Crafts Exclusively for for Dope-Ass Bitches

Hey DABs. As long-time readers may remember, when I was a broke-ass grad student and a slatternly single mother, my elder jerk expressed a desire to have some kind of Xmas thing at my house. I thought this was interesting, because traditionally before that I had ZERO xmas decor, choosing instead to mooch xmas cheer off of other places, like parties and Nordstrom. But NO. Xmas ’03 was it. That was the genesis of the XMAS FICUS! I have no pictures of Xmas ’03, which is not to surprising as I had just moved and that was a suck ass Xmas anyhow. But.

Here’s Xmas ’05:

And here we have Gwen Steponme for 2006.

This year we decided to do something different. In October I got back into the free online game the Kingdom of Loathing, and every year they have a Xmas celebration called “Crimbo.” This year the Crimbo elves have been assimilated by cyborgs, and part of the game is fighting twisted characters inspired by the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”

So we are making ornaments every night to celebrate Crimbo. At the top of our tree this year serving as a star is “The Sinister Dodecahedron.”

In game, the images are tiny gifs and blow up very poorly into pixelly messes. Yesterday I hand-copied the first five images as best I could on a full-sized sheet of paper, scanned them, and made them ornament size with Photoshop. We had fun coloring the results, and now they hang on our tree with dental floss. Elegant! They are living here in my botofuckit account. I can’t imagine anyone else would want these, but help yourself if you like.

FOUR Killing Birds!

THREE Swiss (Army Knife) Hens!

TWO turtle mecs!

And a Death Ray in a Pear Tree!

I can’t wait to see what the other days bring. Today is a gold ring…a killer one, of course. This morning Strudel asked me, “Where’s MY ornament on the tree?” Crap. I guess she’s taking the gold ring tonight.

Here’s my jolly little elves working yesterday.


Here’s the Death Ray in action:


I love weekend fambly time.

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Bulletin from Frannyport

I got an email from my big kid’s teacher.

So… your daughter has been holding onto her card from Grandma (?) ever since I gave it to her yesterday. It’s been hanging out of her back pocket, pretty cute. It made her day(s) ;)

Last week I sent Franny a letter and stupidly wrote my zip code on it, so it bounced back. When I was dropping Strudel off a couple of days ago, I asked the admin if she could slip it to Franny without it being disruptive. When I talked to Franny on the phone she sounded pretty sad that her letter had not come yet, and it was my fault. Boo, me.

Looks like her teacher passed it off, and now Franny is hanging onto it. I wonder if she is reading it when she has breaks? I get to pick her up this afternoon and ask her.

ALSO, I have written a special holiday guide for Blogher. Shop, capitalists! SHOP LIKE THE WIND!

Tuesdays with Nay Nay

Nietzsche is on the mend. Every morning and night I am popping hyperthyroid pills down her gullet and she seems better. Just as she was getting on the mend, or mend-ish anyway, she got hit with a rogue pack of fleas that apparently just missed the frosts we’ve been having and we had to treat that too. So now she is sleeping again instead of dealing with THE BUGS THE BUGS that were bothering her before, both in her body and out. For a few weeks there, every time she pestered me, her dish was empty and she was starving, but now she comes to see me to hold down my lap again.

Today I was thinking about years ago when she was a younger kitty and used to get on top of things, overcoming physics and stumpy peg legs. One day I came home from work and she did not greet me like she usually did, which I didn’t notice at first because I also had two needy boy cats. After an hour or so, I noticed she was AWOL and called her. She didn’t come, which wasn’t totally unusual because she is a pretty classic cat who comes when she feels like it. She’s not going to get off her fat ass for me if she is having a nap or watching her stories.

That evening all was quiet and I was sitting on the couch reading a book.

“Urk!” I hear, from somewhere in the living room. “Urt!” She was muffled and quiet.

“Neech?” I called her.


I finally isolated the sound to the piano. Oh, please don’t let her be in the piano, I thought. I peeped behind it. There she was, upside down with her head tilted toward the ground, fully wedged in between the back of the piano and the wall. When she saw me, she wiggled her legs like some kind of giant fake movie spider.

The piano was on wheels and I pushed it out slightly, with my hand under her back to catch her. I set her upright and she shook her head a couple of times, washed her back, and went on her way.

Thus we learn it is possible to be dignified, even if we are potato-shaped and have stumpy legs. Dignity, always DIGNITY.

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Time For My Dried Frog Pills.

Today is frustrating. I am retyping a big stack of documents for work, because there are no electronic files for a yearly event. I need to say that again. No word files of papers that are used every single year. WHA?

Then I picked up my little kid, who was in a bad mood after school as usual. She threw all of her things down on the ground repeatedly, and got really pissed at me and wouldn’t walk when I picked them up. So I tried to carry her, at which point I discovered she wet her pants who knows how long ago, because her tights and skirt were soaked and freezing cold. And then I feel like I am doing a bad job by keeping her in a place that does not notice when children wet themselves. And then she turned and clawed my nose and lips, so I had to carry her backwards.

