YOU GUYS, I ALMOST DIED! Okay, that is a slight exaggeration, and by “slight” I mean “not true at all.” What happon is that I started a new job that is making me 79% less homicidal. YEAH! I love it. No more veal pen. They can see my smart as if my head is transparent and they are going to use it. I feel confused being in a place where diligence and cleverness is rewarded, but I will probably adjust.

I have some advice for you: the best thing you can ever do is quit a wretched job ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. For me the timing was right, but man was it great. On being asked if I was going back to HQ to drop off my badge and such I got to reply “NOOO IT’S MY BIRTHDAY AND IMA GO GET DRUNK.” I might have shouted slightly. I am the soul of professionalism.

So I turned in my badge to a supervisor a couple of levels up, as I was asked to do, since my former boss was actually located in another city. And then DOH, I was trapped in the building since I had no way to badge out of the parking garage. The admin did not have a temp pass or anything to give me, so I had to wait for security, who I then hit on on the way down to the garage (I had to, he looked like Luke Wilson). I was GIDDY with Escape from Fail Mountain.

Then my fabulous friend took me to lunch at the elegant and classy Red Robin, where we munched 3,000 fries and grilled cheeses and fruity boozy ahoy. I came home with a bottle of wine, made a curry, and hung out. Then some things happened that would singe your eyebrows off, gentle reader, so I shall exclude them.

IN CONCLUSION. I am happier about birthdays again, volunteering for the film festival is over so I can go back to hibernating in my house. It has been POURING lately so I am having second thoughts about running right now. But I think I found a yoga studio near work that has earlybird classes so YAY and WIN. Do I sound happy? I am mostly. I am hanging onto it. There is one piece missing but I think it is behind the sofa and the cat has been sucking on it. HAVE A GOOD DAY.

October is for Birthdays

Franny had the day off on her birthday, coincidentally, and the girls woke up and IMMEDIATELY started bickering, so it was time for Enforced Death March. Franny was shocked at the notion that we could walk all the way to Gasworks, but it really only took about an hour.


Lego girl head earring birthday present that I picked up at Brickcon.

Franny and her Auntie Morgan.


What Happens if You See Dangerous Living at Midnight

Last night I dreamt that aliens were coming to destroy the Earth and people knew and figured out a way to protect about 3 square miles of it, which was like some kind of sanctuary. I got in and watched the rest of the Earth explode from some kind of omniscient viewpoint, which is of course a product of having seen too many movies on the same topic. I felt sad and panicky at first, but I knew that things would be okay, for me at least. “This would make a great movie,” I thought. Usually if I get lucid I wake up, but I think I was too tired.

I was on a raft heading towards the sanctuary and there was a flood of water from breaking dams or something. Then there were all these fucking tigers swimming towards me and attacking anything that moved, including me. My childhood bff was there and we were fighting them, and I could see us losing hit points.

There were also square pizzas, provided, no doubt, by Robot Dad. I cannot even go into that right now.

Conclusion: I need to get out more.

Completely Reporkulous

What’s cracklalackin? Life is pretty good here. I am working this weekend for the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film fest doing a lot of different things. Tonight I am hosting a party at the Egyptian movie theater and as we have discovered I am creative, unique, nice, and talented, so I’m sure I won’t make anyone grumpers.

After that my cool ass ninja friend who recruited me is taking me to the Opening Night Gala, and I hear they are giving out a stupid amount of drink tickets. Danger Will Drunkenson. The nice thing about a mixed couple going to a gay ball is that no one will think you’re together.

Last night we recorded Podcast #11, and one thing we did not discuss was the horror known as Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. What do you think about this kind of vagina worship?

I enjoy the Virgin of Guadalupe, but perhaps not in the way she was intended to be enjoyed. When I was in college I went through a phase of painting her nude, kind of like a cross between Birth of Venus and her. What do you think about reducing MC V of G to a giant vagina? “Onto you a child is born, and this is okay because you are nothing but a Jesus cannon anyhow.”

Here Comes the Karma Truck

So. Things are going pretty well. Franny had her birthday and things have been fairly patched up around here…UNTIL. On Sunday Franny went out to practice devotional WASPishness with her father’s side of the family (tennis lessons) and I let Strudel watch a movie on her own, upstairs.

