“So that happened.”

“Certainly not!” replied Toad emphatically. “On the contrary, I faithfully promise that the very first motor-car I see, poop- poop! off I go in it!”
The Wind in the Willows

I went to court this morning. I didn’t realize how much I’d forgotten about the whole thing, since it’s been something like seven years. There was the very large digital clock up front with GIANT red numerals ticking off the time down to the second. There was a crackling in the air of anticipation and adrenaline.

Three cases were heard before me, and then it was our turn. As promised, SeaFed’s lawyer spoke for five minutes, and then my lawyer replied. My lawyer told me the judge was a substitute and she had seen him before, but she wasn’t thrilled about it, since he wasn’t a regular family law commissioner.

The judge opined that it spoke poorly for the father that this matter was being opened three years in to the current residential schedule and shortly after I had filed for child support, and that it did not seem to be in her best interest to commute for school daily. He also said that what the courts like to maintain is the status quo in these cases, which is what we expected. Then he said that he would be ruling for the father, and on a temporary basis until our next hearing we will go back to the parenting plan of 2005.

I got the feeling that it looked dodgy to the judge, but that his hands were tied. My lawyer said she thought that a regular family law judge would have not caused this “upheaval” in Franny’s schedule, but it’s really impossible to say what anyone else would have done.

Our next hearing to determine if there is adequate cause to change the parenting plan is in early December. In the meanwhile Franny will be commuting to his house 30 miles away, through traffic and on a ferry, 5 days a week on his weeks twice daily, and we are going to be exchanging her on Sundays in accordance with the 2005 plan from when we lived three miles apart.

I don’t think she’s going to love this, to say the least. But, optimistically speaking, at least she will really get a taste of what 50/50 is really like with him that way and can speak to the guardian ad litem with that knowledge.

Ultimately it’s up to the courts, now, of course, if we go back to 50/50 like in 2005 or if the schedule will look like it has for the past three years. I’m not upset, really. Court does not feel like the salt in my wounds that it did seven years ago. I don’t feel like I “lost” anything in this. I feel secure in my relationship with her. She trusts me and knows I am pulling for her. I mostly feel sad about any stress this will cause her and I’m fervently hoping her grades don’t slip in the meantime.

Do I regret filing for child support? No, I do not. The situation changed and evolved over time and it seemed like the right thing to do last spring.

Thank you for all the kind words you have left in comments, in Twitter DMs (all of which I hope I have replied to), and emails. And to my close friends here who have called me and emailed. This is one of those mini-tragedies that we all experience every day, I think. But I have learned one thing from this…there will always be forks in the road. When I ran out of money in 2005 and settled, it looked like he won, but then he moved away, which has been a really good thing on balance. My fear is that we will have an outcome where everyone loses.

Anyway…I am on a ramble at this point. I will get Halloween pictures up this weekend. Trick-or-treating went very well.

Your humble sherbet,
I, Asshole

The gaoler nodded grimly, laying his withered hand on the shoulder of the miserable Toad. The rusty key creaked in the lock, the great door clanged behind them; and Toad was a helpless prisoner in the remotest dungeon of the best-guarded keep of the stoutest castle in all the length and breadth of Merry England.

Edit 5 p.m.: Well, I didn’t cry until I told Franny how the next month was going to go and she started bawling. My heart feels smooshed.

That gum you like is going to come back in style.

Tomorrow! Court! Ready? Yes!

I received his response  to my statement and it’s a funny thing, and really, I swear I don’t mean this in a snarky way at all, but there is something about the rhetoric and style it’s all written in…it’s just so funny. I mean, this is very serious, none of this is REALLY funny, but I kind of boggle about how poorly constructed some of the sentences are. Kind of like when your older brother is like, “You cannot not not not NOT have a popsicle” and you are like, CAN I HAVE ONE OR NOT.

I hope the judge understands. I know I shouldn’t be fussing about how poorly and confusingly it’s written, but this is it. This is all the judge has to go on. Sadly, it contains no gems like “6% of my daily calories come from snacks” or “SJ is a Satanist who has sexual relations with animals” like 2004 but it is certainly about how wicked I am in other ways, as it meanders this way and that.

I am hoping the meandering does not monkeywrench things too terribly. Wish me well, or wish me to DIAF. Either way we should have some progress after tomorrow.

