’m, um, working because I am not thinking about an alcoholic mutated donkey who has human hands who starred in two terrible movies called Donkey Surgeon and Donkey Surgeon II. Okay, I do think about Herman Ignacio at my desk sometimes.

ANYWAYZ. Wish me luck today, or wish me to choke on a peach pit. Whatever! This is my update. I’ll be back. Oh, and I’ll be back with a bonus. My lawyer is in real grown up court today with SeaFed doing something ELSE. HA. Way to bury the lede, SJ.

Kiss the brown star,
I, Asshole

Subject: Guest Post on

Hi ,

Hi Robot!!

I was reading an article on

Girl no you were not

…and I wanted to know if you offer guest posts from different authors.

Okay, I’m listening.

I thought it would be nice to have an opportunity to present a piece of content from our perspective that would engage with your blog’s readers. Our goal is always to provide high quality content that can naturally attract traffic and links.

And I lost my erection again! DAMMIT. Think of cancer oh yes sexy cancer wait there it is again

I work as the Social Media manager for


We can provide more examples more related to your site if desired.

I need some SEO shit up in here about ass-to-ass STAT. Puns intended, including some puns I did not even write down.

If there are any topics that you would like to see written about

leprechaun filk

or ideas you’ve had for posts but not had time to work on

Video of an exploratory scope from stern to stern. What, exactly, is happening with my lower esophageal sphincter?

Looking forward to hearing back from you.


“Knock knock. Who’s there? Someone who doesn’t want to see their parents doing it. So knock!”

Here’s a great thing, and I am not sure if that’s an ironic statement or not yet. When I was younger I used to like to have sex, at like 11 p.m. If you asked me to fill out a form, I would have said something stupid like “Anytime is good for sex, bra” but the truth is I was a night owl. Maybe more like a night vole, because I have crap night vision. Awake, enjoying myself, but will probably get eaten by a hawk or lawnmower.

Nowadays sex is like “When am I conscious, this old person that I have morphed into? Business hours are between 5 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. (No orders may be placed after 9:15.) Ok so 7:15? Child is doing the dishes? Sounds good.” Yes, I made my Feral Dwarf do the Easter dishes. She does not get to be Strudel for this post because that is a term of endearment. She was cross about this injustice. Dishwasher loading. A crime against her people (short lazy ones). She does not do the big heavy ones or the super greasy ones. Just load the dishwasher and wipe the counter and EARN YOUR KEEP ALREADY, A LITTLE AT LEAST.

There is dish bitterness. There is no lock on my door. (That changes this week.) Feral Dwarf BARGED into my bedroom last night because she found the answer “Planning a muffin party” unsatisfactory with regards to her demands about WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE. Door opened, bang, a la Swazye kicking the door down Roadhouse-style.

“Oh…what? WHAT?” she said and then retreated back to the kitchen again. I heard maniacal laughter echoing down the halls.

“Poor thing, she has finally snapped, blinded by taint,” I said to her father. “I better go check on her.”

I threw my robe on and walked into the kitchen, where Feral Dwarf was still laughing her moronic little head off.

“Are you ok,” I said, attempting to be concerned and parental. “Do you understand why it’s not nice to barge in on people.” I cannot produce a rising inflection when I am in serious parenting mode.

“Was that…THE DIRTY DRAGON DANCE?” she asked me. Ever since Buffy had sex with Spike and broke the house it has been henceforth been known as the DDD, as in, “What is Buffy DOING with Spike??” “HA HA HA THAT’S HILARIOUS,” she continued. “THAT IS THE MOST HILARIOUS THING. I AM SO TELLING FRANNY.” Wow, was this conversation getting away from me.

Also, she said this last bit in tattle voice. Tattling on me that I was having sex, me, the person who had sex to make her. I think the cat’s out of the bag on that one.