I heard some tiny elephant stamplings and didn’t think much of it, since Strudel does not have much of an attention span for TV and movies. I thought maybe she was taking breaks and coming back for more. What she WAS doing was breaking into the mints I bought Franny as part of her birthday present, and bolted about half of them in the time it takes to say, “Why did I not just buy a purse dog?”

Franny came home from rich white people church and went to her mints, and was very disappointed. She showed me the evidence and I tried to decide how to administer consequences. Strudel copped to doing it and I said, “Don’t steal from anyone. It makes people SAD AND ANGRY TO BE STOLEN FROM, right Franny?” Franny nodded slowly and I could see the wheels turning.

Tonight at dinner Strudel told us that the two youngest boys in her preschool class are looting her lunch for fruit every day. “They steal my BANANA every DAY!” she finished.

“And HOW does that FEEL?” I said, for what felt like the 50th time this week. “Did you feel SAD and ANGRY?” She nodded forlornly. “Well, that is how your sister felt when you stole her mints yesterday.” Again, the LOOK. Ohhhh.

Presumably if this trend continues a gang of wild weasels will come and nibble these fruit gafflers’ ears off, and then the weasels will be run down by an express bus, and so on.

Monkey chow out.


Hey, so since I am 28 years behind the curve at all times, I just now made a Bookface group for this myah blog. I will probably not post on it too often, unless my site blows up and then it will be to say “Im OK STFU.”

Interested parties may also like to know there is a FYCL group for the podcast. Joining it will cause a weekly update on your page giving you infos about links/sites we mentioned as well as the link to the download. As always we are on iTunes. And there is a new post up as of this morning, actually. We have a phone number now, and I think we are going to start taking voice recorded calls soon. WOOT.

If I have created a mess of link fail here, let me say that both I, Asshole and FYCL are publicly searchable on ye olde FB.

Showdown at the AA Ranch

So, yesterday I wrote about trouble with Franny and about how she is nicking things around the house and around her dad’s house. I appreciate all the feedback I got about that and regarding math, thank you. I will tell you what happened and then I will answer some of your questions or otherwise respond. I know, I know, two posts in two days? Do I have a fever or something? Maybe.

Yesterday morning I gave Franny a notice: “We are going to talk about yesterday when I get home.” She had a worried look and nodded, and was awkward as I was leaving for work.

I came home and she plowed ahead, telling me about her day and filling the space with words galore, a behavior I recognize in myself when I am nervous about something. I sat down to stretch before running and gave her a serious look.

“So, I think you know why I was so upset yesterday.”

She nodded. And I waited. One of the best things I learned from my college mentor was to wait and give things breathing room in the form of silence. You’re not judging, yelling, questioning, accusing–just staring calmly, waiting. My mentor taught me this in the context of teaching, since that was my plan before I ended up with this little perp who was sitting across from me almost nine years later. I’m sure it wouldn’t work for everyone.

Franny said, barely audibly, “I’m sorry,” and I kind of teased it out of her what for. She did cop to the chocolate swiping, and she did cop to taking the homeopathic pellets. I did not yell and without going into the complete transcript I will tell you I firmly tried to convey:

1. Stealing is wrong, period.
2. It feels bad to be stolen from.
3. It feels bad to be lied to about it, especially when that lie is “I came in to give you a hug” as a cover for candy-gaffling.
4. I thanked her for coming clean and told her I would not punish her this time, since I did not want her to think that being honest was a bad move.
5. How had she felt over the past 24 hours when she knew I was upset about the missing things? The answer was bad–bad in her head, and bad in her stomach.

I told her if she did not want to feel bad, and if she wanted to do the right thing, she should NOT STEAL. Let’s not have to have these horrible confessional conversations. We talked a little bit about real consequences, like people losing trust for her, and outside ones, like being caught, fined, not allowed in stores, and people who steal big things or steal repeatedly can end up in jail. I reminded her that she can and should spend her own money and treat herself, and that it is okay to WANT things.

I told her that in the end it was her choice what she was going to do with her life, and what kind of person she would be, and that I prefer that she be a person who does not steal.

What will I do next time, assuming there is one, or assuming I catch her? I don’t know. Again, I am loathe to accuse her falsely or to punish her for confessing.