There is One Red Herring and Zero Lies

HEY GUYZ! Since I am such a gracious hostess I’m going to pretend that you DID NOT crash my photobucket with your rubberneckery of “what is even going on with that asshole character anyhow?” Thanks for checking in. I have not seen my bucket crash since Jezebel linked me for reviewing that My New Pink Bullshit labia dye stuff.

Q: You are ghetto for having all your pictures on Photobucket.

A: HEY THAT’S NOT A Q! I am on to you. Anyway, yes, this blog is old and held together with scotch tape. My tech elf is super busy with school and we never quite got the server/photo issue worked out…soooo. And I cannot be one of those assholes who is all IF YOU REDESIGN MY BLOG I SHALL LET YOU TOUCH THE HEM OF MY GARMENT. I need to pony up and pay an artisan for a new design or something. And umm pics will be back tomorrow and I guess I should sack up and pay for a professional photobucket account. SIGH. Professional photobucket is like dick costumes.

Q: It was your tenth blog anniversary in September, and you DID NOTHING.

A: I’m still alive, does that count? It’s true, I did nothing. I was hoping to roll out an amazing tenth anniversary banner that someone cool was drawing for me, and then it did not happen. So I think I need a new banner. I CAN DO IT MYSELF. Alone alone, Poe in a room by himself and some crap. Weeping ravens and shit.

Q: How are you, anyway, weirdo?

A: Uhhh. This is awkward. I am increasingly annoyed at this Q & A format that I am asking myself. No offense, ok.

I saw my consulting lawyer last week. She and I have a relationship going on years now. It’s sad when you have a savings dedicated to the possibility of being litigated on. Imagine a giant ceramic pig whose side reads “WE DONE GETTIN SUED DOG” on.

Lawyer is never therapist and I always make a point to never waste time with the emotional crap since I have real questions. However, she expressed surprise that I was going back to court with such a positive attitude. “I never like to throw this word around,” she said, “but I know you were justifiably overtraumatized by court the first time.”

It was kind of nice to be validated like that. It did not like, make my day or anything. But it is nice to have a professional opinion of the degree of fuckery. And you know what I realized in the end? When this is done, I will be able to write whatever I want for the first time in a few years.

What else is new is that I got a letter from the school district saying that Strudel should be tested this fall (diagnosis: lazy-eyed psycho-itis) and on Saturday, she was. I spent some time talking to her about it and how important it was to pay attention and do a good job with it, if she wanted to have a chance to get out of first grade, which is boring the peas and carrots out of her. I thought maybe it would be a situation like when I took the GRE where it gets harder until you start fucking up and then it gets easier until you know you have fucked up royally. Anyway, I thought she would hit some kind of ceiling with it like when I did advanced placement testing in the eighth grade and the test ended with a bunch of math they had never even taught me before (uh…maybe, unless I wasn’t paying attention).

“How was it?” I said, when she came out.

“It was TOO EASY!” she said.

“Tell me everything. Tell me every single question. Go.”

“Mom, I am not going to do that.”


“The hardest question was like ‘You have 6 pennies and add 2 more.’ THAT IS NOT EVEN HARD.”

Hmm, no, it is not. Supposedly there will be MOAR testing soon. Stay tuned. I am going to be so proud when she builds her first freeze ray.

And I am going to see my imaginary boyfriend Spank Rock later this week in which I will dance my face off. This is my stress reduction method. I’m ok. Thanks for all your comments.

OH YES, I dyed my hair white on Saturday. Pics when they are back up (very soon).

Asshole Girl

Vapor Lock; Or, These Boots Were Made for Choad-Kicking

Sooo I’m being sued right now. By GUESS WHO.

Hi there. Thank you everyone who has had a three-hour conversation with me recently.

“I am Strudel and I do not like this pie.”

This pie has apples, cayenne, white pepper, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg. Because fuck yes. I picked these apples myself. I think she was just kidding about the pie. What the fuck.