This makes me miss my big kid more, because she does not claw me in the face, but instead helps me make cookies.

Remind me why I’m doing this, again? And if the answer is YOUR DUM (true) then you are HELLABANNED.

Keats and Yates Are on Your Side.

Wham. I stepped on a nail yesterday. I thought it wasn’t a big deal until the blood started dripping off the end of my toes. Of course I looked around to figure out which miscreant was perpetrating sabotagey on my house. It turns out that someone had nailed a piece of wall board to the ceiling for no apparent reason. It was connected to nothing, and doing nothing. Just nailed up.

So the last time I got a tetanus shot was ten years ago, when I stepped on a nail in my backyard in Phoenix. I’m going to ride this out though, because afflictions add +5 to character. I’m still sad my eye healed up recently. I can’t see shit anyway, so I might as well look more like my hero.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Book Pimpage and Anecdote for the Astray

Okay, so the editors of that book I accidentally got put into sent me a really ace letter for maximum pimpage. I thought I should probably just reproduce it here. I don’t usually count chickens pre-hatchage, but it seems likely that I am going to go down to San Francisco early next year and read a little from it along with others who have worked on the book. And I am so excited I could throw up. I want to help Shan, who is an old blogfriend, but I am pretty much mostly excited about hanging out with her. Stupid internet. You meet people who live 4 jillion miles away, and then you miss them.


Hi Folks,

Looking for that perfect holiday gift, the one that will both please
its recipient and make its giver feel good?

Can I Sit With You? is a book co-edited by special needs parents
Shannon Des Roches Rosa and Jennifer Byde Myers. It is a collection of
stories about schoolyard social experiences, both good and bad. All
proceeds from the sale of Can I Sit With You? go directly to SEPTAR,
the fledgling Special Education PTA of Redwood City (

These beautifully written, heartfelt tales should speak to anyone who
has ever struggled to fit in with the other kids at school, wondered
about feeling different, or felt like no one could possibly understand
what they’re going through. We hope they will inspire elementary and
middle school students, or at the very least temper their bewilderment
as they grapple with issues such as popularity, making friends,
puberty, sexual orientation, religion, race, special needs siblings,
and bullying.

The stories are told from the point of view of the former students, in
their own words. We did not censor the profanities a former
eight-year-old screamed at the boys who beat up her special needs
brother. There is no preaching or patronizing. As one reviewer wrote,
“Perhaps the most important lesson in all of [the stories] is that the
writers all survived and grew up to have something to say, and a place
to say it.”

We think Can I Sit With You? is a wonderful book. And we would be so
grateful for your support. You can purchase the book and have it
shipped to you or your friends directly at:

Happy Holidays,

Shannon and Jennifer

P.S. Can I Sit With You? is also an ongoing blog project. You can
discuss any of the stories in the book, read new stories, and submit
your own stories at /

In Other News

Companion’s father, a man I really like and admire, was visiting for Thanksgiving weekend. He asked me how things were going and I told him a little about mediation and so forth. He has legal issues of his own right now, that are of a different nature than mine.

“It’s like we’re two people boiling away next to each other in two seperate pots, just looking at each other,” he observed.

Somehow this is making me feel better as I think about going back into mediation this Saturday. Blub blub.

In Other, Other News

“Taibas” Jones is ailing. Like many old lady cats, she’s got the hyperthyroidism. The good news is there’s a little pill for her to take twice a day. The bad news is that her metabolism is so cranked she’s acting like a meth head who just drank three cups of coffee and REALLY WANTS TO TALK TO YOU about this GREAT NEW BAND SHE’S INTO. Poor thing. I love her so much, but she’s like a needy little dog right now, and I signed up for regular deliveries of Elderly Cat, aka lapwarmer, aka doorstop.

She’s been eating four squares a day, up from two, and the vet informed me that Nietzsche has actually gained weight since August, the last time she was seen. Many cats lose weight. Not my gal. She’s a dedicated eater, for sure. But I hope she starts eating less soon, anyway.

Get well, Nietzsche. Who else will remind us that Mouse is dead, and no one cares?

I don’t know, I got nothing.

Domestic Ninja Vanish!

Eight a.m.? Time to Be Confrontational.

Me: Are you going to start doing the dishes after dinner again, or what?

C: Hmm? Yeah, that’s lame. I won’t do that anymore.

Me: What? The dishes are lame and you’re done with them?

C: Nooooo….

Me: Well, if that’s the case, I will enjoy eating Thai food every night.

C: …AND I will enjoy having you make it every night.

Dammit. Ninja pwt!
Me: 0
C: 1

I Guess I Haven’t Posted About PMS in Oh, a Month or So.

