Your Poultry Has Shipped

I guess I can wrap this chapter up for now, though these things are never really truly wrapped up, are they? After Morgan and I spoke to our mother on Saturday night, I called SeaFed to check in with him, and told him the deed was done. Of course I was shunted straight to voicemail, because as I discovered on Sunday, my mother immediately called him to discuss how awful I was being.

And when he finally called me back on Sunday afternoon, I heard her words again coming out of his mouth. “You don’t even know her anymore,” he said. “You haven’t spoken to her for years.” I felt myself being crushed somewhat under the weight of everything he had to say. He was talking over me, rambling, that way he has of filling the space without really saying anything useful or helpful.

“Yes,” I said, trying to flatten myself out on the quicksand. “It’s always been the same, though. She’s up, she’s down, she pours all the booze out and then caves and starts again.”

“I guess I remember that from when we lived with her,” he conceded. “But a lot of people drink.” His voice sounded slightly hollow.

Suddenly this seemed like it was less about my mother and me than I thought.

“I told her that we agreed to supervised visits for the time being,” I said, “sooo–”

“I never said that, I said I heard you about that and I wanted to speak to your mother and your sister about this. I’ve spoken to all of you and now I don’t think there’s a problem.”

“Uh. Okay. Can we agree to no overnights for now, because I really think that–”

“I will spend time with her the next time I see her, and I will decide. I’m not going to agree to anything with you about this. Franny needs her grandmother in her life, warts and all.”

“Well, I disagree in this case, because I made the choice to pull myself and the girls out of her toxic thing that she’s in.”

“I’ve known REAL addicts, SJ, and they need support. None of this was a problem until you brought this up recently. The last time I saw Franny she burst into tears right away. I can’t tell you how to run your house, but maybe this stuff needs to be private, and Franny doesn’t really need to know about your problems with your mother. You’re upsetting her and there was never a problem before. This is the first time she said she doesn’t want to spend the night at her grandma’s house.”

Remember this.

He also told me he was pleased I had offered to supervise visits, because it sounded like my mother would be happy to see me. I have no idea if that’s true or not. I tend to doubt it–I suspect it’s just more of his weird fantasy world inferences that he cannot seem to help, like the notion that my sister needed him to tell our mother that Morgan had a problem with her, which she said several times she did not, and it was about Franny. The idea that my mother would be pleased to see me as a result of all this increased dysfunction made my stomach churn. I would not be happy to see me. I was always at my worst around her, really, not matter how hard I tried. I certainly wouldn’t be happy to see her. I don’t want Franny to see her. I felt ill when she came over inappropriately to drop something off.

With him it’s always a sucking black hole where the sky is orange and nothing really makes any sense. I can’t really say that it’s any different than when we were married. I have that feeling every time I hang up that everything I know is wrong and I am a bad person. It seems like these conversations always happen when Franny is gone, which doesn’t help. I can’t and won’t turn to her for support and venting like I would a friend, but having her out of my sight makes me wonder…have I done everything wrong? Is she scared to tell me how she feels?

We talked when Franny came back, because I knew there was a lot unsaid and probably going through her mind. I tried to be very gentle with her and I try not to lead her or feed her anything–I just try to keep it safe for her. She made a point to tell me that she asks her dad not to have to have sleepovers at her grandma’s house.

“Before all this happened?” I asked, surprised.

“Yes, I just want to see him. I tell him I want just a day visit and he tells me to ‘pack my bag.”

“Have you tried telling your stepmother at all? Maybe get another adult on your side?”

“She doesn’t say anything when I say I don’t want to go.”

I worry that her stepmother wants her to go. Around Thanksgiving she accused Franny of hurting the baby and I know Franny does not really feel wanted or welcome around there, which pains me. Franny doesn’t want to push things too hard, because she’s scared of him, especially when he’s mad. She still remembers him making a hole in the wall of my apartment when she was four, which surprised me to hear.

I told her that none of this is her fault or her problem, over and over, and that I want her to be happy. I think she is, most of the time. I checked in to see if she wanted to know what was happening, if I was telling her too much, as her dad said, and she said she wanted to know. I also told her something new.

“You’re getting older now,” I reminded her. “You are allowed to make more decisions for yourself. If you feel like you are unsafe or not being respected, you can get on the bus after school and come home and I will be here. You can call me and I will pick you up from wherever, okay?”

Franny talks about how her little sister screams for things, like a doughnut, or some candy, or the right backpack, and how she gets them and it makes her crazy to see.

“Maybe you need to start screaming for your doughnut over there,” I said, and she smiled a little.

“He’s making this all worse, I know he is,” she said. I tried to keep the surprise off my face. She said she felt better after we talked. I feel really proud of how level-headed and sharp she is sometimes. I feel so lucky that this one was given the gift of really high emotional intelligence and sensitivity. I think it has and will save her.