I HAVE a prescription for Lexapro but I cannot make myself fill it. I have had too many friends who have sleep-capoeira’d or have drunk a wine cellar each night. Sometimes you have flight or flight and it’s for a reason, right? I feel like I SHOULD have flight or flight right now, when another person is arguing for a 60-mile round trip to school for Franny. I am doing a lot of yoga at home and am breathing deeply and am enjoying the occasional glass of Original Gangster Xanax, scotch. I would not be fussing with any of this if she wanted the mass commute. She wants things to stay the same, only probably with more candy and pwnys.

Building the guinea pig cage.

Did I choose this as my eternal nemesis fight? I did not. This does not go away. I feel like I’m still not divorced.

So I have a court date November 4.

Which really. He is having girl child #4 on the 19th of this month in the tradition of his babygun only makes girls. I want to say to him, relax, be in love, and you will be happy.

But I filed for child support, sooo. I broke the imaginary compact that says I pay for everything. You know what. YOU KNOW WHAT? No.

Thank you to everyone who has asked or emailed. I have been doing this for ten years and am a motherfucking hofessional. I’m ok, no matter what. Are we ready for court? Yes, we are. Stop, high kick, live blog.


Sick Day. Current Mood: Krav Maga

Strudel, holding a doll: SHE HAS TO DIE, THIS ONE HAS TO DIE!

Me, attempting to edit soups: No one has to die.


Me: No one has to die.

Franny, to Strudel: You have to die.

Me: No one has to die.

Strudel: No, I don’t, do I, Mom?

Me: Yes, you have to die.

Strudel: *SCREAMS*

Franny: I’m going to glue your mouth shut. *Approaches* This isn’t toxic so it won’t taste bad.

Strudel: Do you know what Mom’s going to do to you?

Franny: NOTHING. She wants you to be quiet too.

Me: Don’t feed your sister a glue stick.

Presently: pants are flying off and there is leg wrestling.


I mean, more than usual. Stupid sexy summer! I went apple u-picking today. My weekends are crammed like (bad gangbang joke TBA)

SWEATING NOW UNGH. You enjoying the butt end of summer? I literally run out of time every single day. STRESSED! INCOMPLETE SENTENCES! ILU!


Yes the cutting garden is next to the boathouse but if you see the squash courts you’ve gone too far.

Oh September. You make me happy/sad. I was supposed to go to Hood Riverish area this weekend but it fell through. An overnight in Port Townsend was better.

Strudel at the Palace.

“Antique mall” score.

I wanted a Japanese woodblock print of an actor, late 19th century, but not $200 wanted. So I got this for $18 instead:

In situ and with bonus me so you know I’m doing science and still alive.

I’m running out of walls.

One last score…a bottle of snake oil.

I uploaded more to my Flickr, because enough is enough crammed into one RSS feed, eh?

Hey I finished a chapter of my cookbook, like, edited, finished. You know I had already finished cooking. That’s good. Actually I got some suggestions from one of my editors already, so maybe finished-finished is overstating it. Everything feels so serendipitous right now…a cookbook store is opening near me. It’s probably just brain chemicals. So I will be editing for the rest of the holiday weekend and I’m going to create a “shell” a little at a time that the final recipes can be inserted into with the correct font and illustrations.

I owe everyone and their mom an email! But now some wine. Fun writing tomorrow if I can fit it…more first dates starring Todd[s].


Dear Sparkleprincess Unicorn Slambook,

HI HOW ARE YOU? This is that post where I am saying I should be doing something else right now, specifically editing recipes. That’s going well. What a difference a day makes, as they say, or maybe that’s more like eight months. Sometimes you have to dump things for a while and have a good cry to find your passion for them again. In other news, I hate posts like this, because it’s sort of like when someone is making a grocery list in their head while they’re having sex with you.


“Yeah, EGGS, baby!”

“No, we are OUT of eggs.”

My boner!

Longcat is long, so you know it’s warm.

New contract is going well. It’s in one of Seattle’s “fun” neighborhoods and the commute if very reasonable. I am making zucchini bread. The recipe calls for “three medium zucchinis” but if your zucchini is the size of a baby, then the recipe should call for “half a baby,” eh?

I thought my Victorian recipes were pretty complete other than that pesky “conversion to British” thing, but it’s taking a bit. Cups are going over to grams, liquid measures are going over to ml. A British pint in not a US pint, but you are so smart and probably knew that already.

Goethe gerroff my zucchini batter.

That’s better.

I do still have my other two cats, of course, it’s just that Gertie Pie is the one who comes around.