Me, getting out of the shower: Look at me. Loooooook at me. LOOK. Do I look different to you?

C: Er….

Me, squeezing fatty parts: NO, SERIOUSLY. Do I look different?

C: Okay. Well, I can remember a time…when you looked…heavier?

Me: Hmm.


Well, bonus points to my fella for style.

ADDITIONALLY, please show me your opinions on etiquette.

Scenario: I invited the neighbors to a little holiday open house thingummy we want to throw. They accepted, which went like this.

Them: Oh, we’d love to drop by. But we have guests in from out-of-town this weekend. So we’ll just bring them!

Me: Uhh…okay?

Question: What is a better response than “Duuuh okay”? After I went into the house, I thought I could have said something like, “Well, we would like to invite people we know.” Is that too much? Of course, I won’t know some of my guest’s dates, but that’s different. These neighbors are coupled up already and so will be bringing bonus mystery people. Please advise for the future.

Actually, forget it. I am not throwing parties anymore. Goodbye, cruel social world, hello cruel nunnery.

In my dealings with people under fifty I am starting to think that all the time I spent devouring etiquette books while babysitting was not time well spent, but instead the makings of an insufferable GIT.

Also, I very much enjoyed this post by a professor friend.

Monkeychow IN!

O hay guyz, I have been meaning to tell you that I have a story in this book now. It’s for a good, charitable cause, so don’t worry about the filthy lucre going into my misappropriating mitts to be spent on thigh-high Jessica Simpson boots. Buy for xmas, or I will leave toothmarks in your butter.

FURTHERMOAR, I have been looking for a way to raise some quick dosh for a…how can I say this? ….legal fund (that was hard to type), and I was thinking about collecting unpublished short stories via lulu.

Anyone worked with lulu? Feedbacks? Would you give me money for words and feel like that was a fair trade? Real short stories…not just blob entries, I swear.

And so ends my moment of patheticness for this morning.


Totie Fields

The Long and the Short


This weekend was kind of discombobulating. It snowed here on Friday night, which always throws the Seattle world off its axis. We went out on that night, and for some reason I decided to wear open-toed heels. I think I was in denial or something. But I did pretty well, and didn’t fall down any holes. One nice thing about patent leather and tights is that they dry when you get where you’re going really quickly.

I am convinced that I am getting dumber now as I get older. Ten years ago I was in bed by nine most nights and did sensible things like staying out of the sun. My apex was probably about twenty-three. Goodbye, brain! I’ll miss you as I limp towards this grave.

Human Interest

We went to this sushi restaurant I had never heard of though it is blocks from my house, and we were feeling indecisive about what to order at first. Companion just ordered miso and the waitress chastised us as she walked off: “Bo-ring.” Her devil-may-care attitude toward customer service did not make the monkfish liver less delicious later.

Then on Saturday we were at the hoity-toity natural foods grocery store, where my feral dwarf was demanding a corn dog. Most of the time we shop at Plebe Ranch, where she can get a chicken corndog (NOW WITH 17% MORE BEEF ANUSES) or some jo-jos while we shop.

“Oh, I’m sorry, honey, this place is too healthy to have corndogs,” I said.

“It’s not really about healthy,” the barista behind the counter snotted. “It’s more like, things like corndogs have preservatives and nitrates, and we tend not to carry things like that.”

ORLY? Processed dog product has preservatives and nitrates? You could have knocked me over with a feather, etc. So you’re saying that they’re UNHEALTHY, then?

I wanted to free his coworker, who looked very tolerant of him as he smarmed at her regarding his serious learnings about the failings of the Catholic church.

I am one of the least religious people I know, but sometimes I get really tired of all the smug atheism around this joint. Which is weird, because I was raised surrounded by smug Christians. I guess what I want now is ironical smugness.

Animal Report

I forgot to tell you, a couple of weeks ago I brought home a hamster. I had been thinking about it for a couple of months, and decided to go for it. I know it’s nothing earth-shattering, but it’s pretty fun. I have declared him “my” hamster so there is minimal fighting. Franny decided on the name “Ragweed” for him out of a children’s book that we like by Avi.

He’s pretty normal, and will have a lot to live up to to top Monkeyhip’s legacy, but he does have one little quirk. I have him set up next to my computer in the kitchen, so he is very aware of food smells and cooking, moreso than any other hamster I have ever had. If I munch late at night while looking at ONTD, then he sits and stares raptly at me, like a dog. I had to fork over one almond and he munched it for a while until he was ready to get back to his hamster business, such as his investments and Fantasy Football scores. A couple of nights ago he held the bars and stared until I felt his beadly little eyes drilling tiny, ineffectual holes into the back of my head. I turned around and gave him a cilantro leaf and his eyes went all slitty. I think he was remembering his time in Mexico.

I, Hamster Slave.