I am trying to lead by example, something that has permeated a lot of my life since having children–I think about my vices, exercise, eating habits, treatment of others, etc. Recently we found a iPhone in the park and returned it that day by making some calls on it. Franny could see how effusively happy the man was when he got it back. Sometimes Strudel tries to walk off with things in stores due to her (and me) forgetting she is holding them and we go right back and pay for it. I don’t know what else I can do, really, but encourage her and have timely conversations, and HOPE. Her father thought that the world was there for the gaffling and the scamming but it is too much effort and too little pay off for me to live like that. I would rather see happy people getting their phones back, honestly.

Speaking of happy, after we talked and took a little break, Franny was utterly thrilled, to the point of skipping to the store. I could tell a weight was off her. I hope to see her like that a lot. I remember being her age and all the weird secrets that were imposed on me by my mother in particular, and self-imposed…I hope she chooses not to live like that. I am trying to do my part and keep my burdens off her, and encourage her to be so completely free like she was yesterday afternoon.

COMMENTS. Thank you for comments. Most will be truncated. You made me laugh and/or think, so thanks.

Brigid Keely said:

Have you ever talked to Franny about your youthful stealing and how your step dad reacted and how it made you feel? Why you stole? You talk to her about a lot of stuff. Do you think she could relate to your childhood?

No, I have not, for a few reasons. The most important reason is that I think she is too much in black/white world right now, and will not be able to look at everything she knows about me and say, well, mom learned her lesson and got better. I remember being her age and learning things about relatives that disturbed me and really tainted my image of them. When she is older and the world becomes greyer I will tell her more involved accounts of my history. For now I think it will be least confusing if I appear to have the moral high ground.

Tyleetwen said:

Do you think she would like those old Multiplication Rock songs?

YES, this is brilliant. THANK YOU. I had her listen to the 0-3s this afternoon. I am going to download them and play them until our ears bleed math.

Jane says:

I think sometimes it’s as much about the challenge and the sneakery as well as the obvious (the sugar).

I felt that too. I did get a little rush when I was a kid. She was taking an awfully large risk sneaking across my creaky floor and FAILED.

Jessica said:

My biggest concern is that (the lying especially) is an ingrained personality trait (that she comes by honestly, as her mother is a liar), and that people will dislike her – which would be a shame because she is at heart a nice kid.

I have encountered kids like this, and to a certain extent I was that kid. You kind of want to shake them and say exactly what you said, but everyone has to choose their path, right? I think one of the greatest unfairnesses in life is the pain of watching people make terrible choices.

M0g0 said:

Stealing… I “stole” sweets, and it was because they were in short supply in my house, and the more sweets were restricted and the more my parents got pissed when I “stole” them, the angrier and sadder I got and the more I “stole” them. I put “stole” in quotes because that’s what my mother used to call it, which always made me feel like a horrible criminal, and because I don’t think in real life you can “steal” food that is available in your own house, even if you are a kid. Frankly, this is one of the big things I want to do differently with my own kids: realize that kids go through a phase where treats are a very big deal and their metabolisms kick up, and not make such things scarce or flip my lid when they get eaten up.

I am wonder if you mean there was, say, a community box of ice cream bars and you would eat them when no one was around. I would get bitched at about this, but my mother would not use the word “stole.” I am okay with Franny eating things that are around the house, but there is a line with Personal Chocolate and such. We all have it.

Anne said:

Somewhere around here I have a lesson on “quick facts” which is tricks for learning multiplication; let me know if you want me to send it to you. I seem to remember it helped us. What it always boils down to is just practice and drill, so you may be already doing plenty fine.

Thank you for the link!

Dorrie said:

Former (or am I?) thief that I am


Why can’t she nick the cheap stuff, says I, those tubes are $$$.


grasshopper said:

If you’re too soft or squishy or ‘negotiable’ about things, it can make kids feel unsafe, like you’re not really strong enough to be their parent. (I felt that a lot with my parents).

I agree.

Also, maybe she just needs a stash of her own that *you* aren’t allowed to get into? I remember having that battle with my parents – it felt really unfair that they could have secrets but I couldn’t.

Well, I am not going to go out of my way to build her one, but she does have free season on the grocery store on her way home from school and one weekends.

Hi.D said:

I heard a good interview with Po Bronson

Thank you!

Thanks, everyone. I will update. Back to vaginas and me being mental or cooking tomorrow.

If I Get By, It’s Mine

Yesterday I was trying to encourage Franny to learn her times tables, since pretty much every child who enters into the elementary part of her previous private school exits without math facts, I have discovered. Now she has multiplication homework and it was hard for me to tell her that she just needs to KNOW this shit, and that there is no way of getting around it short of creating a pictorial representation of six groups of five apples or whatever, causing every problem to take 5,000 years.

