Game of Thrones: My Ears Are Burning, Were You Talking About My Penis Again??

Uhh, this will make zero sense if you have not seen the show. And probably 75% sense if you have.

I’m behind–I’ve only seen the first two episodes. I’ve not read the books, I doubt I will, and I don’t care if/how a reading of them could enrich my viewing experience. On one hand, the series is a compelling soap opera in that epic way–betrayals, political struggles, brutal people who adhere more to a way of life that resembles what I think of when I think of 16th century Europe.

On the other hand, it has this sleazy-sexy thing going on, and that’s not really my speed nowadays. I feel like I want 100% sleazy (“HELLO, MY NAME IS _PORN_”) or just dramz. Smooching ok, sexy ok too. Example: Game of Thrones brings you a political bride being raped and crying on her wedding night (probably a virgin, which does not make the rape “worse” but you can imagine that her terror and pain has a slightly different dimension than an experienced woman’s would). Sex is happening, but it’s sleazy. (I don’t feel like writing about rape fantasies and the validity thereof or the invaildity, but there, I have stuck my finger in the frosting of the rape fantasy cake. I SEE IT.)

Technically it passes the Bechdel Test, which of course does not make something FEMINIST or NOT, or GOOD or BAD, it just passes it. I’ll tell you what I remember in a minute and what my problem is with the conversation that made it pass. So, GoT is not 100% sausage party with ladies oohing and ahhing over awesomeness and the potential acquisition of said sausages.

Idly curious, I decided to have a quick look to see if people were discussing GoT in the context of the Bechdel Test and this is what I found. The timing is such that it seems to have been posted after the first episode. Granted, there is absolutely no commentary or discussion here to even get the tiniest pickax into, but I feel like the tone is “GAME OF THRONES GOTS LADIES INNIT.” Yeah, it does. Big whoop.

In the second episode, there is a real moment of two women talking, and not about dreamy princes or  being cheated on by out of control rapscalliony husbands and also not just a giggling pile of whores. The bad lady is talking to the grumpy lady (yes I am going Honey Badger on this “review” with names and crap), who is waiting for her extremely concussed son to wake up, and the bad lady shares that she lost a child. It would be like a thing that two women who understand the pain of being mothers might discuss privately, but the Bad Lady is the reason the little boy is in the light coma. I got the sense she was just covering her ass should the child wake up, or perhaps it was just to show the audience that she is completely sociopathic (let me share your sadness after I pushed your kid out of a tower).

So, I get it, plot developments and any lady conversations are going to be in service of the intriguey politics. Again, nothing inherently wrong with this, it’s just not a show that is concerned about the formation/development of healthy female relationships, whereas I do feel like there is a lot of man-to-man, fully-clothed, not-talking-about “OOOH I DEW HOPE I CAN MARRY A DUCHESS” bonding moments. It’s a man’s world in the Game of Thrones. Could there be a fantasy historical-style epic that involved women being treated not as chattel, baby vessels, or long suffering wives, because Them’s How Things Were In The Olden Days? (There has to be a name for fantasies that appeal precisely because they are “allowed” to take place in a pre-feminist era.) Do I want to continue? Probably not.

Other Minor Quibbles:

* Titties titties LOADS of TITTAYS. Flapping up, flapping down, here’s some whores, here’s some more. Here’s some whores painted blue. Here’s someone’s brother pulling out her titties. Great. No manparts and not even total man butt, I don’t think. This is telling me that the show is not really for me, per se, because mix it up, for fuck’s sake, or just focus on the plot. Yes, I know who you are, HBO, and that you’re kind of a “big deal” around here. Whatever.

* More sleazy-sexy: incest plot. Yes, a guy fucking his sister is showing, not telling, A++ story writers. Again, though, I don’t think we’re going to be seeing a healthy sexual relationship anytime soon.

*HEY, blonde sad bride has a handmaiden who speaks her language, neat! Handmaiden was a baby whore. Well, ok. Oh! Then the interaction between these two women becomes strictly homoerotic as the ex-whore shows the new bride how to hump her husband entertainingly. I see now. Why does sad bride want to learn how to please this oafy gorilla, who seems pretty content with 30 seconds of doggystyle? Is she afraid he’s going to get tired of her and gut her and leave her in the desert? That’s fair. Is it because all bitches are secretly cock-gobbling maniacs inside, just waiting to be unleashed? Just tell us what her motivation is, please. I was hoping that she would have a relationship with her handmaiden, not because it would be titillating (which it would, COUGH) but because they actually seem to like each other.

*Stop punishing the spunky girl for being awesome.

