Dear MF Diary

Dear Stupid Internet Diary,

This weekend was both wet and eventful. It was not wet and eventful in a Dear Penthouse Fantasy Forum way, it was more like a sixty-five degrees and pouring and still doing stuff kind of way.

Now my coop has a sign, so lost chickens will not be confused.


“Which one’s this then, I thart the Donkey’s Head was round here?”

“Nar, nar, this be Chook’s Respite. Donkey’s Head is two blocks yonder.”

So now you can rest content knowing that chickens talk like bad English movie peasants.

I like the sign, but I think it needs Moar Glitter. I will work on this. In theory, it’s supposed to stop raining here in August. I’m sure my corpse will appreciate the beam of light shed on it as it swings from the rafters as I give up on July 29th. Hey, that’s not funny. Suicide, serious business. I have to get out of here before I get MS or something.

I went to the Fremont Sunday Market and I met this nice woman who makes really badass jewelry, sometimes out of exploded vintage pieces. This is nice, because some old stuff can be too much as one piece, but if you take part of a piece and add it in with something pretty, like new beads, it gets way cool. I am going to pick up a piece next Sunday.

Then when I came home, a spider nest had exploded by my front door.


They were huddling in a ball, because it is too cold to live.

I leave you with this nice song about cheese

Interview with Strudelpire.

AHA! I forgot one more. I took the little chicks out on Sunday too, but it was so chilly they just crouched next to me, so I had to carry them back in. You could say it was not their bag. Ho ho.


Dear MF Diary: October Redux

Dear MF Diary,

October was like WHOA! And also like bam! and biff! and socko! But there were some fun parts, too. It’s weird how you can have fun in a month and still be glad it’s over. I turned thirty last month, did I tell you? It was nice. I forgot to take pictures. I drank something like three scotches and when I woke up the next morning I had Smoky Pee Effect. That’s alarming, mkay? I think I want to drop back down to the 100-level courses in pee altering, which just involves asparagus and B vitamins.


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More Asshole Than Is Strictly Necessary or Appropriate

Devil horns!


Did I mention I am excited to have my camera’s battery working again? Yes? Sorry.

Last weekend, Frannie and I made Mexican sugar skulls, partly for fun, and partly to present to her class and let them decorate their own. Though I don’t personally identify with the culture, The Day of the Dead is an interest of mine and it was fun to go in and speak to the kids about it. I was kind of surprised how many kids had heard about it already, but maybe when I asked them they just raised their hands like lemmings. I don’t know.


The wee skulls dry out after molding.


Franny liked working with the moist sugar. It feels like very fine sand without all that gross nature stuff like kelp and crab claws.



Here is a big skull that we did for home.


Here are some of the kids’ skulls after they finished. I think it was pretty successful. The royal icing got everywhere and dries like cement, and when I asked Franny’s teacher if I could ever some back she just laughed. Hmm…

I was going to wear my devil horns out tonight, but I think I’ll be dignified for once and let the kids have their fun. I will just go as my normal self.

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Halloween for Jerks; PS, O HAI, I’m Going To Hell

i has a marriage

Haay Halloweeners.

I am taking the kids out tonight after presenting on the Day of the Dead in Franny’s class this afternoon. Pancreas damage, ho. It is a busy day…people to dinner and such. But I guarantee that there will be an assload of MF Diary style pics really soon.

ALSO. Tomorrow kicks off the beginning of the Second Annual NaChoPoMo! I am going to work up some new graphics and I was thinking about designing t-shirts that I will sell for cost and shipping. Would anyone even want a NaChoPoMo shirt? I dunno. And I am not going that Cafe Press route either. Stupid lady sizes fit on my LEG.

ALSO part two. Babydaddy got a third interview for a major local company and it will be PERMANENT and with BENEFITS. And it is his BIRTHDAY, today. He can’t remember how old he is, but I love him anyway.

ALSO part seventy-eight. I am getting a essay published in a book for charity. With my friend! I wrote for a good cause. What is this world coming to, when I am using my powers for good?

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Oh Saint Dymphna Pray For Jerks; Plus-Two Stench Damage

You know what’s good for a case of the “mlehs?” Finishing some shit you’ve been putting off. I saw a recipe for making a vintage medicine cabinet into a jewelry cabinet with velvet lining and painted whichever way you want, which is fine, but everyone knows the best color to paint something is gold, like chicken planters, my bed, and my old living room with the red walls and gold trim.

I put it aside at the end of the summer because I borked some of the lining process and got all grumpity. But my friend was here yesterday with her knitting, and it inspired me to get it out. After hours of searching, my tired unorganized ass found my glue gun, and I fixed the lining and glued some Catholic religious medals that I scored at the Fremont Market to the front, around the mirror. Today we went down to Pike Place and I got about 50 milagros, and I glued those in the places where the religious medals weren’t. It is viva la Mexico ftw.

I even got a boobies milagro. I have never seen one of those.

“They are for warding off breast cancer, or for breast health,” the woman at the store said.

“Or maybe for fighting gravity,” I said.

I took pictures of the cabinet in progress all summer, and they are scattered through my photo folders. I want to take a picture of my finished cabinet, and make a gallery out of it. BUT, I have somehow lost my battery charger, so I am saving my last bit of juice for like when the aliens come. I will pick up a new charger soon.

You know what’s even better than hot glue gun burns? Do you? Freaking out and waving your hand around and having the glue dry on your burn. Now I have a blister under a glue glob. It’s like Science under Glass. Is my finger going to fall off? I hope not. It’s my special finger I reserve for choad poking.