I thought we could knock out the zeros and ones quickly. Strudel sat nearby, coloring, and listening to the lesson I was giving. I showed Franny a quick 2 and 3 times chart I had drawn up and told her to memorize it tonight, then reviewed ones and zeroes again.

“Okay, you have five hearts,” I said, drawing them on some paper. “You take this group of five one time, how many do you have?” We were doing the same thing earlier with four groups of six hearts, so she could visualize what is happening. Franny looked uncertain.

“Five,” she said finally.

Zero’s a little odd, right? If you’re going to take no groups, then what’s the point? Fucking stay home or whatever. Don’t talk to me about algebra, either. Just don’t.

“So, you take ZERO groups of any number, and how many do you have?”

Franny looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

“None!” Strudel blurted.

I think this is going to be easier for Strudel.

So, that’s happening.

Also, Franny is getting into her sneaky-stealy stage, which I hate. Yesterday she snuck into my room when she thought I was sleeping to take some chocolate off my dresser. I was actually half awake and told her so, and told her I heard the floor creaking and heard her crinkling the plastic bag they were contained in. She told me that she was coming in to see if I was awake to give me a hug.

I kind of blew it off at the time, though I was annoyed. I did not actually see the chocolate in her hand. If a child is going to lie to your face like that, yelling at them or punishing them isn’t really going to help. When I was her age, the most important thing was to never, EVER admit that I had done something, even when I was basically caught in the act. Why do children do these things and then lie desperately so as to appear innocent? They have no concept it makes things worse in the long run.

Earlier last summer we had a problem with candy and anything sweet going missing, after which I found an empty bag of chocolate chips in Franny’s bed, an empty wrapper that contained P.’s missing cookies and a few melted chocolate chips. I also found an empty tube of homeopathic medicine in her closet. She did not admit that she had taken the things even though I found them in her bed.

We had a talk about taking things that do not belong to you. We talked about trust and little things, like don’t eat sugar in your bed and expect your teeth to stay in your head. I reminded her she was welcome to take her own money and buy small treats at the store after dinner, and we often have dessert around.

Last summer she also nicked one of her stepmother’s empty cigarette boxes and brought it to my house, as proof that her stepmother was secretly smoking. Franny was going through a Nancy Drew/spying thing, and her stepmother got in the crossfire of that. So I knew she was taking things from there as well.

So jumping back to later that day of the chocolate incident, after school, Franny was struggling with her math and Strudel cracked her head on the table pretty hard.

Strudel is going through that somewhat hilario four-and-a-half thing where this explosion will hit and she will rocket out of her chair ass over teakettle and hurt herself. It can happen right in front of me and I will be left going “WTF just happened here?” Of course, it is not funny that she gets hurt, but it looks like she gets struck by a bolt of invisible magical lightning. This happens to other fours as well, I know.

So I held Strudel and popped her on the counter and went to fetch the homeopathic arnica pellets out of the cabinet where the vitamins are. Say what you will about homeopathy, but I learned from a friend a long time ago that if you give children the magical arnica pellets and some hugs they will not cry for ten minutes. Alright!

I had just stocked up on arnica and allium for the winter, remembered putting the tubes up there, and had used the arnica a little since buying it, after which I put it back in the cabinet. They were both gone.

I thought for a moment about what to do. I knew Franny had taken the last tube of arnica, and I knew she knew it is not remotely possible to overdose on the pellets, which have a sugar base. I made a big show of looking through the cabinet, under and around teacups and bottles of vitamins and such. “Where could they be? I just bought TWO new ones and now they are gone.”

Franny began acting nervous at the table, even awkward, and claimed stomach trouble and went upstairs and slammed herself into the bathroom, where she stayed for a very long time. After that she spent the rest of her time before dinner in her bed. I was upset, and quiet, lost in thought.

If I accuse her of this stuff she will deny it again, and has apparently learned to hide the evidence better. I took things when I was a kid, and my stepfather used to go MENTAL (shocker) and threaten to lock things up or ground me forever. I don’t know. I am still sorting it out. I don’t like living with a child who is stealing, but I know a lot of them do it. Sometimes it feels like every step is a chance to pull them closer or start pushing them away.