If I quit this, I will say I will miss yelling “PUPPIES” at the screen whenever the pet Dire Wolves show up, especially as they are now grown and mauling people.

“We can paint a picture that the devil can’t erase”

I’m working pantsless! For a reason! Not that I need a reason! I went to another doctor yesterday, which is starting to make me feel like one of Those People who trot around town to every doctor. “Is there anyone in Seattle who has not had their hand in my vagina? YOU? I’ll see you next Tuesday.”

And so I went, referred off to a good women’s clinic that also does lipo, apparently, because I think all small medical people have a sideline in something cosmetic now. It was fine though. There was no surprise fat suctioning. I had my junk looked in YET again.

“Okay,” the nice doctor said. “I know everyone has prodded you and looked at you, and I’m sorry to say I’m going to hurt you again.”

“Alright,” I said, resigned.


“Hmm, looks like you’re ovulating,” she observed.

“ALREADY? Oh goody.”

Though I did not have SURPRISE! FAT SUCKS! I did, however, have a man take a romantic stroll around the lake, AKA, rootling around with vagina ultrasound wand! WOW! The things you can see in there.

“Are you doing okay with this pressure?” he asked me. Feet in stirrups, groovy, cool, FML, etc, a man I just met 5 minutes ago is attacking me with something that is like a cross between a plumber’s snake and a Sonicare, awesome, rad.

“Yes, it’s fine,” I said. “Have you found my keys yet?”

The nurse lost her shit. “I’ve never heard THAT one,” she said, once she stopped laughing.

The diagnosis was: ANGRY UTERUS. Angry uterus with sad abrasions all over it. No wonder I was having pain pretty regularly. Also, the rest of my junk was kind of generically inflamed and I was running low grade fevers, so the doctor gave me a round of antibiotics, which I have not taken in years.

“So, this may give you a massive yeast infection,” she said, handing me the script. “Here’s a coupon for some medicine for that.”

“Ten dollars off! Zoinks, I wonder how expensive it is?” I said.

“Come back if you’re still having problems,” she said.

“Maybe I can come back and you can install a Barbie crotch,” I replied.

The doctor’s jaw dropped, but I was very popular with the nurse that day.

And that’s it. Now I am practicing pantslessness, gobbling acidophilus and changing my underpants 7 times a day when I do have to wear pants. I feel better! I think this is about over unless my transmission suddenly falls out or something. DUN DUN DUN melodrama.

Monkeychow out!

Hang the Sign Upon the Door

Man, I’d like to be the filling in that sandwich. I didn’t realize how flowery the lyrics are…just to pull this out of my ass, I tend to think that’s the influence of Prince, who was really at his peak at this time. I mean, even “Darling Nikki” takes place in a castle (wut). I like Prince’s style. If I met someone masturbating in a hotel lobby to porn* I’m not sure what I would do. Probably take a picture. Or steal the magazine. What are they going to do? Are you going to chase someone when you’re in fap mode? Well, not anyone I know would.

ANYWAY, looks like a thrilling weekend of tomato planting ahead of me. I’m also trying to finagle the cat door situation, because there are TOO MANY CATS ON THE DANCEFLOOR. I found a steaming present in front of the closed patio door yesterday. I have four litter boxes that I scoop daily and change regularly. I take this as a sign. ADDITIONALLY tonight I am volunteering at the trans film fest. I have also got to get down to the library to find a font book that’s reference only, so don’t hide it, okay? Busy weekend ahoy.

Franny, taquito, Strudel.

In other news, I held a list in my head yesterday, all day. I remembered names and details. I am going to be doing less nodding and agreeing from now on, so look out. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week (not the baby kind) because somethin ain’t right in there. HOW MANY HANDS WILL I HAVE IN MY VAGINA BY THE END OF THE MONTH? My guess is “too many, and not the right ones.”

*Unspecified. She could have been ‘batin to “Guns and Ammo” I suppose.

Today Is The First Day of The Rest of Your Vagina

I don’t want to make this into a Mirena recovery blog, since A. I prefer to think of this as a life-recovery blog and B. there are some out there already (similar URLs, different blogs). I have to say, though, I’ve had a couple of triumphs in the past few days already.

The first two days involved torrential, non-stop peeing, every five minutes if I was allowed, accompanied by night sweats. My body was flushing itself really quickly and efficiently. I decided to step up my water consumption to make sure I didn’t get dried out. Lucky me, I had also scheduled a massage in my ongoing attempt not to feel a thousand years old. I allowed someone I know well to check me over (teeth, hoof, VIN, udders, etc.) and the conclusion was, yes, I had lost a couple of pounds already, at least. My arms were less puffy. My everything is less puffy. I had a similar feeling to after you first give birth and your body does a huge chemical/hormone dump, except without the residual bobsled-through-babycannon pain.