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Friday Bloop

Today on Blogher: Britney: Unfitney? Or Misunderstoodney?

OH YES I DID just do that to the English language. I am shameless.

Tonight we are nicking off for drinks with fun people, and then finally out to dinner at this Spanish restaurant I have been wanting to peep forever. Maybe…if I can get reservations.

Companion is 1) re-upped, finally, and 2) he is going for some mushroom pickery this weekend. I predict chanterelle risotto in my future. Also, I am taking a mushroom pickery class in a couple of weeks called Mushroom 101: How Not to Poison everyone You’ve Ever Loved. Can’t wait!

Well, someone’s happy it’s Friday.

“Wot’s Friday?” she says.

Verruh Important Developments, Except Not At All

1. Strudel went to her open house at her new school, which is of course her sister’s old and current school. She did great. She was very, very Peace the Spork Out, Mom (to quote Trent) and merrily be-puzzled and played with the farm set and ooohed at the fish. Somehow I got myself first on the list to take Beloved Classroom Hamster in case the state says they can’t keep it.

The state also has an issue with the fact the school has no playground equipment. They have a beautiful park across the street with ACTUAL CLIMBING TREES and grass and stuff, which leads to imagination games, etc, and this does not meet the state’s criteria because there is no plastic crap for the kids to meet the state’s checklist of what kids must do on playgrounds. It sounds like the state wants their school to be like all the other schools because the philosophy doesn’t fit into a box. It’s not like we’re talking piles of broken glass here.

One of my bosses wants to meet with me on her first first real day at school, and the extremely selfish part of me is going NOOOOO! because I’m pretty sure that on your youngest child’s first day of school you are supposed to be face down in an opium den, chokin on your vomit, whilst receiving a camouflage ass massage. IT’S IN THE FLIPPIN HANDBOOK. AH NO MAH RIGHTS.

2. Speaking of school, I forgot to tell you that when I saw SeaFed on Saturday, you know, when I did that Harry Potter Conspiracy jam? we talked about school a bit and he was very “school starts next week BWAH?” and I was like, “R U getting the mailingz? The mailingz, let me show you them?” He should have seen it; I even had Impact 726 pt. scrollin’ across my boobs, but no. He said, “Verily I hath such maylings, but ye townnes donkey-ledde postule carte hath been travethes slowlee af late.” And I was all, “WHUT? DO NOT WANT.”

It’s like we’re speaking a different language or something! EL-OH-EL!


3. So, today, for a happy flippin’ Friday, one of my friends invited me to make farm rounds with her. She gets to drive to farms as part of her job. So I will take some pictures of hott uncensored sheep and shit, because you know how we roll up in the Rancho Asshole.

4. Also, now that it is Ye Olde New Autumn, I am enjoying Murchie‘s autumn chai with a splash of cream. Yum YUM YUM! I am not usually a slave to the oppressive Seasonal Beverage Regime (well, okay, I don’t drink eggnog in June), but this is working out so well. It’s like they planned it that way, or something.

5. I am up at BlogHer today, writing a post about Hello Kitty. If you read only one hyperbole-laden, LIFE-CHANGING/AFFIRMING writing by I, Asshole this year, for the Love of Oprah’s Left Titty please make it this one.

6. Finally, I am going to deal with my shoe/skirt quiz later today and reveal what all the nonsense was about.


So later…the results of the quiz, and what it means for your commute! Next on Fuuuchs!

Back By “Popular” “Demand”: Dear MF Diary!

Okay, so the demand was from one person. But I knew he wouldn’t let me rest until I made one.


This weekend was highly domestical with a chance of naps. Last night we unleashed the naked feral dwarf by taking the bars off her little prison-home, turning it into a “junior” bed. Result: she was up at four and bouncing on our heads. We kept booting her back to her room, urging her to turn her lamp on and read a book. It’s going to take some training. A lot of training. And possibly a cattle prod or some kind of fence.

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DID YOU KNOW That They Sell Red Boo in an EIGHT PACK? Me Neither!

Do you ever have that thing, where you’re like wandering around doing normal stuff like snapping off people’s windshield wipers and you have this little twinge of pain somewhere, and you have it all day long, and you think it’s just a tag or a seam. And you get home and you start beating off to Snape/Mrs. Norris slash or whatever, and then you realize you’ve had this GINORMOUS zit in your butt crack all day? Or some crack. And you’re all, “My god, that’s been festering for DAYS, clearly! Where have I been? I can’t pop it now, it’s like it has its own zip code!”

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So We’ve Reached The Lipnicki Stage, I See.

This morning I was making some special cornmeal pancakes to give Franny a proper send off to Babydaddyport.

“I am really sad, I mean supersad that I have to go back to my dad’s today. I wish I could stay with you for one million years.”

“Yeah, honey, I’m really….”

“DID YOU KNOW, that astronauts in space have to DRINK their own PEE? I mean, they filter it, and they say it’s not yellow anymore, but you would KNOW you were drinking pee.”

“Yeah, I think I’ve….”

“I feel like I’m going to cry. And then I feel SO HAPPY again,” she said.

“I know.”

“Do you like making people laugh, Mom? You do, right? I can tell.”

“Yes. It’s my favorite thing.”

“Hmm,” she said.


“Oh, I was thinking something, but now I’m just watching Strudel fuck up the wall with her rocker.”

I love this fucking kid. If she was a snack, I would eat all of her without sharing.

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