“Okay, Franny knows, because it is a normal thing that adults do,” I said. Then I said something stupid, because everything you can possibly say as a parent at this point is going to be A. stupid and B. indelibly written on your child’s memory. Good luck with this one, I mean it. “You should be glad that we like each other. Really.”

Peals of laughter! Never has there been a jollier dwarf in all of North Seattle!

She should be glad we like each other, too. Shit is hard, man. And almost didn’t work out at all. A summary of my early 30s: I got an IUD in and literally wanted to die and it almost ruined everything that is good in my life. YMMV.

Later FD’s dad reminded me that I got the IUD in because he was afraid then to get a vasectomy! Afraid! I sincerely enjoy when I am reminded of something to be mad about. WHY? I am not actually going to be mad about it, but for like ten seconds I can shake my fist and go “YOOOOOOO GUY.” It’s good for you.

I tried a different tack, which really, I should have just changed my name and moved to Fife at this point.

“Do you…know…how you got here?”

She stopped for a minute, thought.

“Well, not really, no. Sort of? Wait, LIKE THAT? HA HA HA! So that is what all the noise is about in there,” she said. “I am so telling Franny* about all of this.”

Franny came home and it was pretty much forgotten then, but I am sure they’re going to gossip about it on the way to school. I took my customary Sunday night shower, which is so relaxing and kind of puts a period on the weekend and gets off whatever I have done to myself that day (yesterday was FINALLY finish painting the hall!). Franny was clingy as usual and wanted to come in, so I told her she could and she hung out and talked about her weekend while I conditioned my hairs.

“Sooo your sister was kind of…a thing happened tonight,” I said.


“Yes, your sister walked in on me and P. tonight while we were doing an adult thing that adults do together.”

“You mean the dirty dragon dance?” Franny asked. “Ha ha, oh, Mom. That sucks.”

Sigh. “Yes, that. I just wanted to give you a heads up, because she is freaking out with the hilarity of it all, and will want to talk to you about it. So let me know if there’s anything you want to discuss with me later or if you have questions about anything relating to sex IN GENERAL, okay?”

YOU KNOW I am not a prude. I agree with Dan Savage when he said that kids don’t want to hear about your sex life. Or anyone’s really. Until they are ready for it, and then it should be their friends’ lives, not mine. They are busy being kids. I am okay with them seeing network television type sex scenes and them being very knowledgeable about the biological particulars of sex and knowing it’s a thing that adults do. None of this is secret. But I will tell you I have a line, and that line is a smoking crater in my brain that happened when my mom told me a story about her experience with monster black cock. I would tell you the story, but see: smoking crater.

ANYWAY, my child walked in on me having sex and thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. Later she apologized for being a barger. Therapy savings: questionable.

*Franny, just then, as it turns out, was on her way home from her dad’s, so we all got to have bananas foster together and watch Easter Angel. Her dad does this funny thing where he texts me around two or so on Sunday to come get her from some arbitrary fair place he has decided on that week. I ignore the text and then he has Franny call me and make a sad voice, because ‘don’t I want to rescue my widdle precious miserable baby?’ Well, of course I do, but she will be okay one more night and I will see her Monday, after he drops her off at school, which is how it’s supposed to go according to the parenting plan. Then he gets SeaFed up (GET IT.) and brings her home around or after suppertime. They went out to Chinese food for Easter. Franny: “It was terrible, I told them they should just bring me home so I could have PROPER Easter dinner because I knew yours would actually TASTE GOOD.” She is really just Not Nice over there which makes me cringe because I am trying to get her to experience an opposite outcome of my life (N.B. blog title). But I get it.

This is a case of mind over matter. I don’t mind and you don’t matter.

Fogcon was really nice. Guess WHAT HAPPENED. I wrote something for the first time in literally two years. Whenever I go to California it is like a giant therapy session that I attempt to keep to myself, because oh my poor patient friends. ANYWAY I had a little breakthrough(s):

1. I’m killing my fear, since fear is the mind killer.
3. I need to live my life like court will always be happening and will never end. Meaning my pursuits need to keep happening because I am going to die someday and do I want to say, good thing I took two years off from something I love to spent them biting my fingers about court? A world of no.