Also, my right hand! It does not hurt! For the first time in a couple of years! Recently I was completely “losing” my right hand while trying to sleep, type, and while sitting in particular positions (like on an airplane). My toes started going numb as well. I did yoga today and did not have hand/wrist pain in downward dog for the first time in years.

I have also lost the urge to snack and drink at night. I think I’ll still enjoy cocktails and whatnot whenever I damn feel like, but I had an almost-nightly jones for chips, candy, or wine, anything that was going to give me a large hit of calories before bed. I was drinking a lot of alcohol, and have been for the past three years (especially in that first year), and immediately I feel like my old self, not starving after dinner, and not jonesing for one more cookie/glass of wine/etc. I was never really worried about my alcohol intake and cravings in and of itself, but I did note that it was part of my overall calorie and sugar fiending and overeating.

Probably the most important thing, though, is that the symptom known as “brain fog” is lifting, quickly. My brain is racing along, but it’s happy, instead of anxious, as I often was for a long time. I can sort out complexity again and my focus is improving. I completed about an inch of court paperwork today, which took me two hours. I imagine a few months or a year ago I would not have even attempted it. I got hit really hard yesterday with an “attack” of brain fog where I felt weighed down, slow, drugged, like someone had thrown a hot damp blanket over me, so I felt a sharp contrast between that and “normal.” I elected to take a nap and sleep it off.

I’m not irritable, not grinding my jaw, and not reminding myself to be patient, patient, calm, and not snap at the girls. I can hold lists in my head again like I used to. I feel mentally neutral, if, admittedly, a little giddy from feeling my proper age, fitness level, and actual smartyness.

The thing that is killing me about all of this is people who are coming to realizations like I did about their Mirena and look back at what it did to their lives. Too many times on message boards I have read “I am on the verge of divorce” or “my relationship ended around this time.” It’s really sad. I feel bad, too, for the little people who do not have the choice to get away from their Mr. Hyde mothers.

I’m going to see my NP this week about lingering pelvic pain. I’ll be interested to hear what she has to say in contrast with the doctor who removed it.

Anyway, I think this is all I have to say about this for now. I anticipate that the crash may be coming as the last of the synthetic hormone leaves my system and my body readjusts its levels. I’m also sure there’s a ways for me to go over the next few weeks and months. I may look into some kind of “detoxing” program with vitamins or supplements (nothing extreme) and I will continue exercising and trying to get enough sleep. I’m really happy I got it out. So that’s how I’m doing.


I probably should have just told the doctor I was having more babbys, since he wasn’t really buying the whole “I have had most side effects from this thing.” Well, he took it out anyway.

Cave Canem! Mitten Fugit!

Things I learned this weekend.

First, the good news.

1. I am less afraid of dogs than I used to be. I went to a bar to meet Trixie Biltmore, draweress extraordinaire, and there were DOGS DOGS DOGS. At one point I was in an actual sea of dogs, being bumped and buffered from all sides by them. I knew what I was getting into, and it was really okay. And Trixie is VERY funny and nice and it was a blast. I feel so lucky to be able to meet people via the internet, because while I luck into certain people at parties or whatnot, I think I might have been very lonely at certain points without my digital tentacles.

2. Renewal.
Earlier I was talking to a friend about how spring is for renewal, like babies and flowers and weddings and crap. Portland was GORGEOUS. Sunny, warm, flowers puking out of every container and every empty patch of dirt. Somehow seeing all that and thinking about death and loss compounds the unfairness and the awfulness of it all. Renewal, I guess, is not just creation. Sometimes it’s what life feels like after you leave someone behind.

3. When your ex-spouse dies, you need to sack up and remember that your child’s parent has died, and you (and I will) need to deal with that child accordingly. That’s all I’m going to say about this.


I’m getting my IUD out tomorrow. I am thinking really, really hard about the IUD. I got the Mirena, which has the hormone as well as the baby scraper or whatever. Technically it’s early to have it out, but I’m just done with it. The one benefit was that it completely disappeared my cycle for a while–no PMS, no bleeding, in addition to no babies. Now I am having monthly cramps and pain again and have been having breakthrough bleeding, so there goes that benefit.