I feel fairly boxed in at this point. I have a child who is telling me she is unhappy and not being heard over there, and her father, who will not agree to or concede to anything…so, I can’t work with him to keep things healthy with my mother. And my mother, who has SeaFed in her pocket and feels entitled to see Franny despite my wishes and requests. People are suggesting court and restraining orders. I worry I am being negligent for not doing so. I have this feeling like no matter what I choose, everything rests on me. I am putting out one more email to say, I don’t like this, I don’t want this, I don’t agree with this, and then…things will change eventually. I hope my mother cannot do too much damage before then.

And next time you see me, I will have brand new chickies and I am going to keep it light for a while. Thanks for the nice comments lately.

Please Keep Me In Mind/20-Feb Taibas Jones Glorious

Last night, well. Is it a good idea to make an appointment to tell someone something terrible? I don’t know. I have a lot to say.

I had thought that I was solely clean up crew, in the wake of SeaFed being unhelpful regarding my mother, but that’s never really how it works. Of course my sister was trying to clean things up too.

My sister and I sat at my table at the appointed hour, watching her cell ring on speaker phone, leaning over it–CALLING: MOM. My sister said later that I looked queasy, which I believe, but I actually felt pretty calm. My mother picked up and my sister did her best, explaining that she thought that SeaFed had gotten off the point in his conversation with my mother earlier that week.

In a patented SeaFed move, he sent Morgan an email assuring her that he told our mother that Morgan had a problem with her and her drinking right now, which Morgan had asked to be left out of and did not want to interfere with or pass judgment on. She told him several times that she was speaking to him on my behalf with regards to my concerns about Franny spending time with her, and her relationship wasn’t the issue.

“I don’t need HIM to talk to my mother for me about how I feel about anything,” she said earlier in the week. No kidding. Good gravy. The thought of SeaFed as mediator, healer, peacekeeper, FAMILY UNITER, makes my special vein in my forehead come out to say hello to everyone.

Then it was my turn. I decided to get right to it, since there were no pleasantries to exchange.

“We’ve decided that going forward, visits with Franny will be supervised.”

This was apparently new information; SeaFed had told me that he would be discussing this when he spoke to my mother, since he is the one who maintains contact with her. I could hear anger and indignation oozing out of her voice. I don’t blame her really. I wouldn’t want to be sneak attacked with…me.

She asked where this came from and I told her I had compelling evidence that things were out of control regarding her drinking. That kind of confrontation, accusation, that one really blows the doors off things.

“WHAT? Who is telling you this? You don’t KNOW me anymore, you haven’t for years,” she said. “You don’t know what I do.”

I reminded her that Morgan is in my life, that things were the same when I was a kid, that Franny was a witness to her drinking.

“What have I DONE to hurt Franny?” she said. I stuck to my point. I was not going to argue with her, to tell her I was right and she was wrong and bad. It was just about a parental decision, and that decision was not open for her to debate. I did not say, but I had hoped, that SeaFed could carry this one message to her without my involvement, but here we were. I picture Lucy Ricardo running around in the switchboard inside his head, frantically pulling lines out of holes and shoving them into others willy-nilly.

“Fine, if this is all this is about, I will stop drinking right now. I quit as of this moment,” she said. In a way I cannot really explain, it hurt me to hear the conviction and sincerity in her voice.

“Okay,” I said. “We can revisit things when you are serious about sobriety. Perhaps a year in.”

“How will you even KNOW, SJ? How will you KNOW what I do? You won’t know what I do when you’re not around.” My sister and I glanced at each other–whiplash.

“You’re right. I don’t know what you do when I’m not around. I made the choice to be away from you for myself and my kids.” I can only operate on the information I have, I thought, which doesn’t sound starkly different than the way things were when I was growing up.

“This is about YOU,” she spat. “You’re SO bitter. You’re such a bitter person. This is about how I gave your kitten away when you were five. You hold grudges for years, don’t you?”

“This call is to tell you that SeaFed and I have decided that visits with Franny will be supervised now.”

“Well, you’re showing me. You FINALLY found an opening to punish me with. You took away my grandchildren and now this. Who’s going to supervise these visits, anyway? How are you going to enforce this?”

“This isn’t about punishing you, this is about me doing what’s best for Franny. When we agreed on this, SeaFed said he was willing to do it. There can be breakfasts or other meals together without alcohol. I’m sure you’d be welcome to go out where they live, too.”

“Ha! SeaFed said this was ALL YOU. That is was ALL COMING FROM YOU and he had nothing to do with this.” If this is at all true it might explain why she sounded surprised when I had stated my purpose at the outset–maybe? A few things she said seemed like half-truths–they just felt off.

“Okay, if that’s the case, then I will supervise the visits.” I slipped then. She riled me. “I’m sure we have a lot of catching up to do. It will be so much fun.” I’m not proud of that, at all.

