I used to come to you with a Festival of Ranting, but now I only come with a Celebration of Tiredness. I am pretending my spazziness is sort of like a small town parade or something, with beaded necklaces for the crowd and handfuls of the cheapest and most putrid candy for the kids. Does there get to be a point when you have experienced the same thing so many times that you get sort of resigned to it? I suppose there is a point like that. I have a fucking crystal ball about how things like this turn out, so if you want to be surprised, read no further. I am going to pretend that this is a Harry Potter fansite and conspiracy theory away. *CONTAINS SPOILERS*
Author Archives: iasshole
Friday Flippy Floppy
Today I have a post at Blogher about the new Camel No. 9 “Stiletto” smokes and the gross world of marketing cigs to teh womenz. And that was a lot of linking, so whew, me tired now.
More this weekend. It might even be hella domestical.
But FIRST, dopeness via Beloved Daniel.
Where can I meet some sick gents like this? I want to the delicious filling in a Cool Ice/camo sammich. The guy with the beard reminds me of Humpty.
Important Bulletin
Tiered Fat Blunt Plate
As I mentioned yesterday, I bought plates and sherbet glasses when I was on the Peninsula. I saw a DIY petits fours server that was SO DARLING in Bust a couple of months ago. Of course, I would feel like a total choad if I invited people to my house and actually served them petits fours, so we will call this a multi-purpose server. The possibilities are endless and include fat blunts and jello shots. Your call.
Dear MF Diary: Beachy KEEN!
Figure 1
Hey! We went to the beach. It was pretty nice. We stayed in a cabin with a kitchen, which is good for containing naughty babies, and also for making pancakes in your pajamas. It was the Kite Festival on the Long Beach Peninsula, which is pretty fricking fun. No one at this house has a particular boner for kites; we just went because August is usually the most reliable time for a vacation. And I think it only rained two or three times, so SCORE.
PNW’ed 31: Oh shitpickles I’m tired
PNW’ed (Western Washington) Bingo.
Probably loads of typos but this was rattling around in my head all the way home. “Suitable for framing.” EHEHEHE
Also, I had my kind friend update at Blogher while I was gone, since there is no time-released entry option there, and plus the library where I was was closed on Fridays. So if you were wondering about Part Two of ladies in graphic novels, it is hella happening.
Your Super Jive over and out and more awake tomorrow, Gandalf willing.
Hey yallz, I am going to be gone for a few days. While I’m gone, I would like you to write a 500-word essay on one (1) of the following subjects: trepanation, unicorns, buttsex (Fairlight option), the perfection of Andrew Bird, or Pancake Bunny.
Flaming Stove Has a Flame
I made zukeyloaf in the wrong-sized pan and it overflowed all over the bottom of the stove, which caused a flaming mess. It was kind of cheery, though. Epic Fail at cooking.
Now It Can Be Told
Soooo, I’m posting over at BlogHer now on a weekly basis (Fridays). After this, I’ll just slip it into other Friday posts, but I felt like I should Say Something today. I am very pleased; I like those people a lot. Shockingly, my beat is Pop Culture/Entertainment, and today’s post is on strong women leads in graphic novels. I will probably Be Moar Serious there (i.e. fewer pictures of Abe Vigoda?), but I am still me. Let me know if thur’s type-os.
Carry on with what you call your Special Ladyness in the previous post, kthx.
High School Girls, You Need to Learn Some Things. College Girls, You Need To Use Yr Brains
LISSEN UP BITCHEZ, Professor Owl will be handing out some learnings. So hold still so your ass can get learned.