I am listening to the Song of Ice and Fire series via audiobook. I think at this point it’s almost a habit more than anything. I hate it when I get into this loop where I can’t decide if I’m enjoying myself or not, yet I continue. This seems like a very human thing to do, eh? Deer are more “there is not try, only do,” I think. Sometimes I wake up while listening to them and I’m on some weird chapter and someone is getting stabbed and I’m all WTF is happening, you fell asleep again, dummy. But most of the time I am upright and listening properly.

Lemon cucumbers for days! I eat them like apples. Yum!

En dotry nouvelles

Franny called yesterday, from her father’s house. I’ve been so scattered with new job and the abrupt end of old job that I realized I’ve been blurting on Twitter but have not written properly about things. Franny called to say she misses me and cannot wait to come home on the first, and that she was delighted to receive a letter from her sister yesterday. It sounds like she’s having fun visiting as well, though. I told her that just an hour before I had walked to the local plastics store and bought two sheets of plastic to construct a guinea pig habitat–she’s getting guinea pigs for her eleventh birthday in October. It’s going to be her jam, with heavy supervision from me to make sure the enclosure stays clean and whatnot. So now I’m reading up on them on a few sites. Really enjoying this one–it’s chockablock with guinea pig “activists” among the actual decent information, so occasionally you can watch them run someone off for not doing everything exactly right. OH INTERNET.

Two things have happened. I received a letter from the prosecuting attorney’s office saying that all the 4,000 pieces of personal and financial information they had requested from me had been received; were adequate; were processed, and now I have a COURT CASE and that I would hear from them regarding court date etc. “soon.” I may hear from them soon, but I reckon that I won’t have an actual court date until sometime around Q2 of next year. That’s OKAY. I am a tortoise.

For my mediation appointment with SeaFed we were required by the mediator to submit a statement saying why we wanted to mediate. I’m grateful to her for this since it clarified everything for me like bang. I would not allow myself to reply “I don’t want to mediate” so I made myself put “to appear cooperative,” which is a pretty shitty reason to do anything you’ll spend a lot of money on and get nothing out of (forced parenting class during my divorce comes to mind as well). He replied, well past the courtesy deadline the mediator asked for, naturally: “My purpose in mediating is to nullify the temporary living arrangement we’ve been adhering to and return to the original parenting plan.”

Well, that tore it. What a colossal waste of time this expensive discussion would be. I was also lulzing at the fact that when SeaFed is put into some kind of grown-up communication situation, he never uses one word when three officious ones would do, much like I imagine a twelfth-grade honors English essay reads. With a great sense of relief, I cancelled the appointment, saying that I didn’t think it was the right venue in which to make a change like this…because…it’s NOT.

The plan for now is to carry on until things change somehow, meaning he gets mad enough about child support to sue me to move to 50/50 time and I lose. I know he will object to child support once he officially gets a chance to do so (it’s worth noting that he STILL has not mentioned that I’ve filed for child support in any of our communications). I’m relieved that child support and the state of the parenting plan are two separate issues, requiring separate efforts, paperworks being filed, attorney fees. I got an email from his father the other day that led me to believe he has no idea that his son is being sued for child support, which makes me think SeaFed hasn’t hit his dad up for attorney fees yet.

Since my brain is back with a vengeance and steel trappin up and down and all over town, I’m going to create a schedule for this next school year, holidays included, using last year’s calendar for reference to see whose turn it is to have Thanksgiving and whatnot. This is partly prompted by sadness and irritation at his lack of ability to get his shit together to figure out what time he’d like to pick his daughter up at the appointed location before the day of this summer. I don’t have time to fuck with this shit now that I am back to a desk job for now. It’s the same old shit as always, but I’d like to take a break from confused, last-minute emails for the school year, thank you. The last time I made a schedule for SeaFed to follow ended with him drunkenly screaming at me from a party. But that will not happen again, because we are older and wiser now, yes? (Ha.)

So, I have been validated by the County of King: I have a COURT CASE. Soon I will have a COURT DATE. I have cancelled mediation. I have lost my hobbles and this has become such a small part of my life and concerns…why my 2004 self would hardly recognize my 2011 self. Looking forward to having a last hurrah out of town before school starts.