I had to dash in and say that. Also note to self, triple-fisting Greek coffee, old fashioneds, and scotch may cause mouth burns. OINK OINK. How are you?

Getdownton Abbey

WARNING, Season 3 spoilers a-ho (fun ahoy, TM).

Unless all of the following points are true, use your “back” button to exit this part of edwardianlist:

1. I am at least 13 years old, have attained menarche, or my parents can no longer afford to feed me and are looking to place me in a situation.
2. I understand “casual encounters” may include adult content such as tightlacing and ladies with their dresses pulled above the knee.
3. I agree to flag as “prohibited” anything illegal or in violation of the edwardianlist terms of use such as Buggery or cavorting with blackmailers or Persons with Contagious Diseases.
4. By clicking on the links below, I release edwardianlist from any liability that may arise from my use of this site.

casual encounters >>> w4m m4m m4w w4w t4m m4t

Sat Dec 29

I’ll fix your broken sauce (belowstairs) pic

A gentleman of respectable station with a reasonable face seeks a lady fair of face and disposition with a view to matrimony. Must enjoy lectures about proper saucemaking and must meet the approval of my esteemed but assertive aunt. Kindly include the phrase “Nice Guy” in the subject line so it is known that the lady is no trifler. Might I entice thee with my meritable whisk menagerie?

A young career-minded lady of position (Downton)

Would like to correspond with a Man of a Certain Age, who is a city gentleman with affectionate ways and financial solvency. The lady is opinionated and attractive from certain angles and in particular lighting conditions. Preference given to impossible marital situations and balkers. Glass eye acceptable. Do you have a motorcar? Serious correspondence first; no triflers.

War hero amiably disposed towards the Mandrakes and a bit of the old clipclop (Cupid’s Wink) pic

No longer in the first bloom of youth and manhood, I am nonetheless in a position to provide for he who is. Well-traveled, worldly cad who returned from the trenches a decorated hero. If you’d like to make progress with this rake, please reply if you are attractive in person. Enjoying being kitted out as a footman who resembles a ventriloquist’s puppet-doll A+. I’LL LET YOU STICK IT IN ME HANDHOLE

Latterly awaken’d in me is a Sapphic desire (behind the stables)

Care for a mint? After a chance encounter with a lovely and estimable young lady, I find my heart plucked by Sappho’s bow. I am a gentleman of somewhat advanced years with injuries honorably sustained in the Boer War, with a sturdy and tolerant wife who is fairer of face than I. Though I may not be as ambulatory as a younger gentleman, it is not said that the fair maidens still yet come to dance around the maypole?

Recently widowed lady of distinction (Downton) pic

Highly respectable young lady, kettle drums non-pendulous thanks to PaPA’s having arranged a wet nurse. Seeking late-night, clandestine amusements–should trouble arise I have in my employ a discrete and strong lady’s maid. NO PAMUKING ON THE FIRST DATE.

Conversations with a teen-aged girl

206-xxx-xxxx Jul 14: Heyy its Hailey. you should let me get marcellus’s number

206-xxx-xxxx (Hailey) Sep 24: You about to do the math homework> Do we turn that shiet in or tape it in our notebook ?

Hailey Sep 25: Robert didn’t come get this 5

Me: Wrong number, Hailey.

Hailey: Who’s this

Me: Not someone who knows what the math homework is or what Marcellus’s number is.

Hailey: Wtf are you tweakin ?!

Me: No, I think you might be, though. I was just trying to do you a solid and let you know you’re texting the wrong person.

Hailey: Lol oh who is this

Me: Mayor McGinn. Pay attention in school. Your spelling’s horrible.

Hailey: Lol wtf your retarded

Me: “You’re.”

Hailey: Fuck you lol


Hailey: Is this marcellus