There was really nothing else for me to say after that. I thought it was fair that she asked why and was willing to answer. I forgot how manipulative she can be, how mercurial. I listened to her heap abuse on my sister for what amounts to telling my mother’s secrets.

One thing that I hate about an emotional abuse situation is when the the person with the problem explodes if the abused person tries to take ownership of their own experiences and relate them to other people, rather than keeping it a secret. It was obviously a massive betrayal that Morgan had told me about my mother’s behavior around Christmas, which was scary and hurtful. There was no personal responsibility, only us attacking and betraying her.

After it was over, Morgan and I compared notes and we caught her in a couple of lies, so I’m not really sure what’s been said elsewhere. I’m willing to white knuckle through this weekend and give SeaFed a pass until I talk to him today or tomorrow. I did not slag on him during the call and presented a united front, which to my knowledge, it is. I’m going to present me dealing with my mother from here forward as a good thing and something I am taking off his hands, and thank you so much for dealing with the hassle of the commute for this long.

Most of the things my mother said to me did not really bother or surprise me. I spent a lot of time crying over the past in the past, and I am content with my decision. The only things that really bothered me was the implication that I was happy about causing this “havoc,” about turning the table over like this. I feel like if she could at all see straight right now, she would know that my ideal situation is everyone in my family fucking skipping together and holding hands with matching bows in our hair or beards.

There was also the implicit threat in a few of her statements that I don’t have control, that I don’t really know what’s going on, I felt it hovering over me. “I will take advantage of the chaos in your life” because I don’t have a reliable co-parent in SeaFed. I have let go of a lot of my control over things anyway, so I wouldn’t say I’m even approaching panic.

If there’s one thing being divorced has taught me, if you keep your head down and keep plodding and being the best parent you’re able to be, things may change, as in, you may be given the gift of your ex-husband leaving a voicemail message to say he is moving away the next week. And in the meantime, while you are hoping that things will get better, you look up and remember that you are doing all the best parenting you can and that your kid loves you and feels safe.

“It’s corny,” I said to Morgan, near the end of the night and the end of our energy. “But you know what we’re doing here? We’re breaking the cycle, for you, for me, for the girls, for if you have kids. We can do better.”


I dreamt I was crossing the street. It was my old house, the cul-de-sac I had grown up on. To my surprise Nietzsche came exploding out of the neighbor’s bushes. There must have been some mistake; I got new cats when my cat was actually right here. She was so glossy and young-looking, and looked up at me expectantly like she always did to be petted. She was never a leg-swirler or meower.

The neighbor came towards me from her yard.

“She looks so good!” I said, petting her smooth coat and feeling her healthy flesh underneath.

“Yeah, it turns out you just weren’t taking care of her right,” she said.


“This is for the best,” she said, and turned away as I started crying.

Pastry Injustice

A couple of weeks ago Strudel came home with a SAAAD tale of how her reading buddy came along as she was minding her own gosh darn business, grabbed her backpack, and pushed her DOWN. Well, did you ever? No, never.

I asked Franny about it, since he is in her class.

“What do you think about this kid, is he on the up-and-up or what?”

“Yeah, he’s nice, Mom. It seems really weird to me that he would push her down,” she said.

“Will you look into it?”

“WHAT? Really, Mom?”

“Yes,” I said. “You’re the big sister. You have to let him know he cannot perpetrate turkey actions onto YOUR little sister like that. Just ask some questions, and tell him that if he messes with her again, he’ll have you to deal with, see?”

“What does that even mean, Mom?”

“Nothing, it’s called an ’empty threat,’ sweetheart.”

Some time later we were rolling around shopping for shoes, Franny and I, and I asked her what happened with the reading buddy.

“Oh, HIM,” Franny said.

“Yes, WHAT?”

“I talked to him. He said Strudel slipped and started falling, so he grabbed her by the backpack to help catch her, and she turned around and started kicking at him and cussing him out.”

“Oh dear. Did you threaten him first?” I asked.

“No, because I was pretty sure if anything happened, it wasn’t his fault.”

Franny is getting very good at making audible italics.


I dozed off this morning after my alarm. Do you know what that gets you? That gets you in the middle squished like a sardine where the very flexible man will TOUCH YOUR BUTT. D:

Last night Strudel had the Kindergarten Singalong. She started off dancing like an elephant.

Then there was some singing. And some nose picking, at the top of the risers, in front of everyone. I get to have the kindergartner mining for magic nose goblins. I stage momed her and made the motion of STOP PICKING YOUR NOSE DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE EVEN but it probably just looked like a bee flew into my nostril.

At Burgermaster we discovered that it would be better if it was called “Lambmaster” and that some people cannot pronounce the word “synonym.”