I was thinking about going round two with it, and have been reading about other people’s experiences with it, and I’ve been getting this creeping feeling of unease that I’ve been dealing with the side effects as well. I’m kind of a fucking moron when it comes to medical stuff. I have a really high pain tolerance and I just don’t notice things. When I was first pregnant with Strudel, my midwives tested me and told me I was anemic and had a UTI, and I had no idea about either. This means that I can just stop digging trenches or whatever and crank babies out at home, but sometimes I worry my first sign I’ll have that something is wrong will be when my leg falls off or something.

So I got the IUD installed in February of 2008, and then I had this crash in March that dragged on and turned into an unexplained depression that culminated in me breaking up with Strudel’s dad. I keep thinking about that. Did my IUD make me so crazy that I broke up with my babydaddy?

I felt TERRIBLE. Terrible, like, I am embarrassed to tell you how bad I felt and how awful my thoughts were. I got into therapy and took a lot of GABA and ran A LOT and kind of crept along until I started to feel better after about a year. Now I am reading stories about hormone changes, depression, suicidal thoughts, all related to this IUD, and how it ceases when it comes out. I became afraid of dogs around this time as well, which, who the fuck knows. I also gained about 15 pounds that never really came off, even when I was running 5Ks and whatnot.

It makes me wonder. I don’t have a history of chronic depression. Any depression I’ve experienced in the past has been situational. I really liked my life when I got it in–nothing was happening that would have triggered a year of depression. I’m really interested to see what will happen. I’m going to try to overcome my inherent medical dumbassery and really pay close attention this time. Do I need to be more tough? Less tough? I don’t know.

I hope they let me keep the IUD. I think it’s crying out to be a necklace.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one

Off to Portland for the weekend…it’s not happy. Strudel’s grandfather died very suddenly. He was just here two weeks ago taking care of the girls and I am so happy for that. The skipping record theme of my life is that family is what you make of it, or unmake of it, I guess. We’re going to be with his partner of ten years, who was never a mother but has become a grandmother-type for the girls. It makes me boggle a little that of all blood relatives in Portland the person we want to cleave to right now is an “unrelated” person, but nevertheless a person we have spent many happy hours with, and whose house we’ve spent weekends at. The girls are looking forward to seeing her.

The number of people who I have loved but am not actually related to certainly surpasses my actual blood relatives who I love. (Do my children count? I made them.)

I guess I am a big raw wound this week. I am also mentally willing P.’s brother to CALL HIM BACK ALREADY. Please don’t let the living dangle.

Strudel DESTROYING her grandfather at Uno last August.

Hey Seattle Chicken Ranchers

I’m thinking about ordering sexed chicks from the hatchery again next spring, in such a quantity that they would not include ROOSTERS FOR WARMTH. With the new in-town limit being eight, I think it should be easy to get a group together for a small bocky co-op.

I had good luck with Ideal this year and they have an extensive catalogue, so a person could hand pick whatever pullets they want. What this would look like is that I would place the order for mid-February or early March, and contact you when they come in and you could pick them up, and I would charge some flat fee like $4 per, to spread out shipping and taxes. I’m NOT looking to make money, just to spread some chicken fabulousness.

An advantage here is that you don’t have to drive way out to one of the feed stores. Another problem with the feed stores is that they often order straight run chooks so it’s good luck Chuck with what you get. I got zero roosters from the sexed pullets I hand picked this year.

Let me know if you might be interested in a small amount of co-op’d chicks, anywhere from 1-8 for next spring. You’re not committing to anything and I won’t email you later. I’m just gauging interest. If people seem interested, I will put a call out in January and we can email. I’m certain regular locals have sussed this, but I’m centrally located and north of downtown. Feel free to tell a friend.

HEAD DESK Head desk head deeesk

I am in the process of watching Franny’s dad not listen to or consult with her, and it is twisting me. He’s telling me he’s going to take her to see my mother on Friday. She doesn’t want to go. I’m not opposed to her having a functional, respectful relationship with her father. I don’t really understand the idea of him forcing her to see people she doesn’t want to see who no one else in her family sees either. He got really mad when I told him she’s an alcoholic. Being confronted with other people’s habits or problems can be like looking into a mirror. I have experienced this myself in other ways.

I don’t have much to say about this. I think I just need to express my disbelief that it’s happening again. It happened for spring break. He emails me, tell me what’s going to happen as if he is asking my permission. It’s contrary to whatever she wants. I feel like he wants collusion, but I cannot sell her out like that. I feel cheap, man! Like I could say yes to something and not know they’ve already talked about it and she’s expressed her opinion. She’s old enough to decide where she wants to spend her spring break. I’m not going to tell him how to parent her, either.

Being her advocate is exhausting and never-ending…and totally what I signed up for. However, sometimes I can relate to this asshole.