As far as my DNA news goes, it’s new news. My sister did the swabbing to see our maternal ancestry and told me yesterday. She showed me a bunch of cool stuff on her phone while we were out, and I will get a copy of the paperwork soon. Woot.


And it will have to wait until tomorrow because I don’t have TIME, UNGH.

HOWEVER, through the magic of DNA testing, today I found out that we are Ashkenazi Jews. WOO!

Strudel’s father told me I cannot be in “the club” but HE IS JUST JELLUS OF MY WEAVE. Another friend told me he wondered if I was Jewish. He had JEWSPICIONS. This is very exciting. And all this time I thought I was just Irish white trash. HA.

Weasels Gonna WEASEL.

Franny’s father, our infamous SeaFed, has decided not to broach matters with my mother at all. Not AT ALL. Words that were used were basically to the effect of “You need to talk to Morgan because she has a problem with you right now ok.”

Naturally, this makes me insane, because he wants to have it both ways. He wants someone to dump Franny on so he doesn’t have to make the commute to her school on Monday mornings when he has her, but doesn’t want to face the reality of any problems there may be with his choice of child care. The reason I continue to be a click removed is because I am removed from her. I’ve made myself clear that I don’t want to see her and I don’t want my girls around her.

So I get a frantic call from my sister today after she got the message from SeaFed. “I’ve already had this fight with Mom, I don’t want to do it again.” What’s that sound? Click click click, I am being pulled in closer. Clean up crew gets to come in and say all the mean shit. I don’t blame my sister; Franny’s not her kid.

I have asked Seafed to make any time with my mother supervised and alcohol-free, but I feel like I am leaving important decisions regarding my child to a donkey with portions of its frontal lobe missing and a carny with extreme short-term memory problems and the attendant decision-making skills.

I offered to have a conversation with my sister present via speakphone with my mother and to say all the ugly shit. My sister and I are hashing it out, trying to form a plan. I keep telling her she did the right thing by not hiding what is happening. My sister is terrified that my mother will turn on her now for ratting. I predict what will happen is that things will get hideous, it will strain my sister’s relationship with my mother, and that my mother and SeaFed will get together and talk about how unreasonable I am and things will go on as before, because that will show my control freak ass. That’s my pessimism talking, but it’s also been par for the course. Family trumps all, any problem can be glossed over, and I am unreasonable.

And if anything happens to Franny as a result of how “unreasonable” I am, I am going to SNAP.

Kicked in the Chuckhole/15-Feb Dream

DIG DIG DIG! There will be a GARDEN. I made the hole in the middle, which winds and is crooked. I live my life like a spider on LSD. HIGH KICKS. Beans are coming. I am also planting lemon cucumbers.

I went out last night, four course prix fixe, yum yum. It was blasting outside with wind and rain but my hair made it.

I don’t understand why people get dressed to the hilt and then use a bunch of perfume. I don’t like anything else I can taste while I’m eating. Also, I think most people smell pretty good on their own. That said, I like perfume…sometimes.

I mentioned this on the Twittergraph, but I jumped and ordered chicks. They will be here the 24th. The post office will call me. COOL AS HELL to get livestock ringaling. When I was a kid we lived in the middle of nowhere several times but didn’t really have animals. Too bad, it would have been the perfect opportunity for homesteading.

Yesterday I got my Valentines some trinkets to wear and left them at the places at the dinner table. Strudel came home teary, with hers broken.

“Her enemy yanked on it and snapped it,” Franny explained. Strudel has a bugbear of a boy in her class who is always doing things to her.

“Did you talk to him about it and tell him you were upset?” I asked.

“Yes,” Strudel said.

“Did he get into trouble?”

“No, the teacher just told us to sit down,” she said. I remember this type of injustice.

“Well, tell him he can’t ruin your things and you would like him to give you five dollars to replace it.”

Strudel looked away from me, out the window, thinking.

“I’m going to tell his mother,” she said.

“Yeaaah, that’s it, kid. Be polite but firm, ok?”

I dreamt that my breasts has edges on them like the corners of my eyes with things in them that looked like tear ducts. There were worms that I was pulling out of them! Someone told me this was normal. I think I’ve been looking at too much Frida Kahlo lately.

Stan Sakai Ceiling Bunnies

Today I had a very inspiring (barf I hate that word) talk about doubting your work with a friend who has kindly offered to draw a banner for the ten year anniversary of this trash heap. Everyone sane has doubts and fear, I guess. We are talking about things to put on the banner. I get my portrait done, woo woo. Chickens, jawbreakers. Thinking about asking him to draw my portrait with goatse as a frame. How gauche! I keep thinking of the jumbles that Frida Kahlo used to paint with all the banners and fruit and lines and blood. I am thinking the text should be gangsta font. What do you think should be on a ten-year I, Asshole banner?

Today Franny was in an adaptation of The Ring of the Nibelung. She was a cute bird.